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"It is important that you are aware of what you are expressing. If you do not know what your energy is, and if you are unaware of how you are projecting it, how can you manipulate it intentionally to create what you want? You do create every minute and every expression and every other individual within your reality. You are not always happy with all of what you are creating, but you are choosing it.

Being aware of how you are expressing energy changes what occurs around you, for you ARE creating your reality. Therefore, being aware of how YOU are expressing energy creates different responses.

It also can quite strongly alter your perception in many different manners. As perception is the mechanism that actually creates your physical reality, altering perception alters reality - altering actual PHYSICAL reality - and you quite definitely do incorporate the ability to generate this."

- Elias

“Your perception is how you view yourself, how you view your world, how you interact with your world, how you interact with yourself, with each other, and HOW YOU CREATE YOUR REALITY.

You create your reality through your perception. Perception is not visual seeing. Perception is not limited to your thought process. It is not limited to emotion. It is all-encompassing, and that element of yourself that you do not identify as a thing, for it is not your body and it is not your brain.

It is that element of yourself that creates your reality, that places you in the awareness of reality within this physical dimension. It is your awareness, your objective awareness.â€

- Elias

".... you may move your perception, and you may approach this particular aspect in a different angle of your perception, and you may allow yourself to view this aspect in a different manner.

In this, you may allow yourself to view the beneficial element of this aspect. This offers you the opportunity to view that there are more than one avenue of approaching each aspect of your beliefs, and each avenue that you approach through offers a difference in perception."


“I have stressed many times, from the onset of our sessions, the importance of interaction. The reason this interaction holds importance is to allow you alternate perceptions.

Within our time that we have been engaged together, you have offered yourselves many examples of altering perceptions. You draw upon these experiences many times, but you continue to not make the connection!"

You continue to view the difficulty in shifting perception. You think, within your objective self, that you must incorporate a method, or you think there must be a process, or you think it shall be very difficult to shift. I have expressed many times to you, there is no difficulty within shifting. You need only perceive differently.

If you are needing of a method to be perceiving differently, this too has been offered, within this company and these sessions – interaction with each other – for each of you holds individual perceptions.

In this, you offer each other alterations in perception. You may hold a belief system and your perception will follow this belief system, but as you have agreed to be widening, if you are incorporating helpfulness through interaction, you may also be accepting of another’s perception. In this is your method, to allowing yourselves to widen belief systems.â€

- Elias

"If you don't meet resistance with resistance, it dissipates dramatically. It just softens. Try it! Next time somebody says to you, "I'm right, and you're wrong," say, "Pfftt, you're right. You are right. You're right." And mean it. In other words, don't mock them. Don't be sarcastic. "You're right." And then watch how, all of a sudden, their legs almost go right out from under them. They don't have the energy to blast you, because you just took the fuel away from the fire."

Expressed by Abraham-Hicks

Neale: You have said that " what you resist persists, and what you look

at disappears." Can You explain that?

Big G: You cannot resist something to which you grant no reality. The

act of resisting a thing is the act of granting life. When you resist an

energy, you place it there. The more you resist, the more you make it

real- WHATEVER it is you are resisting.

What you open your eyes and look at disappears. That is, IT CEASES TO


If you look at somehing- truly LOOK at it- you will see RIGHT THROUGH

IT, and right through any illusion it holds for you, leaving nohing but

ultimate reality in your sight. In the face of ulimate reality your puny

illusion has no power. It cannot long hold you in its weakened grip. You

see the TRUTH of it, and the truth sets you free.

Never resist ANYTHING. If you think that by your resistance you will

eliminate it, THINK AGAIN. You only plant it more firmly in place.

Taken from Conversations with God, book1, by Neale Donald Walsch (a

heavenly series! )


Q: How do we live more in the now?

ELIAS: Remind yourselves. Practice, and as you practice with your


you allow yourself more acceptance of self. You allow yourselves to


yourselves within the now. You do not create massive conflict in


and you eliminate much of your confusion, and you allow yourselves the


to LISTEN to self and to HEAR self. How shall you be hearing self if

you are

listening to all other elements? Think to yourself of your mirror

images that

you create within physical focus. Every behavior that you create within


focus is some type of mirror action of subjective movement.

Elias/Mary Ennis

Session No. 345



ELIAS: In this, there is one key, and holding this one key is the

element that shall provide you with the objective ability to create

all that you desire.

Now; this one key may appear in your language as very simple, but in

actuality, applying it genuinely within yourselves is another matter

entirely. The key is trusting yourselves and your own abilities,

and knowing — not doubting, knowing — that what you set into


within probabilities you may accomplish, regardless of how very

impossible it may seem.

There is no impossibility, even within your physical focus. You,

if genuinely accepting and trusting yourselves and KNOWING that you

hold the ability to move in whatever direction you choose, may even

move your physical form through objects of physical solid matter.

There is NO element within your focus that you may not be creating.

You merely BELIEVE that you may not be creating.

~ Elias/Mary Ennis

Session No. 345



(Excellent session!)

Abraham (St. Petersburg, FL, March 12, 1994)

The Speed of Conscious Creation


And momentum is what we want you to focus upon. In other words, when

something is moving very fast, it has more power. Now what happens with

most of you is you start and stop and start and stop and start and


If you

can see this energy, this pure stream of non-physical energy, and you

see it flowing to you and you are open and allowing it all of the time,

then it gains a lot of momentum. And with that momentum, powerful


are happening in your experience. But if you allow it and disallow it

and allow it and disallow it and allow it and disallow it then you've

slowed it. In

other words, it's still happening, but it's not happening with the


So the way you are able to monitor all of this is you can literally


by the way you feel. And at the end of the day, if you say, "this was a


day," that's an indicator that you allowed your vortex to be open and a

lot of that Energy was flowing.

Now, there are a couple of things we want to talk to you about. You see

the electricity surging ... you don't see it, but you know or you


that it is there, surging through the walls of this room. But until you

flip a switch or plug something into an outlet, you do not ask for the

electricity. So it's there, you're just not utilizing it.

Well, the same thing with the non-physical current. (The electricity,


the way, is a by-product of this nonphysical current.) You don't

understand it -- you've just learned how to flip switches. So in the

same way -- as you would plug in your toaster or your tape recorder --

by identifying an object of attention and feeling good about it, you've

flipped a switch. So the more you hold those circuits open, then the

more energy flows -- and the more energy flows, the more momentum there

is -- and the more momentum there is, the more power there is and the

more speed there is.

But if you're opening and closing, opening and closing, then you've got

this sort of sporadic sort of stuff -- so it goes good for a while but

then it slows down. And so, you can tell by the way you FEEL whether

you're allowing or disallowing that current.


