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Everything posted by InSaN3

  1. I will agree with Pheena, mukti might not come by dying for nation. Althogh its quite possible if you died for the Truth, or you may be given another chance to become mukt depending on your karam. Now, my question would be how do you become mukt? what's state of being mukt?
  2. Thanks. Its quite interesting to know how they were born. Does gurbani say anything else about these three? Do we need to overcome the three of we need to transform into a particular guna?
  3. There are three gunas: sattva, rajas and tamas. What does Gurbani say about these?
  4. Masculin/Feminin similiar to sardar/sardarni not sure exactly about orgins of these words but all i know in this language is that when you add "ni", "ri" "ki" "bi" etc., to word it sometimes becomes feminin.
  5. depends how you define guru and khalsa. if your pure then ur khalsa then you can be guru because guru is pure too Guru is pure, that is one quality of guru doesnt conclude being pure you're guru. for example, when doing proofs whether two things are equal you have to check, evaulate both sides of equation to prove that. khalsa=guru? this doesnt tell you anything but once you start defining the two, qualities they must possess. One quality both must possess is being pure. I leave the other conditions to you to explore...
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