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Posts posted by CdnSikhGirl

  1. 58 minutes ago, GurpreetKaur said:

    What is varans? 

    Guru Nanak dev ji gave us Sikhi so those so called low caste people have a place to worship since they were not allowed and in 21st century, I don't wanna hear low caste or high caste from a person who knows more than any average joe about Life and why are we here.

    I think he means the four classes like priest class then rulers then skilled workers then servants.  But prior to Sikhi I actually thought Jatts were farmers and considered landowners so they were somewhere either rulers (land owner) or skilled worker... But I could be wrong. Anyway Sikhi got rid of such none sense. Any distinctions used to classify one human over another based on things out of their control were eliminated. Yes that also includes gender as well! Obviously the traits themselves were not removed. People still have family history. That is unchangeable and same with someone's skin colour or gender. What was removed were all the perceived hierarchies saying one person is better than another or has more privileges because of these things which is wrong. 

    Also remember as a woman you are not below men. Remember that. Because it's what Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught us! Don't let these guys make you think you are worth less than a man or that because you were born in a female body you have less rights or that they somehow deserve more respect than you do. In actually ALL humans deserve same respect. These guys keep talking about women respecting men and they don't realize the easiest way to get women to respect then, is if they start respecting women on equal level. They will get all the respect they want then! But they'd rather fight it, see us as lower and then demand respect. I respect my husband not because he's a man and I'm lower than him. I respect him because he treats me as an equal human and gives me the same treatment he would want fm be treated. Same dignity. So I highly respect him!!!! 

    Anyway this is only instruction we need to follow on this (regarding caste and gender):

    "As Gurmukh, look upon ALL with single eye of equality, for in each and every heart the divine light is contained." - Guru Nanak Dev Ji  (SGGSJ Ang 599) 

    Paapiman already said he can not follow the above that he thinks only a Brahamgiani can... But then he said all wives are to see God in their husbands. Psst if women can see God in their husbands that means wives are Brahamgianis?? Lol ask Paapiman! Because he says he can never follow that instruction from Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his reason is he is not a Brahamgiani! But he says women are required to... ;) that makes us Brahamgianis I guess. That or he is just using that excuse to not have to see God in everyone because he doesn't want to. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Harjots8963 said:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH CLASSIC! Neither of you want to address the fact that you aren't actually willing to explore the maryada properly without English Translations!!!

    My last post to you guys. Have fun with all this. Best of luck.



    Harjot Ji you KNOW I can't speak Punjabi! It's not a matter of willing to read it. I can't physically read it without English translation. I would need someone to read it and tell me what it says. The only thing I know from it is that it does not have the bit about women having to see husband as God in there. But I don't know if the rest is discriminatory or not towards women with regards to seva. Like I don't know if the menstruation being impure is in there or women barred from any seva like Panj Pyaras. I know in practice they restrict women from sitting on tabiya during menstruation but some DDT run gurdwaras disallow women to sit on the tabiya at all (verified by a ddt guy I used to know) and reason was that women could start their period at any time and it was 'just to be sure'. But this was actual practice. And as Jasper Ji said this includes keeping women from being part of Akhand paaths too, taking hukamnama, reading from SGGSJ at all in Sangat. And we all know Damdami Taksal keep women from Panj pyaras. I can't say if it's in that book or not until I get someone else to read it and let me know. I'll get my husband to when he has time. It would be really good if nothing was in there regarding women having restrictions placed on them. Because then it would just be practice and not actual rule. I am seriously doubting that will be the case though. 

