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Posts posted by GurpreetKaur

  1. 20 minutes ago, Ragmaala said:



    lol relax satkirin

    I dont think like an atheist, I am firm believer of after life & whatever is mentioned in Gurbani etcetc

    What I mean is ....its easy to say that death is irrelevant....but this concept only applies to those who have had self-realization not us beings who are no where yet. We still need to keep it in mind & take sanctuary of Gurus Feet.

    I don't think she understood what you meant since you wrote in Punjabi lol


    I don't think he is scared of death, he said jap Vaheguroo since time is running out and I replied naw don't focus on running out time, just focus on getting near destination which is salvation lol. I am sure he knows all of that stuff too, most of the spiritual people have and had their hands in all sort of stuff whether traditional or science and dude is a medical student or Doctor so I am sure his knowledge is good.  ( I don't know what are you, but I will never visit your clinic cuz I got my herbs!! lol).  

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ragmaala said:

    Yes, a king is supposed to be a father figure. How can he act like that ?  yes lust can make you so blind.

    Anyone, remember the story of Brahma who had a lustful eye for his daughter Saraswati. That is why he had 4 heads, before he was looking in all directions wherever Saraswati meant. 

    These stories have some deep meaning going on. We need to keep digging.

    Oh man, that's messed up..:(. I thought Brahma is a Hindu deity and they worship him. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, Ragmaala said:

    So once again we have a Jatt man who was fooled by his wife, and a wife who was playing with the king. And the wife was clever enough to save her ass.

    Important characters in story

    - Jatt's wife...Jatt is considered to be a fool by default here lol

    - King fond of hunting

    - Symbolism of Black Snake, Pandit, putting feet on head


    I don't think they mentioned caste or I can't  read lol. 

    45 minutes ago, Ragmaala said:

    Hey what about men getting cheated upon ,,you are being sexist

    haha I m only kidding

    Lol, I knew someone will point that out. I wanted to write something about women cheating on men then I was like ahh chado lol. It was not necessary for the point I was making but yes I was being sexist lol


  4. These characters are repetitive now. Same story, a woman who is sleeping with two men. One being her husband and other, a side dude. Husband is always a Fool. If next 404 charities are like this, then my question is why we don't have a Granth where spirituality related stories  are written? 

    Once people start working on themselves to raise their avastha high, do they really attract people like this who will cheat on them? If you are a spiritual person and have a pure heart, do you really need to know all the trick men and women can play or be on a watch that no one cheat on you.There is no peace if you read something negative. Here's an example, I used to watch a show cheaters( real life stories). Every time I saw a man cheating on a woman  and I saw her crying, I felt her pain and was fearful thinking what if after marriage my Husband cheat on me too? I stopped watching that show thank Vaheguroo!! Lol

    I don't know, Paapiman ji, how about you take a shot at explaining the moral of this charita, will be interesting.:p  lol

  5. 11 hours ago, chatanga1 said:



    I don't need to tell any educated Sikh women anything. btw i don't care what Gurpreet Kaur is, it makes no difference to me.


    Gurpreet kaur is a very lost person who is having a hard time understanding why her name was brought up . Since she's too lazy to read all those long posts and would rather spend time listening to kirtan or watching funny videos but still typing this for no reason. Btw, watch this, it's funny. Lol


  6. 6 hours ago, Ragmaala said:

    Women are way more dirtier than men ...everyone knows why. I dont want to write here to stink everyone noses . All  real married men know. I think the hint is enough haha

    You are doing what she has been doing. Judging whole gender based on personal beliefs and couple incidents. Not gonna argue whether women are dirty or not, if you perceive them to be dirty chances are you will manifest it . Dirty word itself is pretty insulting no matter in what context you talk about it. Men or women, no one is dirty, it's just our mind. Once we clean them up then this word dirty will be gone from dictionary.

    All the people above, listen to this and you will find peace. 


    Anyway its your life. If you believe you are impure then go ahead and follow the DDT RM. Please dont ever have SGGSJ in your home though... as you will run into having to do seva of SGGSJ eventually, while you are menstruating. At home is no different than at Gurdwara... saroop of SGGSJ is our Guru no matter what.
    You only read what you wanna read. I said women don't become impure but some of us have hard time sitting on Tabya. If I don't feel clean without shower, that does not mean I am impure, I just don't feel clean. And your Guru teaches you so many other things too but you are stuck on equal rights and not focusing on other like letting go of Ego or seeing Vaheguroo in other people. You just see genders and that's it. Yiu can spend your time on having discussion about meditation, simran, or other spiritual stuff but no it's all about men and women. I will be honest, you contribute so much on this forum way more than any of us and if you start contributing on worthwhile things, we all can learn so much rather than arguing .
  8. 3 minutes ago, CdnSikhGirl said:

    Think of it this way... what if you have SGGSJ in your own home? Are you going to ignore needs of SGGSJ for a few days every month?

    By the way if you are that heavy that you worry about leaks that much, see a doctor LOL. That's not normal! And you can always double up with a pad too for the first bit till you gain trust in the diva cup! 

    Anyway the above shabads give the answer... too bad you are willing to read what Singhs post telling you what to do and that you are impure or unclean, but you won't read what Gurbani has to say on this issue! 

    I am not talking about purity.. But accidents do happen no matter whether we use diva cup or miracle cup. I don't know I just don't have confident to sit on a white sheet. Even on my third or fourth day I am conscious as hell, and leaks can happen by technical causes and anatomical reason with diva cups , it has nothing to do with the heavy Flow ( and no I don't run to doctor for every single thing) . If you are fine, go ahead and do what you wanna do but 95% women will say No.

