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tva prasad

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Posts posted by tva prasad

  1. On 2/15/2018 at 12:18 PM, paapiman said:

    Rakatbeej was killed by Durga jee. So, who became the next king?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    I think it is Bali (the king who appears in Vaman avtar). The story goes like this... 

    When Bali was defeated, Vishnu ji was pleased with his devotion and thus gave him a boon of immortality (making him one of the 7 chiranjeevi), promised him that he will be the next Indar and also made him the emporer of the Asurs. 

  2. 13 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    That's way too simplistic. It's like Fred West's children worshipping him. Or some other pedo who happens to have kids. It's mad. If people haven't figured out that not all parents/spouses are benevolent creatures, and that they too can have serious issues for one reason or another they must be living in some sort of psychological cave. 


    You know, if I met an apna , who had a decent sister or daughter who somehow ended up with some abusive husband (this does happen in our community), and his advice to her was to worship the fudhu like a god - I'd have absolutely zero respect for them as a man. I wouldn't even want to see their face. I bet most who would promote this would be proper momma's boys too. And I'm not idealising females either, I know plenty can be proper self-absorbed c**ts. 

    Parents and husbands also have their own duties towards their children and wife, respectively. I was just talking about this specific topic. However, you are right about abusive husbands but the opposite also happens. 

    If a wife has an obligation towards her husband the husband also has an obligation towards his wife. I was merely speaking from a spiritual perspective, outlining the reason behind this practice and why it is recommended. However, in today's society your concerns are quite valid. 

    If a woman is told/explained to view her husband as god, her husband also has to be told/explained to follow the duties and role of a man in marriage. I fully agree with your point that it goes for both genders to respect and trust each other in marriage.

    P.S. there is nothing wrong with being a "momma's boy", if your parents are genuine :)

  3. 16 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    This frequently doesn't happen. All sorts of thing can mess this up. From innate tendencies, to learnt behaviour during childhood. CP instructs men to grasp women's minds. Most blokes who are expecting women to worship them are going to be VERY disappointed in my opinion. 

    As @paapiman has mentioned on this thread that, as it is a child's duty to "worship" their parents, in a sense, even so is the wife's duty to worship her husband. She is not doing it for the husband but rather herself. No one expects a woman to worship them, it is rather a duty for women, in this concept. A parent does not expect their children to worship them nor a teacher expects worship from a student, it is the duty of the other party. 

    Different strategies have been developed over time to keep the human mind in check. It is quite evident that the male and female minds work differently, hence different techniques have been prescribed. This technique works rather well for the female mindset. In my humble opinion, this is not oppression of women or a technique aimed to make men feel superior, it is rather a way to reach the ultimate goal of enlightenment. Even if the husband is abusive,  etc. this technique still works. 

    As a wife is the central point of a householder's lifestyle, without her there wouldn't be such a lifestyle. It is easier for her to follow this technique, more so during the olden times when women were housewives. 

    At the end of the day, a woman gets to choose her own actions so it's completely up to her to choose this path or not. 

  4. On 7/29/2018 at 12:04 PM, paapiman said:


    The white society is literally crumbling under the pressure of feminism, these men need to put their foot down before it gets worse than that. Even India and other Asian countries are now imitating the helpless western males. It's sickening and sad.


  5. On 8/18/2018 at 1:17 PM, angy15 said:

     SGGS sees both men and women in equal light.flithy minds is according to one's individual deeds,action and how he /she perceives the world and it is not gender specific.

    So the notion  of that invisible mahapurush abt the wealth,women is not accordance to gurmat principle.


    Women are more lustful than men that is why in all cultures virginity for women is called their dignity. That is also why "pati-parmeshwar" concept was developed for them. The ancients were much smarter than you think, their society was controlled.


    I never knew this until I read a verse from Mohini avatar about rape and wanted to research more to see if there were any studies on it.  

    Today,  feminism has ruined us, "equal rights for women" more like encouraging women to become men,  something which is against nature. That is why our society is falling apart,  however that's another topic and rather off track for this particular thread. 

  6. 9 hours ago, paapiman said:

    @tva prasad - Can you also please re-post the video in the op?



    Bhul chuk maaf



    9 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Thanks for the information.

    Any reference in Gurbani to the divine/celestial years?