Abraham on 17 Seconds We encourage you to play with spending 17 seconds on any topic. If you hold any thought, positive or negative, wanted or not wanted, if you hold a thought purely for 17 seconds, that at the 17 second point, another thought just like it joins it. And as these two thoughts coalesce, there is a combustion. And as these two thoughts combust, they are parlayed into one more evolved, faster vibrating thought. And when it happens, you feel it.It feels like heightened interest or enthusiasm. If you hold that, now more evolved, thought for another 17 seconds, then when you cross that 34 second mark, the same thing happens. Another thought like the more evolved thought now joins it, and there's another combustion point. Only this time, it moves much further than it did the first time, because the two thoughts that combined were bigger to begin with. Purely hold a thought for 17 seconds until it combusts and another thought joins it, and the Energy in that combustion is equivalent to 2,000 action hours. If you work a normal 40 hour a week job, that's about what you work in a year. 17 seconds of pure thought, allowing the combustion, gives you that much Energy. Your action is not very important by comparison. Cross the 34 second mark, and you can multiply your action by ten. That's 20,000 action hours. Cross the 51 second mark, and you can multiply by ten again. That's 200,000 action hours. If you can hold a thought, purely, without contradicting it, until you cross the 68 second mark , that's just four times 17 , you can multiply by ten again. That's over 2,000,000 action hour equivalent. We're talking about accessing the Energy that Creates worlds. And the reason that it is not fathomable to most of you is that most of you don't make it past the eight second mark without contradicting your desire. --

"The INTENSITY of a FEELING or THOUGHT or MENTAL IMAGE is, therefore, the important element in determining its Subsequent Physical Materialization. The INTENSITY is the CORE about which the Electromagnetic Energy (EE) units form. In your terms, the more INTENSE the core, the SOONER the Physical Materialization." - Seth Speaks -- Session 525, pg. 66

Don't let any place that you are standing frighten you. All it is, is a byproduct of some Energy alignment, which only gives you stronger clarity about what you want — and, most importantly, greater sensitivity about whether you're in a receiving mode or locked off of it. Abraham-Hicks, 3/24/01

If you knew everything was really all right, and that it *always* has a happy ending, then you would not feel trepidacious about your future. Everything is *really* SO VERY ALL RIGHT! If you could believe and trust that then, immediately, everything would automatically and instantly become all right. - Abraham-Hicks - 04/11/99, Silver Springs, Maryland

Subject: three quotes, 1) Abe on Asking, 2) Seth on Pleas, 3) Sanaya Roman: Open to Receive 1) Abe on Asking (contributed by Teresita from the A H List) ABE: We think the reason you haven't asked for that is because you, like so many people, have forgotten that you get to "ask and it is given". Because you haven't been asking from that framework so you've sort of convinced yourself you can't have what you're asking for, so you've stopped asking. We are here wanting to re-encourage the asking. It's an amazing thing when you ask from this attitude of belief and expectation -- ahhhhh! - - things beyond your wildest description can occur. You get to ask for that. It is alright for you to ask for that and it is all right for you to expect that the Universe will yield that to you, you see. You'll get to hear a lot more about asking. That's what we wanted to emphasize most of all here today, that you get to ask for whatever your life experience has pointed out to you. You get to ask for the perfect mate. You get to ask for the financial resolution. You get to ask for the condition. You get to ask for the improvement. You get to ask for whatever it's all right for you to ask and the universe is eager to yield. It's all right for you to ask. It's ALL RIGHT for you to ask. It's RIGHT for you to ask! It's what your experience is about! The exposure to this contrast gives birth to the desire. It's all right for you to go with that desire. It's all right for you to ask! Don't hold back! Part of it is "I'm afraid to ask because if I don't get what I'm asking for, then I'll really know that I'm evil or bad" or "I'll really know that it isn't that way. I'm afraid to ask for fear that I'll find out that there is something wrong with me." And we say that it's not possible for you to discover that. There is nothing wrong with you! You get to ask and it is always given. And you get to receive what you ask for! That's the way it is supposed to be! You are supposed to get to ask! That's what the whole dynamic is about. Exposure to contrast that makes me clear about what it is that I want. It's all right for me to ask. Ask with clarity and intensity and certainty. Ask as if you are asking someone who has the ability to grant it because the Universe does. And it is getting yourself in that place of receiving that the art of allowing is all about. From the San Francisco Abraham Workshop 3/3/01 http://www.abraham-hicks.com/bio.html


2) Seth on Pleas: "You must believe that when you send out pleas, they are indeed answered, no matter how impersonal the universe may seem at times. You must realize that your personal self grows as naturally out of that universe as, in other terms, any star does, or any flower, or any oak leaf. You are a part of that system. **And when you send out a plea, you do indeed set the universe in motion, so that the plea is answered!** [<-- Seth's emphasis]. And so do you also send help to others, often even when you are not aware of it, as a flower sends out help to someone simply because it is beautiful." ~ Seth -- Conversations with Seth, Vol. 2: The Story of Jane Roberts' ESP Class, by Susan M. Watkins, page 550; all rights reserved.


3) Sanaya Roman: Open to Receive "Many of you need to learn how to receive. Most of you have received less than two percent of the good things your Higher Self can give you. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the other ninety-eight percent coming to you. How does it feel? Do you find yourself opening to receive it, or do you start limiting how much you can let in? Imagine yourself receiving even more, as if you are turning on a faucet and letting even more good flow to you." ~ Sanaya Roman -- "Spiritual Growth," http://www.orindaben.com

This is the Time of Awakening.

This is the time when more physical humans than ever before, in *all* of

created history, will be able to find vibrational alignment with their own

desires - with their own vibrational escrow, in their own time space reality

and begin manifesting right before their eyes that which most previous

generations took 3 or 4 or 5 or 10 generations, before they came to the

place of beginning to allow.

Chicago 5/28/05

There are always those who thrive when masses are dying of sickness. There

are always those who thrive economically when economic decline seems to be

the order of your nation. There are always those who are clear-minded, in

environments of confusion. You do not need everyone or anyone else to align

with your desire-only you need to align with your desire.

Abraham-Hicks, G-3-8-03

There is much value in the diversity of your desires. And as you are

physical beings, experiencing this delicious balance, appreciating the

balance and appreciating the difference, then this intuitive knowing

flows through you, and you find yourself in your never blaming or

resisting but always appreciating and allowing vibration, always

attracting whatever you are wanting whenever you are wanting it. And

everybody else is doing the same thing. So it's this magnificent

dance, you see.

From the Quarterly Journal Jan/Feb/Mar 1996

We want you to feel free. We want you to feel so free, that you can

ignore what anybody else says, and not need to even tell them that

you're ignoring them. What an art that is, to live your own life

and keep yourself happy, and not make waves with them. In other words,

that really is the Art of Allowing.

06/12/04 Boulder, CO

"There is no limit to the nonphysical energy. So there are 2 factors:

How much are you summoning through your desire to know?

