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Allow the Atma to shine forth !

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Man has made tremendous progress in science and technology. But, in the field of spirituality, he is still unable to rid himself of narrow cynicism, limited outlook, and the demonic hold of selfishness, pride, envy and other evil traits. When we examine the basic cause for this state of affairs, we discover that it is the consequence of egoism that has struck deep roots in the heart of man. It has reduced man to the status of a puppet. It pollutes his thoughts, words and deeds. It directs him to gather and hoard material riches. It does not allow the Atma (Self) to shine forth. When the veil of egoism is set aside, the Atma is revealed, Wisdom dawns and Bliss results.

source: email from friend !

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  • 9 years later...

This is great reminder, we are blocking the way with shield on, we do all kinds of struggles in spirituality with a shield on-ego shield on, give away to atma and let it have its way, be present, say yes to present way, accept to whatever divine will has to offer and give away. When there is less of us-ego/me in center being then there can be more place for atma and more place for real self atma to shine forth. Right now our center being - hirda is been hijacked by our ego..realize it try to surrender to inner satguru/atma all will be well.

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Man has made tremendous progress in science and technology. But, in the field of spirituality, he is still unable to rid himself of narrow cynicism, limited outlook, and the demonic hold of selfishness, pride, envy and other evil traits. When we examine the basic cause for this state of affairs, we discover that it is the consequence of egoism that has struck deep roots in the heart of man. It has reduced man to the status of a puppet. It pollutes his thoughts, words and deeds. It directs him to gather and hoard material riches. It does not allow the Atma (Self) to shine forth. When the veil of egoism is set aside, the Atma is revealed, Wisdom dawns and Bliss results.

source: email from friend !

Brother it is true what you say.

But see the sitaution as it is.

The soul is imprisoned by the mind, and the soul behind the bars can not fight or defeat the mind, which is out of the jail and keeping his attention at all times on the soul, so that it may not do any such thing to escape from its clutches, which is quite impossible just like that.

For that purpose, the soul is given a golden chance in human form to free itself for once and ever.

The soul needs the help of a mighty friend. And that friend is such a marvelous being, that He has hidden Himself within each one of us, He is invisible even to the sight of that paapee mind. So that in times of our need of Him, the mind may not stop Him to come and rescue us.

For that purpose, we need only to call Him. He is not far at all, as said before, He is right with us , within us.

So what is that calling Him?

It is nothing that hard or difficult, it is just repeating His sweet Naam.

This is when the Bani says: Bah pakar kar Guru kadeeya.

Rishis, munis, tapasvees, gods have fallen even after strenous efforts in thousands of years.

But when we take shelter at His Lotus Feet through His Simran, He just comes and pulls us away, from this part of the perishable creation, to the realm of eternity and bliss, Sach Khand.

Sat Sree Akal.

Edited by harsharan000
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Man has made tremendous progress in science and technology. But, in the field of spirituality, he is still unable to rid himself of narrow cynicism, limited outlook, and the demonic hold of selfishness, pride, envy and other evil traits. When we examine the basic cause for this state of affairs, we discover that it is the consequence of egoism that has struck deep roots in the heart of man. It has reduced man to the status of a puppet. It pollutes his thoughts, words and deeds. It directs him to gather and hoard material riches. It does not allow the Atma (Self) to shine forth. When the veil of egoism is set aside, the Atma is revealed, Wisdom dawns and Bliss results.

source: email from friend !

Can the ego here be replace with "desire" which is more practical? It is due to one's desire to live or survival that cause the consequences thus become enslaved to or with it.

N30 JEE , isn't your view above is in contradict with your message you post by Nisargadatta .When i look inside and see i m nothing (pure awareness without any content-empty), that is wisdom but when i look out and see i am everything (same non dual awareness in all) that's love and between two my life flows.- Nisargadatta

Nisargadatta sole emphasis is on "I AM"/ "SO HUM" as a centre by placing more on atam/Self to shine forth. Thus the us here is "I am"which place in centre to bring us to our Self.

anyway I stand to be corrected as i am new on Nisargadatta's "I am".

Edited by gdskler
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