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Ashok Kumaratri

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Everything posted by Ashok Kumaratri

  1. Dear sirs, with reference to the various columns written by some of my dear historians in favor or against the famous and last hindu king prithviraj chauhan do not withstand with the historical facts. Some distorted facts about indian history have been mentioned on the blogs without proper scrutiny of proper history books. It is irony of fate that the facts mentioned in prithviraj raso have been named epics which further add a gloomy shade to our ancestor's history. Mohummad ghori was never a match to the last hindu king prithviraj chauhan. Let us stop glorifying these barbarian attackers of islam on the name of research in history. If someone has any doubt can go through the books of hindi author naamvar singh on prithviraj chauhan but it is also true that our ancestors have commited some mistakes and now the time has come that we should learn a lesson from them and start rectifying our history
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