    So please don't accuse me of not wanting to... When you know I can't read Punjabi. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Harjots8963 said:

    Haha! I've been coming here for a few years.... I only made an account a little while back but before would just read the threads haha... it's just sad to see that back in the day there was a lot of great convos going on but nowadays there's just this nonsense lol

    being male I don't expect you to ever understand how it feels to be forced into the passive role doing all the menial things while the other gender gets to run everything. You feel like you are taken for granted and undervalued. And since this is religion we are talking about you feel like maybe our creator even thinks less of us. Women have been given the crap role in life in general. And then men go and make it worse by imposing limitations which have nothing to even do with gender. But they base it on your gender. You'll never know what it feels like to hear the words "sorry dear men only" which makes you feel like a piece of crap for being the gender you are. Men will never know what it's like to have any limitations.  Because Of male privilege. And don't even try to say that doing dirty jobs makes it equal. It doesn't. Someone mentioned sewer cleaner? How about wiping dirty asses all day long? Sewer cleaners at least get protective gear. When is the last time someone wore a respirator changing a diaper? Have you even smelled baby crap??? It's revolting and vomit inducing!! And careers have nothing to do with seva at the gurdwara anyway! 


  4. 59 minutes ago, GurpreetKaur said:

    I thought baptized Sikhs are above caste systems? 



    Apparently not. 

    Funny thing is a lot of these guys are taksal or follow Damdami Taksal. You know what is in Taksal Rehet Maryada? Yes the same Taksal who everyone on here are SURE date back to Guru Gobind Singh Ji....


    This is direct from Taksal Mayrada under Amrit section:

    "Differences in caste, creed, colour, gender, rich and poor all have been eliminated by the creation of the Khalsa.  The true Guru is all powerful"


    Also did you know the Taksal Maryada doesn't even prohibit women from being one of Punj Pyaras! It's only inferred from language as Singh. However everything in the entire document refers to Singhs and not Kaurs when referring to seva. Even making Karah prashad. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Guest guest said:

    hi i am the guest who wrote the previous reply.  this reply you gave is a lot better and reasoned out nicely.  i don't essentially disagree with what you have written there.

    since i am not a woman, my knowledge is limited here.  

    on a side note i read on wikipedia that menstrual cup does not carry risk of toxic shock syndrome, i do not know if that is true but if it is that perhaps make its better than tampon etc.

    Yes it does not carry any risk because it's medical grade silicone. Risk for TSS is because blood is soaked in cotton and then sits there. Blood in a cup remains in same state as it is in the uterus and does not change its composition till it meets air. 

     Can you imagine many girls in India can't afford monthly hygiene products (maybe this is why the prohibition of seva because they can't deal with it properly?) anyway one cup costs about 1.00 to make or less. Every woman in India could have one and they are reusable and last years and keep them clean. The only thing they have to get past is the idea of putting something inside and some see that as losing virginity which is bogus. 


  6. 26 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    You are right Paaji.

    Western style gender equality and feminism have no place in Sikhism.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Then Sikhism is not the truth it touts itself to be... Unfortunately. Because our creator would not want this.  It seems Sikhism is not following its own scripture then... because this is what Gurbani says:

    Page 599, Line 2
    ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਏਕ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਕਰਿ ਦੇਖਹੁ ਘਟਿ ਘਟਿ ਜੋਤਿ ਸਮੋਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੨॥
    गुरमुखि एक द्रिसटि करि देखहु घटि घटि जोति समोई जीउ ॥२॥
    Gurmukẖ ek ḏarisat kar ḏekẖhu gẖat gẖat joṯ samo▫ī jī▫o. ||2||
    As Gurmukh, look upon all with the single eye of equality; in each and every heart, the Divine Light is contained. ||2||

    Page 446, Line 12
    ਸਭ ਏਕ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਸਮਤੁ ਕਰਿ ਦੇਖੈ ਸਭੁ ਆਤਮ ਰਾਮੁ ਪਛਾਨ ਜੀਉ ॥
    सभ एक द्रिसटि समतु करि देखै सभु आतम रामु पछान जीउ ॥
    Sabẖ ek ḏarisat samaṯ kar ḏekẖai sabẖ āṯam rām pacẖẖān jī▫o.
    They look upon all with equality, and recognize the Supreme Soul, the Lord, pervading among all.