And how much are you allowing? And the allowing factor, mostly, not

entirely, has to do with you own self-love.

In other words, when you are really liking you it feels like there

are no limitations to what you can receive!"

Houston, TX 1/13/01 B

Everything that I think that I need to do is all only in order to

propel me to some place that when I get there, I think I will be

happier. So, everything that I am doing, no matter what it is, all of

my lists of rights and wrongs… are all about me getting to a

manifestation that I believe I will then be happier... So, why don't

I take a short cut and just go get happy?

Abraham 5/01/04

Just get happy in any way you can. Do the things that please you most. Spend time with the people that thrill you most. Go to the places where you bask easily. And most of all make a decision that, "Nothing is more important than that I feel good!"

And under those conditions you will be guided with a precision that will knock your socks off. Not just to an area that will receive little disruption, but to an area where you can thrive. To an area where you can find joy. To an area where you will rendezvous with the others you've intended.

Abraham-Hicks tape G-4/17/94

We want you to look at yourself and adore yourself. If you will make this

small effort to appreciate you and what is yours NOW, you will soften, so

quickly, any resistance that has been keeping you apart from the things you want.

It is the magic formula that you've been looking for. It is the key to your

blending. It is the key to your allowing. It is the key to you getting what

you want. It is the key to your abundance, your clarity, and to your stamina.

It is the key to your energy. It is the key to your vitality. It is the key

to your flexibility. It is the key to your wellness. It is the key to all

things that feel good to you.

Make some small effort, every chance you get, at looking at where you stand

NOW and doing your best to soothe and appreciate you NOW, to soothe and

appreciate you NOW….

(from the article NOW, Is Always On the Leading Edge in the April, May,

June 2005 Quarterly Journal.)

Negative emotion is your indication from your Inner Being that the

action you are considering is not in harmony with your greater


- Abraham-Hicks -

If you could see an aerial view of your life, an aerial view, where we

are seeing you, electrically, it's like you are standing here, and

over there is a doorway, and on the other side of the door is lined up

all of these things that you've been wanting. They're just

leaning on

the door, just waiting for you to open it. They've been there

from the

first moment you asked for them: Your lovers, your perfect mates, your

perfect bodies, your perfect bodily conditions, all of the money that

you could ever imagine ... all things that you've ever wanted.


little and big. Things that you would call extraordinary and

significant, and things that you would call not very significant.

Everything that you have ever identified that you wanted is lined up

right outside that door. And in the moment that you open the door, all

things wanted flow to you. And, then we will hold a seminar on how to

deal with the manifestations, with all this stuff that is flowing in.


From the recording G-5-16-00

Let others vibrate as they vibrate and want the best for them.

Never mind how they're flowing to you.

You concentrate on how you're flowing.

Because one who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful,

more influential than a million who are not.

And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream

brings about

a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all

of the Universe.

Phoenix, AZ 3/19/05

Abraham: Jerry & Esther when they first hooked up with us in a

conscious way they were right here in this city and Esther

said "Abraham what do you know that we don't know?" And we said, "How

much time do you have?" *laughter*

And then we said "Get specific about anything, ask us anything, and

utilize us in anyway you can." Get lost we will help you find your

way out, there is no subject off limits, anything you want we are

here to assist you, all day, everyday.

So they were in a grocery store, one day, on their quest for lovely

life. And Jerry said to us "Can you choose foods that are beneficial

to us?" And so we said "Yes, follow us." And we went through the

grocery store filled their cart full of different foods from all

departments. And said "If we were standing in your physical shoes

this is what we would choose." And Jerry said, "What is it about

this food that has caused you to choose it?" And we said, "There are

no preservatives in any of this food." And Jerry was not sure he

believe that because he had not seen us reading any labels. He just

saw us putting things in the basket. And so he read every label only

to discover that none of the food that we had selected had

preservatives in it. How were we able to choose it? Vibrationally.

Another words, all of the food was more alive, none of the food had

been rid of its life qualities by trying to preserve it, by killing

most of what's active within it. In other words if you want your

bread to last you better kill the active ingredients other wise that

bread is going to become moldy just like it is suppose too. And if

you don't want it to do that then you have to put something in it

that destroys it's ability to do that which makes it less alive,

which makes it less beneficial to you. We acknowledge that. And so

we are not for a moment saying to you that there are not foods that

are more a vibrational match to the mechanism that is you, certainly

that is true. But we do not encourage approaching it from the outside

in by making lists of things I should eat. We encourage that you get

in alignment with who you really are and let who you really are

choose your food.

What makes allowing abundance difficult? Awareness of not enough

abundance. You can't have it both ways. You cannot focus upon the

absence of money and let money in. It cannot be. You have to start

finding moments that feel like you think you want to feel- and

savoring them. G-10/5/02- Boston, MA.

" You understand that you are extensions of Source energy and that you

are here focused, oh wonderful word focused, in this physical

time/space reality on this leading edge in this contrasting environment

for the purpose of helping you to conclude new preferences...you get

that? Do you realize that it is through the exposure to life that

what you want occurs to you, evolves, from your experience and that

you emanate or radiate vibrationally or electronically those

preferences. And that you do not ever have to put one word to a desire

because you communicate to the universe vibrationally. So whenever

you are living what you don't want, a rocket of desire about what you

do want shoots out of you. And Source recognizes it and hears it and

joins it and becomes vibrationally one with it...and do you know that

the entire evolution of your reality, the evolution of your species,

the evolution of your planet, the evolution of everything that you

know happens because of that.

Asheville, NC 4/30/05

"Your Inner Being vibrates powerfully and pointedly and, when and if

you harmonize with that vibration — it is like a rocket going

off...your vibration raises to the point where you can have connection

with who you really are. That's when you feel uplifted, that's when

you feel inspired, that's when you feel elated, that's when you feel

those goosebumps come, that's when it happens...things really begin to

happen quickly within your experience...Your work is to more of the

time deliberately think thoughts that will lead to thoughts that will

lead to thoughts that will lead to that fuller connectedness with who

you really are."

Expressed by Abraham-Hicks

Selected by Jerry and Esther Hicks

From Abraham-Hicks Daily Planning Calendar

Source is so ready to join you in your praise.

And when you go someplace other than praise, you feel that empty feeling

that you always get when you disallow your connection with your own source.

Atlanta, GA - 4/28/05

Many will say to us,"ABRAHAM, this must be wrong. You must have left

something important out, because I've wanted this for a very long time

and it keeps not coming." And we say, sometimes you fool yourself

with your words. You say, "I want," when what you are really meaning

is, "I want, I want, I want," (pleading) which means, "I don't have

it. I need it. It is gone." So much attention, using words, "want"

but meaning "need" or feeling lack. Oh, this is a big one for you -

the Universe doesn't speak English, you see.

