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Your choice of thoughts

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Your choice of thoughts

When you are discouraged, you could choose to fill your mind with negative, limiting thoughts that will deepen and intensify your discouragement. Or you can use your thoughts to break free of that discouragement.

Your thoughts have incredible power because they determine how you see yourself and your situation. And your thoughts, powerful as they can be, are yours to choose.

By wisely choosing your own thoughts, you can find new positive energy even when you have previously been overwhelmed with weariness. With your choice of thoughts, the difficult, challenging situations can be transformed into grand opportunities.

Turn your thoughts around, and you can indeed turn your life around. Put positive power into your thoughts, and that power will spread to the world around you.

What you think of yourself and your world has an enormous impact on how you relate to and deal with life. And you can, in an instant, choose any thought you wish.

In this and every moment, choose the thoughts that will get you up and point you forward. Then live out the fulfillment and abundance as you surely bring those thoughts to life.

-- Ralph Marston

source: greatday.com

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