    Page 93, Line 18
    ਰਵਿਦਾਸ ਸਮ ਦਲ ਸਮਝਾਵੈ ਕੋਊ ॥੩॥
    रविदास सम दल समझावै कोऊ ॥३॥
    Raviḏās sam ḏal samjẖāvai ko▫ū. ||3||
    O Ravi Daas, one who understands that the Lord is equally in all, is very rare. ||3||

    Page 879, Line 14
    ਏਕ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਏਕੋ ਕਰਿ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਭੀਖਿਆ ਭਾਇ ਸਬਦਿ ਤ੍ਰਿਪਤਾਸੈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
    एक द्रिसटि एको करि देखिआ भीखिआ भाइ सबदि त्रिपतासै ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    Ėk ḏarisat eko kar ḏekẖi▫ā bẖīkẖi▫ā bẖā▫e sabaḏ ṯaripṯāsai. ||1|| rahā▫o.
    He looks impartially, equally upon all. He receives the charity of the Lord's Love, and the Word of the Shabad, and so he is satisfied. ||1||Pause||

    Page 1103, Line 18
    ਦਰਸਨੁ ਛੋਡਿ ਭਏ ਸਮਦਰਸੀ ਏਕੋ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਵਹਿਗੇ ॥੨॥
    दरसनु छोडि भए समदरसी एको नामु धिआवहिगे ॥२॥
    Ḏarsan cẖẖod bẖa▫e samaḏrasī eko nām ḏẖi▫āvhige. ||2||
    Giving up the different schools of philosophy, I look upon all equally; I meditate only on the One Name. ||2||


    There are many many more examples like the above.  But its obvious that many Singhs like to tout a version of Sikhi where men are in charge, men rule, women are ruled, men dictate, women obey, men are respected, women do the respecting, men lead, women follow. And this is considered 'roles'.  It's a 'role' to be forced into subordination I guess. 

    I'll follow Gurbani not this male dominated, egoistical, version of Sikhism that has no place for women (except under men's feet or in the kitchen).  



  7. In reality there is only ONEness.  But from our perspective, everything is separate. And obviously we need to experience separateness as part of our *collective* spiritual evolution. I am speaking from our perspective and not from the other side, where only exists ONEness.  My point is that sex is much more than physical. And in some small sense, it's the closest thing we in this human state can compare to merging (and even merging is wrong word) with another entity.  You describe it as a drop in an ocean. But reality is, the drop has never actually left the ocean. We have just forgotten we were here.  In fact I do not identify myself with this body.  This is why I fight so hard to oppose anyone being limited by their physical body just because someone else says so.  Gender is seemingly a huge part of the illusion. But it IS illusion nonetheless.  Anyway, always approach intimacy with your spouse as a huge merging of energy between you and not just physical pleasure.  


  8. 1 hour ago, dalsingh101 said:

    I thought that was the electro-magnetic spectrum not electrons. But I could be wrong. 

    Nope, double slit experiment shows that when electrons fired through the slit were affected by conscious observation. When observed the electron went through either slit and created the line pattern on the back. (behaved as a particle) When not observed, it instead behaved as a wave, going through both slits at once, and creating an interference pattern on the back. This means the basic 'stuff' we think makes everything solid....really isn't.  It's proof that the universe is not the solid matter we think it is.  Reality is nonphysical and only becomes physical when we observe it into existence. 

    Consciousness is who we are and not these physical bodies. This is why the Gurus placed emphasis on purity of the mind, not the body. This is why all humans are to be treated equally because we are equal. The physical world though seemingly real, really isn't!  It would be like me dreaming I am a King and you dreaming you are a popper. And then me placing limitations on you because you dreamt you were a popper and somehow that makes you lower than me. In reality, we are the same. It's the consciousness (the dreamer) which is real and not the dream.  And this is why sex between a couple is much much more than a physical pleasure or for just procreation in physical sense. Yes it brings new life into the world. Behind that we see the truth. It actually opens a gateway through which another soul can enter this existence.  And the husband and wife are merging not only on emotional and physical level but also their energy. Remember that every single atom in your body is made up of these same particles which pop into and out of existence based on conscious observation. So the only real part of your body is your consciousness. Your energy.  Your soul.  That is what is merging between a husband and wife.  