    Bhul chuk maaf

    I'm not sure if Gurbani clearly talks about this, however, in SGGS it is mentioned that at the start of creation that Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh were created at the start and will later be destroyed when the great parloh comes. It is important to note that there is different types of parloh (some types are caused by Shiv ji, as he is the destroyer but there is one caused by Akal Purakh himself where not even Brahma, Shiv and Vishnu remain- the universe is destroyed completely to start a new). 

    In the 5th Chapter of Kurma Purana is written as follows:

    1. At the close of that period, all living beings get dissolved in Prakrti, their source. Hence, this is called the reabsorption into Prakrti (Prakrta Pratisaicara) by wise men.

    2. It is said that in due course of time, Brahma, Narayana and Isa (Rudra), all the three, become merged in Prakrti and their remanifestation also is to take place.

    3. Thus, Brahma, the elements (or all living beings)and even Vasudeva and Sankara are created by Kala (time). He alone devours them again.

    4. This Lord Kala is beginningless, endless, free from old age or decay and immortal. He is the Supreme Ruler because of his omnipresence, independence and his state of being the soul of all.

    5. There have been many Brahmas, Rudras, Narayanas and others, but there is one Lord controller of all viz. Kala. He is omniscient. So states the Śruti (Vedas).

    Also check out this website for a better insight:


    I admit that it is confusing as different gods are described at the end which we might have little to no knowledge of, hence I recommend you read this, please:


    It is quite hard to understand, that is why I think Gurbani is special in a sense that it does not bother with other gods as much and only talks of Akal Purakh. Humans in Kaliyuga do not have enough intelligence to understand the deep rooted philosophies of the Vedas, resulting in worship of lower deities. However, gurbani goes straight to the point and stops us from wasting time learning about deep philosophies which go straight over our heads. Gurbani is the true essence and message which is deeply rooted in all the vedas, upanishad, simritis, shatras, etc. It is the divine knowledge; the eternal truth. One may read Vedas, etc. again and again but it is hard to grasp the knowledge for us low beings, hence guru ji gave us low lives gurbani which is powerful enough to liberate us when everything fails. The vedas, Puranas, Yajnas, Yoga, etc. is great to learn but cannot deliver from this deep ocean of sorrows in this age (Kaliyuga) but could in the previous ages, hence one must fully devote oneself to the Perfect God, through naam simran and Gurbani. 

  7. The Raja had seen the thief near her house earlier but failed to connect the two scenarios. He also did not examine the nose carefully or else he would have realised that it was bitten off (due to the presence of teeth marks) rather than cut off. This relates to how the Raja in the original story failed to examine the evidence. 

    In this tale the nose of the woman was bitten off, indicating her loosing pride/respect which was also experienced by the Rani (in original story), the woman tries to get her "respect" back by trying to appear holy and faultless through the lie she had told the Raja. The same way, the Rani had tried to appear faultless before Raja Chitar-rath trying to play the "victim card".  

  8. The Raja from this tale would follow whatever the Rani said, just like the Raja from the original tale. The kingdom is given to the pauper and the Raja killed, this shows that the minister and Raja followed whatever the Rani said bringing about the destruction of the king, thus great sorrow befell on the kingdom. This can be related to the original tale, the minister is showing the Raja that if one follows the council of such women without question destruction befalls him and his kingdom.

    In the above tale, the minister follows the Rani's council without question on his part, he failed to use his intellect. However, it could be argued that he was in a tight spot and could not do much, reflecting the position of the minister from the original story. This is why the minister resorts to telling the Raja, from the original tale, many stories of deception, in this way he uses his intellect in the best interests of the king and the kingdom.

    The minister is explaining to the Raja that destruction is going to befall on his kingdom if he executes his son. As the Raja is old, the Rani, after his death might even marry a lowly man, as the kingdom would have no heir and she will be free to marry whomever she wishes to marry. The kingdom will be bereft of dharam and lose all order, leading to its destruction. Therefore, the minister gets the Raja to think ahead and make wise choices regarding the prince's execution. 

  9. This charitar could be used to highlight how a woman's deception surpasses that of a man. The goldsmith was known as a swindler, yet the woman still invited him to her house, this shows that the actions of a woman are not easily predicted. Thus, planting doubt in the Raja's mind against his wife. 

    The goldsmith was known as a swindler, his disagreeable character was out in the open, people knew of it. However, the character of the woman was not know, yet she deceived even a man claimed by all to be a swindler. This shows that women are better at hiding their immoral traits than men, thus outlining that there is more than a reasonable doubt that the queen, from the original story, may be guilty and the prince not. 

