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Amandeep Hindustani

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Everything posted by Amandeep Hindustani

  1. I think the Pakistani and khalistani anger arises from being stepped on by a certain bahmani and made to cry. Total time to beAt the crAp out if both? About 10 years and two weeks.
  2. Khalistani summons! Lol Mr modi is covered by diplomatic immunity doofus.
  3. You still have not condemned marrying your cousins and sisters. In fact, your fellow poster justifies it by saying its a "cheap alternative" Once you do that we move forward.
  4. No sign of a lost battle. You still have not explained the thousands of marriages in your community that involve cousins, sisters, fathers and brothers. Mr. Tony, Do you think Australia and Britain should have a space program based on the information below. British Women marries her cat. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/woman-marries-dog-totally-b-h-article-1.1717772 Australian guy marries his dog. http://www.newser.com/story/106664/australian-guy-marries-his-dog.html
  5. You should use some of that spirit to get back West Punjab. Its more important to you than Afghanistan ever was to us although as the moslems admit the Shahis did put up a fierce fight.
  6. Yep, the Christians never really managed to reconquer Turkey did they?
  7. Except, the Caliph of Baghdad gave up all hope in conquering India after getting his butt handed to him again and again. You can read that in his own words. For further reference you should read the Chachnama as well. But it's not in Punjabi.
  8. Ah..crap again. Those bloody evil yindoos! http://www.samachar.com/US-Awards-for-Indianborn-Stanford-Scientist-Scholar-okfeKHeabhe.html scientist Arogyaswami Joseph Paulraj and mathematics scholar Himanshu Asnani at Stanford University in the Silicon Valley have been awarded prizes by Marconi Society in Washington. Paulraj, 69, was honoured with the prestigious award for his pioneering work on developing wireless technology to transmit and receive data at high speed. Asnani, 27, received the Society's Paul Baran young scholar award for contributing to point-to-point and multi-terminal channel coding and source coding problems. Named after radio inventor and Nobel laureate Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), Marconi Society awards annually individuals whose work and influence emulate the principle of creativity in service to humanity. Marconi's daughter Gioia Marconi Braga had set up the society in 1974 through an endowment. Paulraj donated his cash prize of $100,000 (Rs.60 lakh) to the Society's young scholar programme. Asnani was also presented with a cash prize of $4,000 (Rs.2.4 lakh). Indian-born American scientist and Hitachi America professor of engineering, emeritus at Stanford Thomas Kailath presented the awards to the achievers. "It has been a privilege to have known Paulraj as a student, a research fellow and a warm colleague for many years," Pune-born Kailath said at the award ceremony. After receiving the award, Paulraj said the society was playing a key role through recognition and scholarships to enhance social, economic and cultural values. "As it's an honour to be named a fellow of Marconi Society, I will do best to be worthy of it. This is the highest recognition in the ICT (information and communications technology), which is significant for India's growth," Paulraj said. Overwhelmed by the honour at a young age, Asnani credited his parents and teachers for their love and guidance during his career pursuit. "I dedicate this award to my mentor and spiritual guide Srila Prabhupada, founder of Iskon (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) and whose teachings had a great impact in my life," Asnani asserted. "Wisdom of the east should come together with the technology of the west to create a spirit of selfless giving to society and humanity at large," Asnani observed. Paulraj joins a select group of IT pioneers who received the Marconi prize in past such as World Wide Web (WWW) creator Tin Berners-Lee, father of internet Vint Cerf, Google co-founder Larry Page and mobile phone developer Martin Cooper. "To have three generations of Indian achievers in ICT -- Kailath, Paulraj and Asnani -- at an event is a testament to theAcontribution Indians are making at the cutting-edgeAof technology," IndiaTechOnline.com editor Anand Parthasaraty told IANS in Bangalore on Saturday. RELATED Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to Visit India Next Week Indian American Professor Wins National Medal of Science Multiple Inquiries For 'Dummy Grenade' Found on PM's Stand-By Plane Indian Consul General at San Francisco N. Parthasarathi and Indian-born Microsoft researcher Aakanksha Chowdhery, first woman to receive the Marconi young scholar award in 2012, participated in the award ceremony. "Paulraj's contributions to wireless technology and the resulting benefit to humankind, are indisputable. Every WiFi (wireless fidelity) router and 4G phone uses Multiple Input-Multiple Output (MIMO) technology pioneered by him," Society chairman David Payne said at the event. MIMO boosts data rate by creating multiple parallel spatial data streams and is the key to the latest wireless broadband networks like 4G cellular. Born in Coimbatore in northwest Tamil Nadu, about 360 km from Bangalore, Paulraj was also honoured with the IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal in 2011 for his profound work on theoretical foundations of MIMO. Asnani, who hails from Kota in Rajasthan, is also a system engineer at the Swedish telecom major's R&D centre in the Silicon Valley, off the US west coast, besides pursuing doctorate in mathematics at Stanford University's Electrical Engineering School. Graduating from IIT-Bombay in electrical engineering in 2009, Asnani went to the US to do his masters at Stanford and enrolled for PhD.
