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Our acts of generosity, as we can readily see, often result in deep satisfaction: bringing joy to another brings us the joy of a more open, magnanimous, peaceful and loving heart. Whether we give a material gift or our time, our friendship or our prayers, respect or courtesy, emotional support or some other kindness, it strengthens our spirit. The more genuine and selfless the giving, the more profound is its effect.

When a person in need asks us for help, the giving can be more difficult but more important than when we initiate the giving. Is the need genuine? Should we respond in the requested manner? Do we have the means to help? Can we afford to help? Such considerations wield a two-edged sword. The questions may be real, but their consideration can easily be infected by our self-centeredness. Being asked for help provides an opportunity to see and understand ourselves in an unexpected way. We work to notice how and why we respond as we do.

Giving expresses the deep truth of connection and unity. Giving purifies our heart, weakening our egoism. But much more importantly, giving helps others and brings them at least momentary happiness. Selflessness does not consider our own benefit as the giver and has no expectation or motive of personal reward. Selfless giving is not about return on investment.

For this week, notice your attitudes, thoughts, emotions, and intentions with regard to giving.

Source: http://www.innerfrontier.org/InnerWork/Arc...1219_Giving.htm

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