~A New Beginning II

If you've got some little anxieties and you just notice them but

you don't deliberately try to soothe them, they continue to

attract unto themselves as they are. When you make the decision that

nothing is more important than that you feel good, and you don't

feel good, you do something about not feeling good.


When you have an anxiety or fear or a discomfort or an annoyance or an

imitation, DO something about it. Stop and say, Wait, this is not a

normal state of being. My Inner Being is not joining me in this

thought. What can I do about this thought to make it feel better?

San Antonio - April 23, 2005

When you take the time to take the emotional journey and you move

even a little bit on the emotional scale, your point of attraction

shifts so dramatically.. that the things that you thought you were

going to have to do in terms of action become irrelevant.

Abraham, Mexico Cruise - 2/5 - 2/12/05 CD 2 track 15

Your beasts are here for the purpose of adding balance to the Universe. They are here to enhance your experience. Their greatest value is not the food that they offer you - while that is the way man would look at it. Their greatest value is that they emanate predominantly (it is not always true but it is usually true) they emanate positive Energy. They focus in the moment. They are eternally looking for the positive aspects and they are gloriously oozing positive emotion, which adds to the balance of your Universe.

expressed by Abraham-Hicks

selected by Jerry and Esther Hicks

From the workshop G 12/14/90

Focus is interesting...

When we talk about focus, we're talking about focusing energy. And most people when they talk about focus are talking about focusing thought.

When you focus for the point of feeling, the thought takes care of itself.

San Antonio 4/23/05

"You are not here physical trying to learn how to be good so that

you can re-emerge into the perfection of non-physical. Instead, you

are that non-physical energy extended out here on the leading edge

of thought having experiences that are literally taking thought

beyond. So Source energy is here with you on the leading edge.

When you withdraw consciousness {during sleep} and you join the

vibration of your Inner Being you do not go to some other world and

some other realm that is more interesting than the one that you are

here. In other words, your Inner Being is much more interested in

what's going on here than in taking you some place else and getting

you interested in what's going on there. This is the leading edge

of thought. This is where the vortex of the physical and non-

physical converge, you see. And so there isn't anything that your

Inner Being would rather give thought to than what's out here in

your vibrational escrow and the becoming that you are in the process


When you slumber and your consciousness re-emerges back into the non-

physical perspective, we don't mean that you take your earth-bound

perspective and you go be an angel during the night. We mean that

you withdraw your focus which means you stop your resistance which

means you become your Inner Being who likes to think about what you

are living here in this life. When you slumber and you become one

with your Inner Being, what you and your Inner Being do is plan your

future experience and revel in what's out there in your vibrational


San Antonio TX, 4/23/05

How does Abraham define GOD?

God is emotion within you.

And what this workshop is about is not the expansion of GOD. GOD is

expanding. It's not getting GOD back into alignment with Source Energy. GOD is Source Energy. In other words, the alignment is there. This workshop is about helping you, the physical on the leading edge creator, to get into alignment with your own desire.

Abraham-Hicks, Phoenix, AZ 03/23/02

The greatest gift that you could ever give to another is your own

happiness, for when you are in a state of joy, happiness, or

appreciation, you are fully connected to the Stream of pure, positive

Source Energy that is truly who you are. And when you are in that state

of connection, anything or anyone that you are holding as your object

of attention benefits from your attention.

From Chapter 17 of Ask and It Is Given

Abraham to a man talking about loving the poetry of Hafiz and Rumi: What lit you up with them?

Guest: Their Divine Union with God. Their ecstatic, joyful, blissful state. In a big way, I realize there is nothing else I would like than that. Is there anything we are here for than that?

Abraham: Well, it's what we teach. It's that alignment with that.

Philadelphia 10/3/04

Abraham-Hicks quotes on Health


(Compiled by Rebecca/RGF)

Abraham EXERCISE (talking to an Energy Worker)

Something you might do that is a very delicious thing to do is put

yourself in your bed and summon the energy. Whether you're summoning

it to your face or to your toe, pick a spot on your body and

say, "Work on this for me, will you? Psychic cellular surgeons,

come forth and work on me. Plump up this cell to its most

extraordinary state of well-being. And I will lie here in the most

relaxed state of being that I can find with an expectation of that."

And what you will feel is literally a sensation within your body.

You will literally feel... Pick a spot and feel it. Choose a spot

on the back of your neck, or in the pit of your knee, or across the

small of your back. Pick any spot, and as you lie there in that


If we could keep you here for as few as 15 minutes you would begin

to actually feel physical movement. Watch Esther's face for a

minute, you're close enough to see... is there any question about

the energy moving there? (No, it's very obvious.) If it were a

dark room she would be glowing. She's glowing anyway, anybody

seeing it? (murmurs of affirmation) In other words, as the energy

moves through in this non-resisted way, anything that you set your

attention to...

Many of you have come to just accept the way things are because

you're afraid of being disappointed. When, you don't have to (just)

accept anything, you get to choose everything! There is nothing

that would be denied you in your place of pure wanting.

Chicago: March 31, 2001 It's from Tape 4, side A.

If you find yourself in negative emotion, and you reach for a

thought that feels better until you actually feel yourself back in a

receiving mode, it is easier to do that with negative emotion than

it is to do with physical pain. But the same process is really

called for. You could talk yourself into ease or into less pain

just by reaching more for the receiving mode.

What we would do -- in the beginning especially -- until you have

convinced yourself that you are good at this, until you have

convinced yourself of your connection to source energy, here's what

we would do.

Put yourself in your bed. You all have access to source energy, and

it is flowing to you because the cells of your body are asking for

it. Now as this nonphysical energy is flowing in, you're wanting to

just relax and be in the place where you are allowing it. If you

will think in terms of your brain being the point of reception of

the energy -- now it really isn't, every cell of your body does, but

your brain does manage all the aspects of your body -- see or sense

your brain as the first point of receiving, and put out a question

or a statement or a request to the universe that says, Universe (or

God or whatever label is most comfortable), I am asking for your

physical aligning. I'm asking for a vibrational manipulation or

adjustment to my body.

Close your eyes and relax as much as you can and if you have a

physical condition that you are wanting soothing for or adjustment

for, hold that physical condition in your mind in the form of a

request: Universe, please, align my hip... or... help me with this

headache... or... help me to release this allergy... or... help me

to find better postural alignment in my body... or... assist me with

these menstrual cramps... or... whatever it is where you are feeling

a little bit out of alignment, and feel the source energy actually

sending signals to your brain which will then translate into the

rest of your body. What you will feel is an actual manipulation in

what feels to you like your brain.

