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Posts posted by Sajjan_Thug

  1. On 4/25/2021 at 5:33 AM, Sat1176 said:


    It has left me with breathing issues and lungs don’t feel like before. Suffering from blood circulation issues with hands and feet feel like I’m holding or walking on ice. Never had these issues before. I can’t put my hands in cold water or drink cold drinks. Messed me right up.

    Waheguru Ji

    Have you fully recovered or still have any of these problems?


  2. 3 hours ago, Sat1176 said:

    After taking the vaccine it took a couple of days to recover. I had the AstraZeneca jab and my wife had the Pfizer one. She recovered much master and was only mildly affected for a day.

    Waheguru Ji

    How bad was going through covid, how long did it take to recover naturally or was it the vaccine.  What was the worst that happened while you were going through it and what helped.

    Did it leave lasting effects on you or have recovered from everything.


  3. On 4/8/2021 at 7:49 AM, Ragmaala said:

    Take vaccine. I had 2 doses pfizer. Felt fever 2 days 2nd dose but fine afterwards. Family had covid, dad worst fever 3 weeks , but i was saved due to vaccine and guru kirpa. Not sure about astrazeneca for under 55, i would avoid that. Parents are booked for moderna vaccine. 

    How long did your family symptoms last and how long it took to recover.  How bad did it get for them and did anything help. Waheguru

  4. On 4/8/2021 at 3:44 AM, Sat1176 said:

    I’ve had the first dose. Can’t say I felt great after having it. Had fever for 2 days and my arm was swollen for over a week.

    I would take my chances with  vaccine over getting COVID again.

    How long did your symptoms last and how long it took to recover.  How bad did it get for you and did anything help. Waheguru

  5. On 4/14/2021 at 7:35 AM, Ragmaala said:


    Veer Ji, what does sehaj feel like ? are you able to put in into words. I dont think I have ever experienced it, so I am just curious. Does it feel like sleep ...I might have experienced few seconds of sleep during simran but not remembering anything..kind of like a head bob and waking up. 

    Waheguru Ji

    These sections are from the book Bandginama.  Which explains the state of Sahej.  Also towards the end Sant Attar Singh Ji and Baba Nand Singh Ji give personal advice to the author of Bandginama on this state of Sahej, when he was going through it. 


    The State of Sahej 

    The spiritual stage gradually continues to advance to such an extent that we consider even the recitation of mental Simran as superfluous. Then the physical process of Simran ceases, but the mind is in union with God, in a state of poise. Now, both the physical and mental stress of Simran cease, and the mind is perfectly at rest. This is called the Sahej stage, whose peace and bliss defy description. Then one feels: 

    Those who have not practiced Nam Are leading a useless, insipid life. jini aisa Hari nam na chetio se kahe jag ae ram raje Guru Ramdas - Asa. 

    The ambrosial joy of Nam is experienced at this stage. The mind is in a state of inebriation and is full of unfathomable bliss, and the joys of the world stand no comparison to it and pale into insignificance. We feel as if we have found a rare treasure. When we descend from this state, mental Simran begins and, through it again, we ascend to this stage of peace, poise, and joy. 


    My First Illusion When I first felt this stage of effortless union with God, I thought that though my bliss was infinite, yet Simran was seemingly wanting, and so I fancied that without Simran God-worship was meaningless.  At first, I imagined that God-worship consisted in repeating the Divine Name only; then I conceived that mental Simran was God-worship: now I felt as if Simran had ceased altogether and, therefore, I felt that the repose of the mind in peace and poise, without Simran, was not God-worship and was, I thought, a mere waste of time. For years, I laboured under this delusion. 

    I consulted some Mahatmas, one of whom was the late Sant Attar Singh Ji. The Sant said, “My dear boy, this spiritual state of yours is superior to your previous stages the very object of Simran is to attain this state of poise and peace.” 

    Later, I met Dr. Chanan Singh of Jagraon, who himself was a devotee. He escorted me to the late Sant Nand Singh Ji of Kaleran (Ludhiana District), who said, “In the first stages there is Simran with the lips, followed by mental Simran. This is followed by the mind resting in a state of poise and peace.” He added, “When somebody is performing Simran with the lips, followed by mental Simran, he stands apart from God and adores God, but when he draws nearer to God, Simran begins to drop and there emerges a state of being-at-one and one drinks of the heavenly nectar.”

    He paused awhile, and said, “Take two pieces of iron. When the two pieces are welded, they become one whole. So is Simran the welding, the joining link that unites the soul with the Infinite Soul.” 

    I inquired: “Since the mind does not continuously dwell in the state of Sahej, how can we permanently retain it in this state?” 

    He replied: “Let the mind remain in the state of Sahej, so long as it will stay there. When it descends, take to Simran and through Simran, it could regain the same ideal state of bliss. In the course of time, the mind will ever abide in the state of ceaseless mental peace and bliss.”

    7.4.3 The Fruit of Sahej 

    In this blessed state, the seeker feels as if he has received an electric current within him-waves of ecstasy surge through him. A wondrous thrill permeates his being; there is boundless, overflowing joy; he is steeped in an ocean of bliss; he feels inebriated with brimming bliss. When he turns his mind to his
    ears he hears sweet melodies emanating from the universe; in the cortex of the brain there is the musical melodious tinkle of bells, and celestial symphony. When the seeker’s mind turns to his nose, sweet, enthralling perfumes greet his nostrils, and when his eyes open, he sees Divine Force pervading all things and feels that the Divine Force makes all living things dance to His tune. And when his eyes close, he perceives the same Force permeating His being. He finds himself indissolubly connected and interlinked with the universe, like beads strung together. This state of Sahej brings Divine Knowledge, which I shall refer to in the chapter on “Gyan, or Divine Knowledge.”

  6. 11 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Bro, do you listen to Sri Mool Mantar, while you are sleeping, eating, etc?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Waheguru Ji

    If you mean listen using a mp3 player or audio, no dass doesn't do that as that will become a distraction.  You might be listening to a audio jaap but the mind will still be thinking and you might be under the illusion that you are accomplishing your goal.  The mind has to do the jaap with intention and listen without anyother interference.

    Dass only try's to listen to own voice internally or externally while sleeping, eating, or doing any other activities.  It's easy with some activities, hard with others.  It's all a play of dhyan/attention. The more you do the jaap and sadhana the easier it is.

    Waheguru Waheguru

  7. 9 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Gurparsaad, many options are being provided for Jaaps, but please choose ONE and stick to it for a very LONG time period. Avoid doing Jaap of one Gurbani Shabad/Mantar for 3 months or so, and then switch to another Gurbani Shabad/Mantar. Don't keep switching the Jaaps.

    Please remember the below:

    Most likely, for an ordinary person (from a spiritual standpoint), it will usually take Sava Lakh (125,000) repetitions (with love, devotion, concentration, firm belief, knowledge, etc) of a Jaap/Mantar or even more, before you start feeling/realizing the power of that Jaap/Mantar.

    To accomplish 125,000 repetitions of a Jaap in 40 days, one has to do more than 3000 repetitions per day, of that Jaap, which might not be possible for some people. If you plan to do 125,000 repetitions in 6 months (which should not be that hard), then you will have to do approximately 700 repetitions per day.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Waheguru Ji

    What has been your experience using these techniques written in the granths.  Have they produced any results or any experiences for you. Please share if you can.


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