    I think to say that intercourse is ONLY for procreation is doing it a HUGE injustice.  Gurbani compares our merging to Waheguru to the relations of a husband and wife an awful lot!  And it can't possibly be meaning on a physical level.  It's speaking of that merging on a deeper spiritual level.  

    The only reason I can see ragis abstaining and not getting married is that they travel around and having a family would make that difficult. Also, they rely on donations and live a meagre life. They would not be able to support a family.  So I think that is more the reason than any spiritual benefit.

  9. 3 hours ago, Rock said:

    How can two souls ever merge with each other ?  It does not make sense to me. This seems like a romantic fairy tale concept. I can understand the merging of body, mind & emotions for enough support to carry on the duties of this world.

    Guru Ji says when the husband dies & comes back as a Ghost, the wife runs away in fear ? Where is the love gone then ? What happened to the merging of souls.

    ( Imagine me saying this in a calm tone & a smile on my face. Don't get defensive lol )

    Because physical is not reality. Even science knows this. Did you know that every atom is 99.9999% empty space? And what's left when you break atoms down is basically quarks and electrons (the smallest directly observable particles). There were experiments that show electrons can either behave as a particle or as a wave. And this is dependent upon a conscious observer.  In other words, reality, this physical 'stuff' we think is solid, really isn't. And it's only conscious observation which creates the Universe. So what IS real then? Consciousness itself. That's the base of the universe. In fact, matter could be consciousness itself just slowed enough in vibration to manifest as something solid.  But in reality non-physical / energy is the base state of reality.  Now how does this relate to sex? It's not a fairytale concept. When two humans engage in intimacy their energy actually merges on a nonphysical level.  

    There in actuality several levels to existence. The physical level also has a corresponding energy envelope called the etheric. Everything on this physical level has not just a physical body but also an etheric body.  When the physical body dies, the consciousness can still function on the physical level in the etheric body. But since the etheric body is part of the physical, usually after a short time, the person moves on. I am sure you have heard of astral level, mental level, causal level etc.??  Anyway 'ghosts' are those still stuck in etheric level who refuse to let go of the physical. And not everyone is afraid. Many people actually hunt ghosts... 

    However, remember we always inhabit both physical and etheric bodies. (in actuality we inhabit ALL the subtle bodies at once, they just exist on different levels) but anyway it's the nonphysical part of us which merges during intimacy. This is the real reason why sex before marriage is condemned. Not because of physical pleasure or just that it's taboo etc. And sex is also not just for procreation. It's literally two souls merging on that energy level. To treat sex as something only physical is abusing this great gift which should only be between two souls who have come together as husband and wife and only those two. You don't want to share your energy with everyone do you? 

    In fact astral and etheric are mentioned in Gurbani as well... 

  10. 1 hour ago, Guest guest said:

    knee jerk reaction to claim it is gender roles.  firstly, where is this  famed samprada?  secondly, it more like decorum than a rule. thirdly, the idea that one role is more 'priveleged' than another is your own thinking.  fourthly, its a not a gender thing, logically, e.g.  a women with no mensturation (e.g. menopause) would not have this problem.  

    basically you are just angry due to your own perferences.  you personally hate cooking etc but no one is telling you to specially do that seva either or that 'oly place is in the kitchen' , under any circumstances. 

    What I am saying is that a SInghni who wants to follow her Guru instruction to do seva EVERY DAY should not be told she can't because she is menstruating.  It gives feeling of you aren't good enough you are too dirty to do seva of our Guru.  This is wrong thinking.  It was condemned in Gurbani.  Clean are not those who sit down after merely washing their bodies. Only those are clean are those in whose mind the Lord abides. Anyway, as I said there is a product that can make it like women are not even on their periods. It's worn internally, for up to 12 hours, and completely keeps anything inside.  There is no chance of leaking or smells (since you are worried about smell so much. By the way many of the old Singhs sitting on tabiya smell like body odour and nobody says anything. This is even after ishnan! Anyway after putting this device, there is no chance of anything being dirty or smelling because it literally stops the cycle (well from the outside anyway).  Nobody would ever know she was on her period, even if she was naked! I am sure you will agree, that proper hygiene that can ensure this level of protection should not affect someone doing seva.  It's in effect no different than any human having feces in their bowels (which is constantly). Or urine in their bladder. Since its still inside the body. It works the same way allowing the woman to empty it when she wants just like bowels or bladder. 