When Esther does this lying on her pillow she can actually feel her

scalp moving on the mattress along the pillow, she can actually feel

physical sensation or motion inside her head. You can actually feel

the source energy answering you just as you have asked, and in your

attitude of allowing or receiving, you can actually feel the

physical sensation. For some it actually feels like your eyebrows

are being raised. For others it feels like even dimples across the

back of your head. It introduces interesting sensations, but focus

upon them in the area that you would call your brain or your skull.

Expect to feel it there because that is the first place where the

energy is adjusting, because anything that is necessary for

alignment in your body, the inner being that is doing the adjustment

is "tweaking." That is a good word: Tweak my brain for the

alleviation of this.

What happens in that is you take your attention away from the area

that you are concerned about so the resistance is softened

dramatically, and you feel for the sensation in the place that is

most obvious and most readily available, and as you feel the

sensation, then relax and smile as you are lying in your bed and

offer these words of appreciation or gratitude: Thank you. Thank

you for that. And what you're actually doing, you're saying: Thank

you for the effort. Thank you for the energy. Thank you for the

attention. Thank you for the future experience that will be

improved. Thank you for tending to this. What that does is it

eases your expectation, it puts you in a place of greater

expectation of results. And it is our promise to you that you will

get them.

We would encourage you to do it every time you lie down. When you

awaken in the morning, instead of bouncing right out of bed and

getting into what you're doing, instead lie there for five or ten

minutes and have this conversation with your inner being where you

say: I'm anticipating a wonderful day, and I was wondering if you

might while I'm lying here, tweak my brain just a little bit so I

can feel the alignment that I'm reaching for.

We see people alleviate migraine headaches in the moment. We see

symptoms of colds and congestion lift right off in the moment. We

see cancers go into remission. We see all kinds of deadly diseases

brought into alignment. We see physical limbs coming into

alignment. We see bones mending and blood becoming heartier. There

is not any physical condition that this is not a remedy for, but you

must lie there in an attitude of trust and expectation. This will

give you an added tool of expectation, because after all, it is only

that expectation that you are wanting to deal with. There are three

points: you are asking, the universe is yielding, you are wanting

to get into the receiving mode. And that expectation is that

receiving mode. What this does, it just gives you something to

expect from, because when you have laid in your bed and you have

actually felt your brain moving around in your head, as you lie

there it is our promise to you that you will feel it, it will

increase your expectation of physical results, and it is our promise

to you that you will receive them.

There is not a physical condition that you cannot bring back into

alignment, because there is nothing that you can ask for that the

nonphysical energy is not answering, but as you pick up beliefs

along your physical trail that says that cannot be, that belief

holds you in the place of not letting in, not because it cannot be,

but because you are in that belief not letting it be.

My body is the perfect culmination of an endless stream of clear Non-

physical perspective. It is a perfect---and yet changing---adapting

vessels, designed solely as a vehicle to accommodate my unique and

valuable perspective.

*My body is created in perfect balance as are all other parts of

this perfect physical world.

*My body is the recipient of continual perfect Non-physical Energy

which flows constantly to maintain its balance of Well-Being.

*My body is naturally a vessel of good feeling. A vessel of ease,

of strength, of agility, of dexterity, of balance and of pleasure.

While my body benefits from essential nourishment from this physical

realm, its true nourishment comes in the stream of Pure Positive

Energy projected to my body at all times, every day of my Physical


As my dominant intent is to stay in vibrational alignment with that

Energy Stream, my body will continue to thrive.

The most important thing about my physical body is its ability to

regain balance. This single mechanism takes all risk from the

physical experience.

There is no thought, no virus, no disease, no physical contaminant

capable of stopping my body's ability to find balance---as long as I

am in vibrational harmony with my body's Source of Energy.

Physical Health --- Abraham

" Your physical body is so near you. It is responding purely to the

balance of the thought that you offer. It would take any of you

very little to affect healing within yourself. If you could

acknowledge the power of thought and get your thought moving toward

your expectation of wellness rather than toward your expectation of


Abe 12/14/90


"Be as happy as you want to be in a world gone mad. Be as safe as

you want to be in a world that is afraid of everything. Be as

healthy as you want to be in a world that is mostly sick. Don't let

the statistics that someone else has created affect you. You get to

choose-- you are wise enough, smart enough, deliberate enough."

Abraham -- G 11/24/90


" When you become so determined that you want to feel good- you have

become as your Inner Being is, in such a pure place of Positive

Emotion- then that which is "negative energy" simply can't mix with

you. It defies Law. If you are very strong and clear about your

positive wanting, and feeling it, then "bad" things simply can't get

in. Colds can't get in, murderers can't get in, car accidents can't

get in, anything that you are not wanting cannot be your experience."

-- Abe 2/23/91


"There is nothing more perfect than the balance of your physical

body. Your Inner Being has access to every point of Energy within

your body, which literally means every cell and that which is

smaller than a cell. So it makes sense that the HAPPIER you are,

the more you have got those lines OPEN, then the more access your

Inner Being would have to alignment,- so that It can assist your

body in producing the hormones and the enzymes and all of the

intricate chemistry that goes on within the physical body, so that

you do not need to do it artificially.

Medicine that is offered by your doctor is CLUMSY! It over-does

everything, it has side effects. Your Inner Being is so much more

precise in the offering of the stimulation to the cells- but your

thought must not be contradictory to that, or it cannot!"



" It matters not what degree of deterioration your physical body has

experienced, due to past thought, if in this moment, you can

acknowledge that it is only the connection with your Inner Being

that is necessary to restore you to perfect health. All things in

your world will come into order, including your physical body. "

Abe, 5/9/92


"You attract by your vibration. Everything in the Universe is

experiencing the powerful Law of Attraction- and when you are

vibrating in pain you cannot attract joy. The vibration of pain

attracts only pain. The vibration of joy attracts joy, the vibration

of illness attracts illness...

The Law IS and the wonderful thing is that once you understand the

Law, and you are sensitive enough to feel how you are vibrating,

then you have control of your experience."

-- Abraham 6/6/92 B


"A belief is only a thought that you keep thinking. So as you keep

thinking this thought, you keep vibrationally attracting relative to

that thought. So you confirm your own beliefs again and again and

again and again and again. That's why someone who believes in

cancer can confirm that belief, or someone who believes in robbery

can confirm that belief. So everything is a sort of confirmation of


~Abraham -- G 9/5/93


Well, what happens then? Then you say, "I know..." Then, then you

hear it! But the thing we're wanting you to realize is that,

whether the condition is a negative knot in the pit of your stomach,

or whether the condition is a disease that's blooming, or whether

the condition is somebody really being mean to you-the condition is

not what you're wanting to rule your life. The condition is only

the temporary response to your Energy flow. And when you get that,

when you say, "Oh, gee, look what I've been doing. It's as clear as

it can be. I've been looking at that and getting more of it, looking

at that and getting more of it, looking at that and getting more of

it. I'm going to look over here for a while."

