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the compassion in todays world

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okay consider this scenario

a child experiences great pain and a lot of tradedy has happened he goes to someone for help.. the person says its all in the will of god... isnt this a little hurtful 2 say?

after all we all know:

if u go 2 a philosopher for help he will give you the answer in philosophy

if you go to a scientist for help he will give you the most logical explanation

if you go to a religious guy he will give you the answer from his religion

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if u go 2 a philosopher for help he will give you the answer in philosophy

if you go to a scientist for help he will give you the most logical explanation

if you go to a religious guy he will give you the answer from his religion

even you got different people with different ways of dealing with things. One thing common between is that they all providing HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One should take help by looking at which category they fit into.

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Ok, here's a quick story... (a true, true story... after witnessing this, the child in this story went on to translate Anand Sarovar in English - 40+ years later!)...

So... on a routine visit to Nanaksar, Bhagat Singhs parents (i forget their names) started listening to a Diwan of Baba Isher Singh Ji Maharaj (Nanaksar Wale!)... Anyhow... at the end of the Diwan and while in conversation with Babaji, out of the blue, he asked them to leave their child with him at Nanaksar... he basically said, "dont even worry about school, thats not important... leave him with me, and he'll learn... school tau kee lehnah"...

The parents of the child were astonished, since Babaji told them that school wasn't important, and this child was excelling way ahead of his class in everything from math to science to sport to literature... they were really confused, but left their feelings within and agreed to Babaji's hukam... since they had no doubt about the power of his holiness!

So... a few days went by while the child was at Nanaksar and his mother and father were at home... and then one day out of the blue, she woke up half way through the night shivering and startled since she had the most frightening nightmare... she had a vision in her sleep that her only child (Bhagat) had been bitten by a Cobra...

Understandably she couldnt think straight until she witnessed that her son was still alive and healthy... so, first thing that morning, off they went to Nanaksar... upon seeing (darshan) of Babaji, he stared at them directly... he asked them in a harsh tone "why have you left him (their son!) here, what do we need from him? he's free to go with you"... and they NEVER mentioned the dream which the mother had...

I know SANGAT, i haven't done this story justice at all... it's really powerful when you hear it from someone else... but basically, they followed a hukam which was heaven-sent without a second thought, so their child survived... if they didnt agree to what Babaji said I (and everyone there - including the parents and the child) have no doubt that the child wouldn't have been here today to translate the book which is changing my life... another indirect Sakhi which is affecting me directly...

I hope this answers the question... just roll with Gods will... he wont do you wrong... after the HOUSTON Gurdwara was spared from Hurricane Rita... a member of the Gurdwara (who was a sevik/sangat of BabaJi) recalled one of Babaji's bachans... he recalled how Babaji said that "if your most sincere prayers dont come true, how can GOD expect your faith to grow"... like many have already stated, there was little doubt that the Hurricane would hit Houston once Gurdev Ji said it wouldn't... because someone with as much prayer and sewa has him, usually have a better understanding of the big picture...

You digs, sorry for the long story and if it didnt make sense... but I hope it answers the question (be it directly or indirectly!)

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