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Posts posted by Dynamic_Banda

  1. awwww such sweet words from the ustad.. :)

    Its strange how the researcher was unable to note the sarcasm that the mods obviously noted.. and hence edited my post.. grrrrrr...

    but no love lost in a world where no love truely exists other then the love for akaal which satanic demonic fools such as myself most definatly lack.. lol ...

    ps... Akali Sukha Singh on a pedastal.. lol ... it would have to be 20 feet wide, and even then he would be standing on it with one foot.

  2. Its all about your intentions.. if your reason for eating meat or meat substitute stems from one of the 5 kaam krodh lobh moh or hankar.. then i guess its bad..

    Then again if you eat vegi stuff for those reasons thats bad too.. guess its about why you eat not what you eat. !

    Like some sarblohi people who do it as show.. or to act bigger then others etc

  3. Its true.. it does work..

    The other day i saw this lovely specimen of the opposite gender.. and i thought dhan guru for making that.. and then i thought some unholy thoughts.. then i thought singh solza said do sukhmani to conquer my kaam..

    the thought of having to sit down for an hour and do sukhmani totally made my mind forget its kaam..

    dhan dhan guru Arjun Dev Ji...

    and dhan guru nanak for creating vaheguru shabad.. phew.. just imagine if naam was as long as sukhmani..

  4. lol why does it take 5.. to give one amrit..

    I got a question.. why did it take 11 gurus to give 1 naam :P

    and why so many religions to jap 1 naam..

    and why so many people to love 1 naam...

    and what is the difference between that 1.. and 5.. or 10.. or 1000 or whatever the population of this world is !

    if you have naam then you dont need amrit ceremony.. you already have amrit flowing through you.. who gave amrit to bhagat ravi das, or bhagat dhanna ?

    But then you also have to accept that the five senses came together to ragar that naam within the bata of your body, with the khanda of dharam and dya(which can also be the kirpan used in some amrit sanchaars ..ie nihangs singhs), the water of purity(sach) and the pataseh of pyaar..

    to create that amrit within u..

    maybe its all metaphorical .. maybe its all mystical.. maybe its all bollox.. the main thing is.. as long as its all about the naam


    oooh akaal has 5 letters.. !!

  5. i would say "wow... have you lost weight.. ! "

    and then say... "wanna play hide and seek for another charasi lack joon... !!!"

    and then cry that i just wasted my chance ..

    infact thats usually what happens everytime i go gurdwara.. lol

    walk in quickly matatek.. say howdy to maharaj sit for awhile chatting crap with mahraj.. and then when i leave.. thats when i remember i wanted to pour my heart out to maharaj.. then think.. naaah will do it next time.. and off i go...

  6. i say we knock it down and get neo to rebuild it..

    at least that will solve this crazy issue of whose to blame..

    ps.. my vote is with the nihangs.. after all they didnt throw grenades at soilders in the parkarma destroying parts of the parkarma..

    they also didnt carve out holes in walls to act as firing spots..

    and they never pretended baba santa thing was dead for 22 years

    but hey the taksalis did some good things too..

    dhan teri sikhi

  7. To be honest with ya all.. I love raags..

    But nothing beats a good ol' classical sangeet style dholi shena bash..

    Plus the investment into raags was a good means as to move away from the kooking ! As you will also notice very few kooks can kook to raags..

    Its a pity to be honest as kooking is something that the kooke have kept since the early days of sikhi..

  8. What i found is simply breathing in..

    Take a deep breath inwards, and as your lungs fill up your upper body raises and your shoulders kinda move back alittle, just naturally dont place anything anywhere just take a deep breath and once your back is straight just try to keep it in that position, ironically it stops the back pain problem, however i forget and end up slackening back to a crap position and when my back starts hurting or I realise i messed up, just take in anothe deep breath and reset my posture.. works well for me..

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