And as you start doing that, you start feeling better, right away,

and the conditions of your experience start changing, right away.

We've been laughing. We said, somebody could sneak into Esther's

bedroom in the night and scrape a little bit of her off onto a

little petri dish, and they could take it to a laboratory and they

could examine it. And they could conclude, with all of their

scientific know-how, that she has five major diseases. And they

have the proof of it: there the cells are. And they take them to

the top leaders of the world, who acknowledge, "Yes, this woman has

all of those things." And they would bring that information to

Esther. And with what Esther knows now, she would say, "OK." It

would not have any more impact on her than if they said, "You have

mustard on your tie." Because Esther now understands that whatever

is in this current condition is only as a result of how I've been

flowing Energy, and now I'm aware of it, I will flow my Energy

differently, and the condition will change. It must. It would defy

law not to. Good.

~ Abe, 4/26/94


A state of perfect health is simply a state of perfect balance---a

state of Energy alignment.

When one holds a desire but his belief contradicts that desire he is

not in a state of Energy alignment, and the fear of discouragement

or anger he feels is his indicator of that misalignment.

When there is misalignment of Energy, there is struggle and

tension. When the misalignment stops, a feeling of relief or ease


Lack of health is disease. Allowance of health is ease.

The best assurance of physical health is deliberate alignment of

Energies. And the most tangible way to discern this alignment is by

making the desire for ease a dominant intention.

When Energies are in alignment, inspiration as to food, action,

motion, exercise, supplementation and all else, will fall into

perfect alignment.

If one does not take the time to align Energies, there is not enough

medication, exercise, or action to make any difference.

If one takes the time to align Energy---perfect action is always


~ Abraham-10/6/96


" The most important thing about my body is its ability to regain

balance. This single mechanism takes all risk from the physical


"There is no thought, no virus, no disease, no physical


capable of stopping my body's ability to find balance- as long as I

am in vibrational harmony with my body's Source of Energy." -- Abe



Every cell in your body has a direct relationship with Creative Life

Force, and each cell is independently responding. When you feel joy,

all the circuits are open and the Life Force or God Force can be

fully received. When you feel guilt or blame or fear or anger, the

circuits are hindered and the Life Force cannot flow as

effectively. Physical experience is about monitoring those circuits

and keeping them as open as possible. The cells know what to do.

They are summoning the Energy.

~ Abe - G-11/2/97, Chicago, IL


Is Abraham saying that you could reach what you consider to be

prime human physical condition and that you could maintain it for as

long as you remain physically focused in this body? The answer is,

absolutely yes. And it doesn't mean reach your prime and then jump

off a cliff someday either. It means, reach your prime and bask in

the deliciousness of that. Now, why is other than that the more

consistent experience? Because most everybody is looking around and

vibrating in response to what they are seeing. So, what is the

solution? Look around less. Imagine more. Until your imagery is

the most familiar vibration that you have."

--Abe, 2/27/99


Guest: What is the effect that we can have, from this point of

understanding reality, on something that is very physical and that

we are accustomed to have very, sort of like encrusted, very thick

understanding of what the limitations are. Like for example, with

our bodies, the process of rejuvenation. I don't want to do a face-

lift. It upsets me, the idea to be cut up, because, not so much

because of that, but because of the idea that I have within me the

sense that I could do it by myself from the inside out. Can you

offer some process about that?

Abraham: Let your format produce the desire, and once the desire is

there, then lie on your bed and ask that the energy come forth. And

as you release your limitations or your disbelief about it, then it

will be your experience.

You are really onto something important here because your body has

enormous regenerating power. Just a day ago, Esther scratched her

finger on something. She doesn't even know how it happened,

something in hooking up the tow car to the motor home. She doesn't

like to wear gloves because she can't feel things so well. And

there was a pretty significant mark here that, today, is all but

gone. The regenerating quality of your body is extraordinary.

When you realize that your body has the power to continue to become--

your scientists have already determined that the cells of your body

are replacing themselves continually--and so what you are wanting to

do is create an atmosphere, an emotional atmosphere, which means, a

good-feeling-place environment, which allows the cells to be all

that they are wanting to be. In other words, it's just a matter of

relaxing into the well-being that is natural.

You could stand right here and now, in your powerful now, with a

focused desire, asking purely for something, and if there were no

resistance within you, the answer would come through you, and to

you, now. So why does that not happen more often? Because most

people who are standing here asking, at the same time are holding

the vibration of memory, even cellular memory, as you began, of how

things really are. And so you have to keep restating your

intention. Not because the universe needs to hear it, but because in

your restating it you'll more likely be in a place of allowing it.

Or state it and pet your cat.

What happens is most people are so busy taking score about what is.

You launch a desire, then you notice that it hasn't happened. You

launch a desire, then you notice it hasn't happened. So you keep

creating what you want and then creating what you don't want. And

you are doing it so consistently that it feels like to you that you

are standing still.

Esther and Jerry visited with Esther's sister on the way coming

here. She is a lovely woman who has had many children and now has

many grandchildren. She has developed many philosophies, some of

which are serving her well and some of which are not. She would say

such things as,

"Well, you know, as we get older, these things happen." And Esther

is thinking, "To you maybe." But even within that thought there is

resistance. Her sister kept hitting a hot spot, and in Esther's

feeling of wanting to be defensive, there is an indicator that

Esther is not as soothed in vibration as she would like to believe

that she is.

So, the rule of thumb is, think about the subject of desire and feel

good at the same time, which means reaching for the thought that

feels better, just keep reaching for the thought that feels better.

You do that by saying: there are many very youthful looking beings.

There are many different beings who look differently. Age does not

seem to be the common denominator. There is something else. We can

pass through time without experiencing decline. And there is

evidence of that all around. As you make a decision to look for

that evidence, then that evidence begins to

come to you in many different ways.

Guest: Thank you.

Abraham-Hicks, Ashland Oregon, May 16, 2000, Tape 3, side B


Transcription of the "Doctor" segment from the Abraham workshop in

Ashland (5-15-00).

Guest: Talking about accepting the way things are; I've had a lot

of training all my life in the way things are; I'm a physician and

it seems like many many years of "this is the way it is", and in

practice for ten years or so doing that. Some years ago I started

getting the feeling that there is another way, and, I guess, I kept

acting on that feeling that there is another way and realizing that

this is the leading edge of thought and I kind of like being there,

but I think like, who was it? Curly, said, "I tried thinking but

nothing happened." It's like there is a transition that I feel that

needs to happen. I can't quite go beyond my own knowing.

