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Nanavati Report


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Nanavati Report – the silence is deafening!

Sunday 22nd May, 2005

Vikramjit Singh - Guest Columnist


The Budget session of the Indian Parliament has come and gone and the Indian Government has gone back on its promise of releasing the Nanavati Commission Report on the 1984 Genocide. Now the Government says that the Report will be tabled during the Monsoon session. The Government has sought refuge in the clause that gives it six months, from the submission of the Report to the Government, to table such a Report in Parliament. The buffer of six months was for some other reason but the Indian Government is misusing this clause to delay tabling of the Report.

There are rumors that the Government is planning to release only 200 hundred pages of the Report. The other part, which should be the damaging part, will be kept under wraps on some security excuse. Recently the Government has trashed the Phukan Commission Report and this could be a prequel for the Nanavati Report.

To highlight the games the Government is playing is the fact that the Interim Report of the Godhra riots was released the very same day it was submitted to the Government. That is because in this Report the Government had political mileage to gain whereas the Nanavati Commission Report is a liability for the Congress.

More than two decades have elapsed and the riots affected await justice. In comparison the Gandhi family got justice in no time as Shaheed Satwant Singh and Shaheed Kehar Singh were hanged within 36 months.

But, today we have to look beyond the Nanavati Report. Justice Nanavati has commented that he has recommended re-opening of cases against certain Congress leaders. Re-opening cases after so many years would serve no purpose. This is a classical case of Justice being delayed and buried! However, law will take its course and we will have to wait and watch.

If nothing else Congress could have at least politically punished people like Sajjan Kumar and Tytler. But rather than punishing them both were given nominations for the Lok Sabha elections and Tytler today is a Minister in the present Government. After all public perception should be given some credence and Congress is doing just this when it comes to Modi.

Someone has suggested that we go for the South African type of Truth Commission. But, in the South African case the affected were in power and there was a quest to uncover the truth. In India’s case Congress would do everything to keep things under wraps and in the bargain also get amnesty for the perpetrators of this heinous crime.

What is surprising is that the Indian Government has the gall to question the Canadian Investigation and Judicious system in the Kanishka matter.

Congressmen say that Congress has apologized for the riots. Well if Satwant Singh had apologized for the assassination of Mrs. Gandhi would the Courts have reversed his death sentence? Leave that, would Congress have forgiven him?

NDTV carried a news item in which they re-visited the riots affected areas. They showed an elderly Sikh saying that he lost four of his sons in the 1984 genocide. But, he said he had Faith in Waheguru that he will get justice. This is the beauty of Sikhism after loosing four sons, after seeing the literal burial of Justice still this Sikh has Faith that his Guru will not let him down!

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