    I am not listening to Singhs, I am listening to what my mind is saying and one more woman is saying the same thing. You just take everything on a wrong side, no one is calling you impure just cuz you are on your period. If I don't take a shower, I don't feel clean and the same way when I know I am bleeding I don't feel clean either. 

  9. 21 hours ago, CdnSikhGirl said:

    No that was not a joke. That was called being rude.  You were insinuating that my husband must be scared of me (to what? not keep me in my place?)  Yes I am offended by it not because of feminism but because I love my husband and would never do anything to hurt him. 

    Believe it or not, your joke showed your chauvinism.  You like to keep calling me feminist... well there you have it. You are a chauvinist. Because your "joke" supposes that women being in any way out of the submissive role, must mean the husband is whipped and "scared" of his wife. I am well aware of the derogatory term "p____ whipped" and know thats what you were getting at.  I dont see how marriage has to be one or the other. Both of us are equal in terms of who is in control. Nobody is whipped and nobody is scared of the other. 

    This is an over reaction.. If your comment about men wanting "puppy" as a wife was a joke then this is nothing. Plus you being in Military add up to the joke too, since they are strict. Lol

  10. I just skipped through it cuz man it's too much to read and I am tired lol. But I will say accidents do happen, no matter how much protection ( diva cups) you use.  And about women becoming granths, they can become after 50. Most of the high avastha people are old anyway lol. 

    I am super conscious during my month and no matter what I am using, my brain always go hope everything is okay lol. I have seen some videos on diva cup long time ago and some women were not very happy with it lol. Birth control makes you gain weight and other problems too, I don't know how I will survive after marriage lol. 

  11. Bhagat pooran Singh ji started from begging and cleaning people's feces while taking care of those not so blessed people. Over the time he became such a well known person that he was given Medals. My thinking is totally different than you, for me you don't demand leadership roles, you do your kirat and you will be rewarded then you have no big Ego. If a woman or man really want to serve, they can start from anywhere and what they have. All that leadership roles are an Ego trip and it will get us nowhere. Mother teresa said that when she clean people's feces, she's not disgusted since she sees God in everyone. Bhagat ji is a mother Teresa for India and had the same thinking. These are the type of leaders I want. Not who can't take no and start a war.

    I thought the biggest reason you were fighting since there is not a single place where female panj peyarey are allowed and you told me yesterday that AKJ allow it so I am just thinking all that time you wasted on women right was not even necessary. 

    Agree that no one should be overlooked based on their gender, but I have more respect for the woman  with high avastha who let it go since she realized all of this is trivial.

  12. 4 hours ago, Ragmaala said:

    I am not sure about test but they do have to have some prerequisites. Following are some that I know of :

    - They never in their life should have done a Bajjar Kurehit ( hukka, halal, hajamat, haram). If they were pardoned for it, it is still seen as a kalank or as a knot in thread.

    - They need to have all 5 Banis memorized by heart.

    - They must maintain rehit of 5 Kakars all time.

    - And they should be great naam and bani abhyasis most of the time.

    - Also they cannot disclose any pvt information that is revealed to them when people come for pesh.

    - When the 5 pyaras get ready for sewa, there are 6 singhs in the room. Each person has to get pesh in front of 5 singhs who wants to do sewa. They have to reveal about any shortcomings they have had, like missing nitnem, or having any bad thoughts or any doubts. He gets pardoned & then is allowed in Sewa. Similarly, all 5 singhs go through the same process.

    - in their daily lives, these people have to emulate high moral & spiritual character, way more than us normal people.

    So these guys are usually well respected & known,but indeed its a difficult sewa/

    But yes, there is no litmus test which can tell us about the spirituality of the pyara.

    That make sense, thanks for explaining. 

  13. 17 hours ago, paapiman said:

    It was Moola Khatri jee, who was in the form of rabbit. He was killed by Maharaaj and liberated. 

    5 Singhs (Rehatvaan Gursikhs) also have the power to liberate a soul. Sri Satguru jee has passed his powers to the Khalsa.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    What if panj peyray are not really spiritually advanced ? Do they go through some sort of test? 

  14. 12 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Bro, Daas was having a discussion with Gurpreet Kaur jee. IMHO, we did not go overboard. We did not argue for days over it. She was asking good questions. 


    Bhul chuk maaf

    We were fine, Bapu ji was having a bad day. Koi nah, he just dant us thora jeya lol.

    Mixture of English naale punjabi makes sara kuch so thanda( cool) lol

  15. 30 minutes ago, CdnSikhGirl said:

    I can't listen if it's in Punjabi but I thought Sikhi has no concept of a literal Hell? Just cycle of rebirth and death until liberation? I thought hell and heaven are Abrahamic concepts? I know Paapiman can't see this but can someone who watched it answer? Thanks... 

    I think paapiman ji can see your posts, he just ignore them. Lol. So don't provoke him any further, no matter what his beliefs are brother has a calm attitude and no desire to argue lol. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, CdnSikhGirl said:

    Hey I didnt do anything wrong! I just showed him how seeing menstruation like that he also has to consider what males go through too!  I already know Gurbani speaks against menstruation being seen as impure.  And that I realize its been him and not Sikhi that has been making me disheartened. (well him and others who have same thinking as him).  

    It's not Sikhi I am doubting, just that group of Sikhs.  I will be fine now... I am following SRM and I will still advocate for equal treatment in Darbar Sahib etc. Hopefully someday justice will happen.  Don't get your kacheras in a knot. 

    Don't worry, he will be okay. He just went to eat goat cheese and when back will be a happy happy Bapu ji :)

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