Abraham: What happens when you are involved in physical experience

in a very detailed way. We talked earlier about post manifestation,

in other words, when you're looking at manifestation, which is after

the energy has flowed. What happens is that you don't have much

power there. The thing about medicine or the thing about physical

well being, that you're hearing rumblings about that this is where

the great transition will begin to take place is that there is so

much energy and talent and dollars that is put into finding cures

but there is very little that is spoken about holding yourself in

the vibrational place of allowing the well being to begin with. In

other words, almost all medicine, actually it varies from place to

place, but in this culture, the predominant attention that is put

toward medicine is put toward pushing against the part of it that is

not wanted rather than allowing the part of it that is wanted. And

it takes enormous effort that never gets you anywhere when you are

pushing against what isn't wanted, and it is a much simpler thing

than most people are willing to allow to find a way of allowing the

well being that would be there otherwise. Give us some specific

things that you are reaching for here.

Guest: I don't speak for the entire medical establishment because I

don't think that that's where it is, I see myself as a healer but in

a different way. It's almost like, it's like, years of plenty of

contrast; I mean, I've had it up to here with seeing all this


Abraham: If someone were to roll over their motorcycle and break

several bones, you certainly see a place for traditional medicine,

but you would go further. And what we would do is after the fact,

we would point out that there was a vibrational match to rolling

over the motorcycle, and we would try to bring them to a place of

understanding what had brought that about, but you're wanting to go

further still. You're wanting to help people to understand that it

does not matter what the state of their body at any point in time,

they can bring themselves to another place. But the thing that is

tricky about this, and here's where we would begin it if we were

standing in your physical shoes.

We would begin with one who is well, and we would speak in terms of

the continued balance and maintenance of that state of well being,

and once we'd convinced ourselves that it was possible to be well

and eternally stay there, then we would start talking to those who

had lost their balance, who had gotten very far from it. Because

what happens is, everything is coming in response to your

vibrational countenance, and so, if you've got a feeling of worry or

doubt or concern or fear within you that is coming up consistently,

then what's happening is that you have resistance within you that

you are not aware of and not doing anything about.

And so, since you are not doing anything about reaching for the

thought that feels better and therefore soothing the resistance,

what happens by Law of Attraction is that it must get bigger. And

so, as it gets bigger and you still don't do something about

releasing it, then it must get bigger until, in time, there is a

physical manifestation. And then…so here is this long pattern of

resistance that shows up in front of you and says, "Do something to

fix this, do something to make this better." You could soothe it,

you could make it better, but until you do something to help them

deal with the pattern of resistance, it's just going to pop up in

another way and another way and another way and another way. You

cannot put enough band-aids on enough wounds to keep the wound from

gushing, because it is happening at another level. And so, medicine

must become an understanding of vibrational countenance before there

will be any clear understanding of why someone is well and why

someone is sick. It is all about vibration.

It is this simple: the body wants to be well and is summoning unto

itself, and in an environment of allowing, the body is well, or

would be well. And so then the question is, what about the little

ones, what about the babies? And we say, they've been exposed to a

vibration, even in the womb, that caused them to disallow the well

being that would have been there otherwise. But, once they are

born, no matter what their disability, if they could be encouraged

to the thought that would allow it, then even after the body is

fully formed, it could be regenerated into something that is well.

There are no exceptions to this, but your society is a long way from

believing it. And so, rather than being frustrated about how far

they are from believing it, we would say, "Universe, I'm wanting to

understand this. Please bring to me those who are a vibrational

match to my desire to understand it, and help us begin to understand

it together.

We were talking with a health care worker one day; she was a nurse

in a facility where people were expected not to live. And she asked

us what we would say if we were there. And so we gave her this

long, joyous spewing of optimism and knowledge about the physical

body. And everyone in the room was buoyed by it, everyone just felt

better in hearing what we know about your bodies. And then the

woman began to cry and she said, "I would be fired, because I'm not

allowed to give false hope."

And we said, then you have nothing for them. If you cannot bring

them to the place of expecting their desire to be satisfied, then

you cannot help them shift vibration, and if you cannot help them

shift vibration, then you cannot help them change their experience,

because everything is about that, you see. So sometimes you have to

step outside the norm, because the norm says, "don't do this or you

are giving false hope," or "don't do this or we will sue you." In

other words, "don't tell me something that I want to hear just to

placate me".

And we say, you have to find your balance, because every person that

you are dealing with has a different vibrational stance. And as a

healer/teacher, you sort of have to be able to sniff out where they

are vibrationally. You have to help to identify through talking

with them what they are really wanting, and then through your power

of concentration and visualization, you can actually see them as

well. That's what Jesus' magic was. As people stood before him

dripping their illness, he saw their illness long enough to identify

their desire for wellness, and then he gave his full, undivided

attention to that. He saw them, as he knew them to really be, not

as they temporarily were. And as he knew their wellness, he stayed

connected to Source Energy, and flooded their experience, their

energy field, their ambiance; everything around them was zapped, was

literally surrounded by his knowledge of their wellness. So for the

time of that influence, it was so dominant, their illness could not

abide in that vibration. He just zapped their energy field with

such knowledge of Well Being that nothing other than well being

could abide there for that time at least. And then he said, "Go

forth and tell no one", because he knew if they talked about it they

would be talked right back into the vibration that had disallowed

the wellness to begin with.

You have an advantage, because you have much knowledge about the

body. You have a title that makes people listen. In other words,

you are in this place where you are expected to be right. So as you

stand in this place of knowing their potential, in other words, just

speak about "bodily potential". Don't speak, necessarily, about

this body and this time. Speak about what you know about energy.

Speak about every success story you've ever known. Reach, examine

the far corners of the earth, and look for miraculous stories

relative to any subject of which you are now wanting to treat, and

fill your pockets full of this information. And then you might say

to them, "You know, I heard of this one, and I heard of this one, I

heard of this one, and there was a case once that was just like

yours, and it turned out in this way," until you just soothe them

into the vibration of well being. Some of them don't want to be

soothed, because some of them are being served by their illnesses,

and you have to learn, (you already know that) to differentiate

between them. But when you have one with a sincere desire to be

well, you have on your hands the most high potential for success of

any creative endeavor that you might involve yourself within,

because when a person's desire is high, and you do just a little bit

to soothe their resistance, they get results.

We would say that the definition of a healer is, "One who soothes

resistance," because, the person's desire will do the rest. "I am a

soother of resistance", which means, "I don't acknowledge your

illness as real. I see it as temporary at most, and something that

is not serving you, and something that you don't deserve, and

certainly something that you do not want. And something that I see

leaving even as we [speak?]…".

Speak about what you know about the human body. It wants to be

well. Aren't you knocked over by the human body and what you know

about it? You can express it so much more clearly than we are doing

here. Think about that little smear that starts out as the human

body, and in there is a nose and a liver and a gizzard, oh, not a

gizzard (laughter)… all that stuff that is present and knows how


become this, you see, there is so much knowledge within the human

body. And all you're wanting to do is free it. You're wanting to

free the human body's knowledge to be well from the resistance that

has been picked up along this physical trail.