    Anyway yes I stopped my cycles nearly my whole adult life. Not for seva purposes. But just for convenience since I didn't have a lot of space to bring things to sea and since I was not planning on a child and was not married why bother even going through it? Its only needed for procreation. But I would not feel bad doing seva on a period either.  I would just use a menstrual cup. As I explained above it pretty much is like stopping your period since it keeps it fully internal. 

    Anyway I think he meant Damdami Taksal as they have it written in their rehet maryada that women should not do seva while on their period. However the wording is should. That doesn't mean the same as can not.  

  11. I think anyone who does kirtan should do it from their heart, not for show.  Men and women both!

    But there is no reason to keep women from doing it, other than the men who currently have a monopoly on it don't want to share the stage with women... 

    No my not wanting to discuss with you was your comment about I have only been in Sikhi for like 2 min.  I asked if you even took amrit because I have.  So I guess I was slightly more productive in 2 min than however long you have been in Sikhi, but you feel like pointing out the fact that I came to it later in life as a flaw.  That's why.  

    I normally converse with anyone.... 

  12. 1 hour ago, Guest guest said:

    how would you know?  the head of SGPC a while back was a woman.  i think she honour killed her daughter for marrying a hindu boy. 

    its kind of insulting to project all these things on people you know nothing about.  you walked into this religion like 2 minutes ago (no offence).

    Two minutes ago LOL.  okay.... haha.  

    You know, I have met people who have grown up in Sikh families who give no thought to deeper philosophical meaning in Gurbani. To them Gurdwara is just a place to socialize. At least those of us who came to it later in life, came with intent to learn. (and by the way later in life for me is at about age 20, and I am 40 now) And by learn I don't mean the cultural impositions (Hindu or otherwise) which have nothing to do with the teaching in Gurbani. Because we all know that Gurbani speaks of equality of all humans. And it actually says specifically treat ALL humans with a single eye of equality. So it doesn't mean hide women away in private life while men get all the glory, and somehow try to say that women are not seen as inferior.  That's a bunch of bull crap.  Gurbani INSTRUCTS as Gurmukh to see ALL with a single eye of equality, for in each and every heart the divine light is contained. This means, see that gender is transitory, the divine light within ALL is the SAME light of the ONE Creator, therefore treat everyone with the same privileges. Single eye of equality is a term often used pertaining to justice. Therefore it's speaking of actions towards.  In other words, if you allow men to perform kirtan at Darbar Sahib, according to Gurbani, so are women. 

    Those of us who came to Sikhi on our own, outside of Punjabi culture, can see the religion separately from Punjabi culture including Hindu influence which places women in a lower inferior position. And yes, the bit about menstruation being dirty falls in there too!  I can show in Gurbani where the idea of menstruation being unclean, is condemned openly by our Guru.  

    Answer this, have you even taken Amrit? If not, I don't even want to converse with you. 

    Some female Ragi Jathas (you don't think they are willing to give up fashion etc?) They should have every right to do kirtan anywhere that male ragi jathas can. By the way the first one was at Bangla Sahib...





    And these last ones just to show that yes women can even initiate into Khalsa as one of the Panj Pyaras:



    There is no reason for women to be told they aren't allowed to do anything in Sikhi. 