  9. Like I said I will condemn the millions of dog marriages taking place in Hindu society, and you can condemn the millions of fake marriages taking place in your community. Or I can look beyond the disgusting, immoral acts and look at the root reason. Both kinds of people are desperate for happiness hence taking steps that are obviously plainly dumb. Just yesterday I went to a marriage and the dulha was a German Sheppard. I tricked the Dulha with a treat and lead him out of the marriage hall and put an end to it. No dog marriages here.
  10. End of discussion for me. I'm getting bored. But please whatever you do don't tie rakhri from your sister in August and then get married in October. And you should give a tight slap to the vichola as well.
  11. Ok- we will end this here. I will publicly speak out about the millions of dog marriages in India and you can speak out about the millions of cases of cousin, sister and brother marrying. Agreed?
  12. You want me to explain other peoples rituals and beliefs? BTW, Mr. Bachchan and his family were publicly grilled by mainstream society and media for such an act. I don't here anything about marrying cousins, sisters and brothers by the thousands in your community and why you allow such crap.
  13. The Europeans should have used some of that superior technology grab a hold of Jerusalem which was under Islamic rule for 500 years. Instead they got destroyed by Saladin. So much for superior technology.
  14. Superior technology, no. The muslims had better technology. A little quirk of history saved Europe from completely falling. The destruction of the middle east by the Mongols. Looser.
  15. Take a look around at the states in India - nearly every state has a long running boundary, water or language issue with the central government or neighboring states.
  16. Sham marriages are perhaps way more expensive because the couple has to go the extra mile to hide their tracks, and are fraught with risks. As a person who has represented clients before the boards, tribunals, commissions and courts here in Canada, I can tell you that Sikh couples are treated differently than Hindu couples because of sham marriages. The sikh couples, especially if they get married by sikh rituals, are almost always required to show photos, videos, invitation cards, emails to prove their marriage plus a personal interview. As for both issues whether its superstition, ignorance or greed the desire is always for a better life.
  17. The Hindus are waiting just like you. Its not like our life is much better than yours. Perhaps even worst. Where is the modern, secular nation that was promised to us? Why is the money donated to the temples given to the government, and the money donated at mosques and churches not? The people you term as Hindus are actually commies, leftists and other types that hate everything indic. The situation is so bad that it took the rise of Hindutva to counter it. The running joke in our community is that the more sanskritized the name is of the individual, the bigger the gaddar or traitor.
  18. Believe it or not people get to Kainada, Englaaand and Amreeka based on education, family ties and business skills as well. The vast majority perhaps. If you have the skills these countries will want you. Which gets to my second point of not having the skills (because you decided farming was better than engineering) and using other means to get to the West.
  19. No more or less than when people marry their own sisters, cousins, brothers and even fathers (from one case that I read about)
  20. By that logic the marriage to the dog was probably just a ritual thing and we don't expect the girl to actually co-habitate and have any physical relationship with the Dog, now do we? We shall leave the issue of having a physical relationship with an animal to the Europeans, and their growing number of "exotic zoos" plus they still have a space program..hehe
  21. The simplest way to a life oversees is to earn it. Like regular people do while standing in the lineup sometimes for years at a time.
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