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Posts posted by Dynamic_Banda

  1. mast masti mast.. if its real masti then cool its ur moment with maharaj it may be that physically moving, dancing, breaking out is just an external manifestation of an internal spiritual feelings..

    but you will also not that there are some who arnt mast they just move for the sake of moving, was same for naamdharis it turned from a true masti thing into a fad.. everyone had to do it.. same with nihangs and their jakare.. used to be about real josh and shakti now its about making noise..

    but i would say if u end up expelling the energy physically then u lessen it spirtually.. after all holding that feeling inside, only makes it so much more intense .. so maybe this is the movement which starts and energies the kundalini ?

    who knows..

    fake head banging like the little girl on the front row.. is sad..

    funky head banging like the baba doing the bhangra moves with the ching ching things.. is cool :D

    my opinion

  2. "non smokers festival.". akaaal what a way to advertise vaisakhi :D

    im sure the goverment health organisations should sponsor vaisakhi nagar kirtans from now on !

    i love the nihang introduction .. lol the funky akali with the backwards falra (very rare to see this farla nowadays as most are forwards) and the great ragras.. and the explanation of nihangs as "those who dont want to work.. :D"

    Time only stands still for those who are beyond time itself .. akaalis :D

  3. What does suraj parkash actually mean.. coz im thinking its something like.. sun emergance(existance-light-something)

    Niranjana,, there is nothing controversial about bhang... its green and natural.. like tea.. i wonder if bhangra is linked to bhang..

    bhangram ? Ram on bhang.. Bhang on ram.. ? if you on bhang you become ram ? who knows... happy reading..

  4. watching that i realised something.. poor vachara monty..

    whenever he get someone out .. the punjabi in him wants to burst out into bhangra.. you can see it in his shoulders, hands.. and mucha.. ! but the gore just want to morris dance.. or hug him alittle..

    lets sign a petition to give the english cricket team professional bhangra training..

  5. i wonder why they dont teach punjabi in the same way.. i would love to be shouting english accent punjabi songs..

    i was expecting alittle more syncronized choreography from the indian lot.. you know like the bollywood movies.. ahh well westernisation of our beloved east. "TELLING LIES.. no papa !!

  6. the things coming out of the damallas are usually shangar (just beautification) they are little bells that can be found attached to anything from rakhri to wedding cards in india (they are usually brass - whereas the damalla ones are usually just stainless steel)

    In the damalla case, they are usually attached to either boar tooths, or deer antler - refered to by singhs as dand (teeth).

    I currently know of two nihangs in UK who may have some to give as ardasa, main one being Sukha Singh Akali, However I also hear that he may be setting up a little shop to supply singhs with these kinda shingars etc,

    The purpose of the boar tooths have been covered in another thread in this forum somewhere..

    I was given a rakri while in india, which had little golden ones (bells) actually made from gold (she was a sheri - from the city) A singh in the dal saw them on my kard and decided while offering to do seva of the kard (sharpening it and cleaning it) to help himself to the little bells.. I wasnt too botherd because he had attached them onto his chand.. so i would say they are just for beautification.

    ps.. not sure if the gora singhs or hariabela singhs wear the boar tooth or if they only wear the dand made from deer/antelope antler..

    Then again they probably just buy whichever one the like.. lol

    im not too fond of the long chain bells or the too many bell look.. but thats just me :D

  7. i guess in one way it could possibly be explained like this..

    waheguru and ram are all names of the same lord.. and repeating anything with the lord in contemplation is naam..

    i guess the only thing that might make waheguru more then ram.. could be taking Bhai Gurdas ji Vaara, into account.. that waheguru is made up of four parts, and therefor is like saying ram and three other names at the same time.. guess its not about quantity but quality.

    As kaljug becomes greater we need as much help as we can get :D

  8. depends.. where u go.. as each institute has their own way of respecting maharaj, some treat maharaj as a king in his darbar.. and hence only those who know the etiquet (or however you spell that) can do the seva

    others have a more open policy where its more like maharaj chilling out in one of his chill out darbars, here the interaction with maharaj is less formal meaning anyone can do the seva.

    Other places have totally different rules, Ravi das temples usually have mone doing akhand paath seva.

    Some old institutes do not allow women to do akhand paath seva on tabia however do not restrict them from reading bani in their own homes just not on the public tabia.

    So it all depends on where maharaj is

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