  13. The short answer is yes, Sikhi provides equal treatment of ALL humans regardless of race, colour, caste, creed, gender, rich/poor etc. However, although vast majority of Sikhs will agree on all the other points in my above statement, many Sikh males refuse to acknowledge gender equality and want to keep the top posts for themselves. The only reason gender inequality exists is the Sikhs who are propagating it.  Our Gurus and our holy book (which we will never consider a book but is our eternal Guru) Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, only speaks of equality of everyone, and that includes gender.  These stupid rules where women are given less opportunity by some groups in Sikhism (certain posts reserved for men only, our most holy place doesn't allow women to do much there at all, the things you mentioned above, plus limitations on women because of menstruation etc.) these limitations are actually against our scripture and what our Gurus taught. The only reason they are enforced are that those who enforce them can't stand the thought of women having equal say and power or even participating as an equal. They want women to remain to be seen as passive and lesser than.

    But if you continue to ask here, you will be called western feminist if you expect any sort of equitible tretment of women, others will say its a team men are not against women... their idea of a team is men order, women obey. Men lead, women follow. Many of the guys on here want submissive obedient wives they can order around while they get to be 'in charge'.  And this desire to always be in charge over women spills into the religion.  Now.... just watch what happens and what I will be called and you will see. Wait... its coming.

  14. Guest Annya you are opening a can of worms and soon you will be called a nindak by members on here for even broaching this topic. Just leave it.

    Know that our Gurus taught equality, and Gurbani only speaks of equality. There is no seva reserved for men only (even though some men like to think there is and that is their problem not Sikhi) and there are no restrictions on women (even though you probably read the disgusting comments about menstruation etc recently on here) but the idea of that too is condemned in Gurbani. 

    Stick with those who follow Rehet Maryada of Akal Takht as if they are following Sikh Rehet Maryada it states men and women have equal rights in Sikhi and that female fetus abortion is not allowed. Encourage more women to run for gurdwara management or do so yourself (I am actually in management committee here for second year in a row at a 99% Punjabi Gurdwara and I am a gori convert). Kirtan here is done mostly by women. Women take hukamnama here and lead ardaas.  Go to gurdwara and go up to do chaur sahib seva and nobody will stop you.

      If you go to gurdwaras run by certain groups (jathas/sampardas) you will find nothing but disappointment if you want them to see you as an equal it will never happen. You will be expected to sit quietly and follow while the men do all the leading. Or you can cook langar. That's about it. 

    If you have Akhand Kirtani Jatha in your area they absolutely do practice equality but they have some other differences of their own that some find too orthodox and extreme like eating from only iron utensils (sarbloh bibek) and never allowing food from outside, only food cooked by yourself (or other Amritdhari) They also consider the keski (small turban) mandatory for both male and female (equal is equal) and consider it to be a kakkar instead of kesh. But AKJ do really great simran and Kirtan. You may find you like them because of that equality. I highly respect them but I could never follow sarbloh bibek for practical reasons. 


  15. 3 hours ago, Koi said:

    If you are a bihangam full time with the jatha, then yes, celibacy may be ideal. 

    The idea to stay celibate during marriage is misunderstood. Gristi jeevan is fine. But too much bhog is bad for you spiritually, mentally, physically etc.

    Sugar is sweet, but too much will give you diabetes. 


    Of course you don't want to become a sex crazed maniac but...

    Celibacy means no sex at all. 

    Most healthy way is to have intimate relations with your spouse but don't become addicted to it.  Do it for right reasons, intimacy and closeness with your spouse as an act of love. You are supposed to be two souls in one body. Merging with that other half of yourself is not wrong. Just don't take it for granted or start doing it purely for physical pleasure.

    But Gurbani makes it clear that celibacy does not get you a fast pass ticket to God.

    The only reason I can see these Ragi groups etc wanting people to be unmarried is so they can devote more time to practicing and traveling around without worrying about a family they have to get home to. So that's not a spiritual reason but a practical one. 

  16. 4 hours ago, GurpreetKaur said:

    Dal Singh ji, I swear upon my mom I did not get what he meant. Go ahead call me dumb. And my reply was just a reply without giving much thought the way you said. It's not polite to call someone dirty minded just based on your assumption. I just asked you once why you call people pendu and you got so mad. I don't know if you have anger problem or not but if I offended you I am sorry for that.