The very best medicine, or the very best approach to medicine, is "

Well, I see your physical body is sick, what's been bothering you?

What are you worried about? What are you angry about? What are you

frustrated about?", because that's what at the root of all of this.

And then say, "Let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go." That's

the message, and if they could hear you and do that, then they would

all be well right away. But, your work and our work is to sort of

coax them into the place of well being.


"Think about that little smear that starts out as the human body,

and then there's a nose and a liver and a gizzard, oh, not a

gizzard.. All that stuff that is present and knows how to become

this. There's so much knowledge within the human body. You're

wanting to free the human body's knowledge to be well from the

resistance that has been picked up along this physical trail. The

very best approach to medicine is, `Well, I see your physical


is sick. What's been bothering you? What are you worried about?

What are you angry about? What are you frustrated about? Because

that is what is at the root of all this. And then say `Let it


let it go, let it go.' That's the message, and if they could


you and do that , then they would be well right way."

~ Abe, 5/16/00


"You could have every deadly disease known to man, and some they

haven't even figured out yet; you could have them all in your


right now - and tomorrow they could all be gone, if from one day to

the next you learned how to allow the energy to flow.

We really are not encouraging those kinds of quantum leaps, they are

a little uncomfortable. What we really are encouraging is every

day being SELFISH enough to say: ' Nothing is more important than

that I feel good. And I'm going to find ways today. I'm going to

begin my day by meditating and bringing myself into alignment with

my Source Energy. And as I move through the day, I'm going to look

for opportunities to appreciate, so that all day long I'll bring

myself back into Source Energy."




You are mostly Vibration, but as you are expressing through these

physical bodies, it's easy to forget who you really are, because, as

you stand in your bodies, living the results, or manifestations, of

all of that focus, you tend to get wrapped up in the end product of

the Vibration, rather than being aware of your being, in the moment

of your offering the Vibration.


Deliberate creating is more about deliberate allowing. Deliberate

allowing is more like deliberate vibration.


But you are extensions of Source Energy, which means you are

electronic Beings. You are vibrational, first and foremost. Whatever

you are giving your attention to is vibrating, and as you give your

attention to it, a reverberation between you and whatever you are

focused upon takes place. You are like your wireless computer, and

so you don't have to plug yourself in with some wire in order to

connect to the network which is Source Energy. So, as you connect to

this Source Energy network, so to speak (in your wireless way) you

can always tell what you are doing as this Leading Edge summoner of

the Energy.

When you feel an emotion, we want you to, first of all, appreciate

the fact that you are feeling the emotion and then understand that

your Guidance System is fulfilling its reason for being just as you

knew that it would. It is giving you a clear, constant, always-

accurate reading of your vibrational countenance.

What does negative emotion mean? It means, whatever you're focused

upon has a vibration activated within you that's enough off the

signal of that which is your Source that you have introduced

a "buzz" in your system.

Now, you are an extension of Pure Positive Energy, and that Pure

Positive Energy is the only Stream that flows and you are allowing

it or not allowing it.


Do you believe us when we say that you are more electrical than

anything else? Are you beginning to get it that you are Vibrational

Beings? Do you understand that your emotions are your indications of



"Inner Being, I know you're in there, and I'm going to align to you.

I'm going to align to you."


The contrast will continually give birth to desire within you, and

if, even though it has not yet manifested, you are satisfied with

where you are—while you are eagerly anticipating your inevitable

expansion—then everything about your vibration would be perfect for

the eternal expansion of that.


So, you launch the rocket that is sending the signal to you, now all

you've got to do is line up with the signal that you've sent to you.

In other words, it is the vibrational harmony between the

vibrational meter of your desire and the vibrational meter of your

now expression, or your belief, that matters. And your emotions

tell you whether you are, in this moment, a vibrational match to

your desire or not—whether you are in the mode of allowing or

receiving, or not.


"Am I letting it in? Am I letting it in?" Letting what in? You could

call it Creative Life Force, God force. "Am I holding myself in

vibrational harmony with those things that I have identified that

I'm wanting to experience?"


Once you realize what the receiving mode feels like, it is such an

easy thing to hold yourself in vibrational harmony with the Well-

being that is natural to you. And that is what the Science of

Deliberate Creation is about.

You are vibrational Beings much more than you are flesh, blood and

bone beings. You are more vibrational, you are more electrical, than

you are anything else. And the way that you read the vibration of

your Being is through your emotions. Your emotions tell you

everything that you will ever need to know about your relationship

with your Source Energy. And we can't think of anything that is more

significant for you to be aware of than your relationship with your

Source Energy—because the Source Energy is life itself.


"Nothing matters more to me than that I feel good." Because until

you are willing to actively work at feeling good, you're not going

to know when you don't. Until you deliberately reach for the

conscious feeling of the higher vibration, you won't be able to

recognize the lower vibration.

And so, we're not here to teach you to raise your vibration, because

your vibration is naturally raised. We're here to help distract you

from the lower vibration.


Are you understanding that you are vibrational beings? Are you

understanding that everything is vibrational and that your

experience, no matter who you are, whether you are physical or Non-

physical, whether you are human or insect, your perspective, or that

which you perceive, is only about your translation of vibration?


You could become such a vibrational selective sifter, that in the

same way that violence never touches you out in the world, it would

not come to you through your television. You would never cower in a

corner, hiding from someone. You would not dodge bullets, or even

dodge mayhem in traffic, because your vibration does not include



The "Science of Deliberate Creation" is about offering your

vibration on purpose, perceiving on purpose, pondering on purpose,

remembering on purpose. It means thinking on purpose. It means

observing on purpose. It means reaching for, in a purposeful manner,

those things that you would like to participate with.


Your power is here and now, because here and now is where you are



Creating from the inside out says, "I will generate the feeling,

which will cause the vibration, which will affect the attraction."


As you learn to adjust your vibration or affect your emotions

deliberately, now you have access only to those vibrational things

out there in the Universe that are a vibrational match to that—and

it is an ever so much easier way to create.


We want to help you to deliberately, consciously clean up your

vibrational offering and to start offering a purer signal.


The Cycle of Creation

So here's how it works: Here you are, examining the contrast, and

out of it is born a new desire. Now, in the beginning, this desire

feels very strange to you, because it is not anything you have felt

before. It was born out of the contrast. It's a new and different

vibration for you. It feels weird, because this is not where you are

accustomed to vibrating. So now your work is to turn and look at

this new desire. Never mind what produced it—turn and look at the

new desire. Talk about it. Think about it. Imagine it. Play with it.

Let it become familiar. And when it becomes more familiar than where

you were when it was born, now you and it are vibrationally the

same, and Law of Attraction must bring you together, and a

manifestation occurs…


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