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Dj Vix the third installment

Pranda - The best track on the album....but recently heard a giddeh version floating around...a sick giddah dhol beat over it...it just livens it even more...but yeah nice tune

Nah Chahidee - "kam frantic na chahidee"..lol..wasnt the case though!...Same melody as Putt Jattan Da Jawan from Original Edit " Frantic Alert"..lol...the track in general ain't that special...nice tumbi...but deosnt really pound the punches or dents the steel, but a good listening to track

Meri Jaan - Skips track...i hate tracks like this

Jatt - Militant bhangra tune...nice bassline...its hard to knock why its not good...so Vix..i let you off bro..lol..and i think he sampled pmc's ""viah kartare da" if you listen carefully in the beginning....Talk about Identical To PMC...LOL...

Tappe - Interesting tune...with the stereo sarangi ear to the other ear...defo frantics works...lol...a good listening track...

Puchna - i don't like Bhinda Aujla's voice...just don't find it appealling...typical fruity loops sounding job...didn't like the song

Jawani - I hate this track...annoying mcing/ all of a sudden Manjeet Pappu sounds different vocally from the Jatt song..LOL...sang this track on a friday night or something?lol...just a boring track

Chit Karda ( Sponsored By J.Lo)...lol....Jenny From The Block sample...you can't get any cheesier...i think Vix knows himself originals in general are hard to beat so why attempt to ruin your own classic?....Don't do it again mate ...seriously...awful remix

Panjabian Dee Tauhr - A weak bhangra tune...could have recorded a quality instrumental beat to it..just seems low in quality...overall..werent that much of a strong track

Desi Bonus - i dont rate this boliyan so much...but its very succussful

Overall i dont think there's much you can nod your head to or dance to but just a general cd to put on while at home or in the car...Vix ain't done a bad job on the album...its pretty decent. though some say kam frantic was heavily involved...sometimes you can tell when frantic works are present...not that its a bad thing...if its to finish the product to a good standard then i dont think people should argue about it

going back to my verdict...it though it was an average album. type of cd that i wouldn't pick up so much to spin when im bored...i just feel this cd isnt a must have in a Bhangra lovers life...not good enough to be a classic


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