    I asked a long time ago and nobody told me. I thought someone actually typed out I was an admin cut something or other.  I was wondering what they meant by calling me an admin cut. I thought it was a phrase or something... but yes it's when someone swears and the forum software filter picks it up and replaces the word with 'admin cut' Forum settings can be managed by the admins, so they can add to the list of words that get filtered.  So if they wanted to add for example 'nindak' then every time someone called someone else a nindak it would say instead they are an admin cut LOL. 


    As for the meat topic, it's not explicitly prohibited in Gurbani or Sikh Rehet Maryada. But I think for animal sake, and empathy for animals, we should not eat them when we have good alternatives. That also goes for eggs and milk (which I am trying to cut out both).  I have been vegetarian but eat eggs and milk.  But I try not to have too much eggs and milk anymore. Almond milk is a good alternative for milk, and you can get vegan scrambled eggs that are pretty good, but I have not found any good cheese alternatives yet :(  


  17. 5 hours ago, BhagatSingh said:

    Question - If a woman is asking for EQUAL treatment and opportunity, how does that equal hatred of men?

    Answer - It does not. However in many cases, it's the way they pursue it that is the problem. They believe ludicrous things like - men oppress women - when the reality is that men and women are in this world together as a team.

    These people justify their beliefs by ignoring evidence of biological and psychological realities.

    Remember the hormones that change our biology and create our genitals - penis and vagina - also go into our brain and change how our brain works. These hormones wire each gender differently, according to evolutionary pressures imposed by natural selection, group selection and sexual selection.

    On a side note - I think this is why you can have a person stuck in the body of the opposite sex, where the brain did not change along with the genitals. This gives birth to a transsexual community.

    They ignore this overwhelming evidence and believe men and women are exactly the same aside form their genitals, which feeds into their above belief that "men oppress women". They think - Why do women have different roles if they are just like men? It must be oppression!

    This is not the case. Such beliefs can be countered easily by seeing the gender differences in behaviour, interests, necessity, etc.

    Even though both genders are the same soul, the physical world imposes physical limitations. The gender roles are solutions to those limitations. Some of the roles are different as per society however there are some fundamental roles that are found in each society.

    There are also certain gender roles that lead to the most well-being for men and women, for husbands and wives.

    Obedience however is not one of them. Neither spouse should have to give up their will their personality and opinions so the other can have their way all the time.  And yes over history men have been the ones who have imposed many restrictions on women.... Because they could. You are saying that men placing limitations on women is somehow not oppression? How would you like it if you were being told your place is in the kitchen serving your wife (never mind any fulfilling life outside the home) and your role in religion is to remain passive and listen while all the women do all the prominent roles. Oh but you can cook of course since that's in a kitchen. It's easy to say roles are fair when your gender is being given the better 'role' which is more privileged. you would not be saying its such an equal team if you were being told you have to play the less privileged role. 

    Seva during menstruation (not just in Sikhi) religious function while menstruating has been seen as dirty by men in all major religions leading to the implication that women are cursed, women are impure etc. And unfit for performing religious duties. In the extreme menstrual taboos have kept women away from families during that time, hidden away in menstrual houses or rooms, believing that everything they touch is impure including food etc. This has absolutely nothing to do with wellbeing for women! 

    btw my brain works much more like what you would say men's brains do. (I just say it's a human brain) so to pigeonhole me into the submissive role doing menial domestic work would kill me. Or I'd probably kill myself. I'd feel suffocated and controlled if I was expected to obey while he got to just control me. Luckily we both believe in equality. He doesn't want to ever stomp me into submission. I don't hate men I have an awesome one as my husband who I happen to love very much!!! 

    You are putting too much emphasis on telling people what roles they are to play instead of just letting them play whatever role they want. There is so much diversity in humans and our brains that you can't paint everyone the same. While some women like doing dishes and cooking and cleaning that's not what fulfills me. However it does fulfill some men!! I drive a motorbike, started to get my pilots license, joined the navy, became a submariner, loved fire fighting training, I am bit of an adrenaline junky. And I  am good at my job. I'd go crazy of boredom as a housewife. (Which sounds too much like housecat to me). The only roles should be the roles we choose. And I know you keep hinting at roles as in male controls and woman is controlled (ie must obey). Since you were so keen on that before. Let me say one last thing on this: if men want to lead then lead by example. If you want a submissive wife then lay down your own selfish motives and ask her what SHE wants and then do it her way. You want to watch the game and she wants to go out? Turn the damn game off. That's taking the lead, not barking orders or expecting to be served. Try serving her!!! It's a team right? You can join team dinner and dishes right along with her! Or she cooks dinner, then taps you in to do the dishes like a relay team! How about team diaper changes?? And also decisions can easily be made as a team in marriage you know. One person doesn't always have to have last day. That's not a team actually. That's a dictatorship. 

    Anyway different topic... 

    .... our Gurus recognized that menstrual taboos marked Hindu women as unclean and impure and Gurbani speaks against using menstruation to say someone is impure or unclean. Gurbani has already established that periods don't mean someone should experience limitations. 

    However I like Jaspers idea! If groups want to limit women then also place the same limitation on men. Several days each month men must refrain also from seva of SGGSJ symbolically. Then it's fair. Then nobody can say women are deficient in seva because of their periods because the men are also barred for several days a month every month. 

    But anyway Akal Takht recognizes no such limitation and women should not be forced to follow any such limitation. Just use common sense with protection. 

  18. 54 minutes ago, Guest guest said:

    im not trying to be funny, but that i think that that description is really quite beautiful, and as a man, i would totally follow that religion^.  im serious.

    Yeaaaah right. No man would ever want to be in that religion. There were Goddess religions prior to agrarian society. Men stomped the idea of the feminine divine out long ago (along with women's will and equality).  And even though Sikhi does address both masculine and feminine in God as SGGSJ mentions both aspects, how do most Sikhs still refer to Waheguru Ji? As 'he' even though God is supposed to be formless and genderless. 

    Mand to the other guest I don't think it has to do with racism. One of them said before on here that Amrit took away skin colour and caste but it didn't remove gender. So it's obviously a deep rooted disdain for female gender. 

    Jasper Ji thanks for the alternate all female version of Sikhi, but I would actually prefer a version where both males and females play key roles. I don't think it should be either one dominating it. And I don't think either one should be forced into shadow. But yes I can't see how any Singh seriously contemplating that can not see how it affects us after that. It paints a pretty bleak picture. At the very least I hope they go home and say sorry to their Moms and sisters for what they have to endure.

  19. I already said I don't care if they nindya me on my alias. I assume from your post chatanga replied? I can't see his responses because I have blocked that member. But I know he still nindyas me all the time because I see posts like your referencing him. Please do me a favour and don't quote him as I won't give him the satisfaction of reading his drivel anymore.  And thanks for the support. However I am hoping my sacrifice will make things better for females in future. In other words I am taking the hit so others won't have to down the road. 

  20. Here is paapiman posting only one or two lines from a full shabad again and losing the context. It's not saying to renounce everything but to realize that everything in this life is transitory.  

    @akalpurkh the full shabad speaks of God being everywhere and that our true form is with God. Everything here is temporary. It's not saying don't get married or have a family. It's saying don't look at that as being your full purpose for existence. Like it's ok to stop and smell flowers or take in the beauty of this world but don't forget that this world is temporary and you have an even more beautiful world waiting beyond this one so don't get so caught up in this one. Actually an ascetic can become just as caught up in the beauty of the forest and forget that the forest is only transitory too!

  21. There is a reason so many different paths have put emphasis on mantras. Everything in the Universe is really just energy vibrating slow enough to manifest as something solid. What we experience as matter however is still just energy in a slow state of vibration. Quantum physics has already discovered that consciousness can affect (and create) matter. Vibration being the base of everything makes sense. Heat, light, sound, radio, electromagnetic, radiation, microwaves, etc are all just different spectrums of the same thing. Even an atom is in perpetual motion. Mantras are creating sounds which will have influence in the physical (and other) realms. I have not watched yet but I will. 

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