    The woman from the tale had manipulated the man, crying fake tears while easily countering his deception with little cognitive effort on her part. In this way the minister shows the king that the queen is manipulating him with the use of emotions. 

    Through the last two lines, "A woman laden with vile Charitars remains vile-proof. One who can deceive the rulers, cannot be swindled", the minister quite cleverly makes the Raja realise that a woman is quite capable in deceiving rulers, therefore causing the Raja to think logically and reasonably. He artfully tries to make the King take the right decision.  

  10. On 8/26/2018 at 7:29 PM, ragnarok said:

    Would you be willing to elaborate on this? 

    This is the guided meditation I used to access my akashic records. It is a deep journey into the all-knowing subconscious mind which allows you to connect with the truth and gain knowledge and wisdom. You may experience visions of whatever you wish to see during the meditation. You can try this meditation if you wish, it enhances understanding at a spiritual level and gives you more insight into the spiritual world, beyond. Furthermore, one can clear deep misconception about one's current, future or previous lives by getting into contact with the subconscious mind which stores all the knowledge. The best way to gain knowledge is through one's own self and his/her's own life experiences, hence I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a deeper understanding of the akashic records, allowing oneself to freely clear all doubts in the process of exploring one of the spiritual phenomenons of the universe. 

  11. On 5/26/2017 at 7:11 AM, chatanga1 said:

    In the tv serial, Shakuni is shown as being driven by a desire to destroy the Kuru Kul by instigating a fight between Pandavs and Kauravs. He mentions this to his own son, that his plans are coming to fruitiojn with the commencement of war. I have one book on Mahabharat which is a Penguin published book. It's been a long time since I read it, but will have a look through that to see what is says.

    It is said in the KMG translation that Shakuni is the incarnation of Dwapur-yug. At the end of each yug, some fraction the population on earth is wiped out to get rid of  adharmic people, for the commencement of the new yug. Shakuni was a very important instrument in starting the war, he also died in the war, this symbolises the near end of Dwapur yug and the starting of a new yug.  

  12. On 5/19/2017 at 6:45 AM, chatanga1 said:

    After the Kingdoim was divided, the pandavs went to Indaprasth and built a magnifcent palace there. Inviting the Kauravs over to see the palace, Duroyodhan falls into a pool of water thinking it to be an illusion. Draupadi is watching and ;laughs at him after he falls in and exclaims "The blind man's son is blind as well." Duroyodhan is thrice-humiliated, by falling in but then hearing her laugh and further insult him and his father.The King's blindness was a constant source of torment, to both father and son.

    In the book all the pandavs except for Yudhister laugh at Duryodhan, not just Draupadi which causes him to think up a plan to humiliate their wife and rob them of their kingdom. 

    Even though Mahabharat portrays the win of good over evil, it is important to note that none of the characters are completely evil, nor completely good, they all have their faults and also good sides. Even though Duryodhan is seen as evil, he was the only one that stood up for Karan and did not discriminate against him. Duryodhan was really loyal to Karna, the book says he did not cry for anyone (including his brothers) except for Karan. 

    Karan is a very interesting character. He was abandoned at birth, he was forced to be someone he was not, this caused him to always try to prove himself to others. He is a very loyal character, even though he was on the side of the Kauravs he observed dharam. He did what he thought was right, to some people it may seem that it was not right for him to fight on Duryodhan's side, however this just goes to show that dharam is not as simple to observe as it seems, what may seem right to do may not be right for you to do. Karan is rather admirable for having the so much loyalty as to stay with Duryodhan, even though he was told by many people such as Krishan and Kunti to leave him and fight on the Pandavs' side. He finally sacrifices his life for the loyalty of his friendship to Duryodhan. There is a lot to learn from him. 

  13. On 11/3/2016 at 4:43 PM, ragnarok said:

    I have heard that you should not focus on dasam duar as a beginner - why would this be? Sometimes when I can't quiet my mind I take my focus there and my mind goes blank. I then carry on in the forehead.

    Focusing on the dasam duar as a beginner can result in energy imbalances, which are not exactly considered "healthy" for your brain or body and can be dangerous if you focus at this region for prolonged periods of time. 

    The sensations you are feeling is the energy being concentrated in the agya chakra, due to focusing there, it is normal to feel pressure upon focusing on that region. 

  14. Sometimes I hear a gungroo sound, do I have to pay attention to it? It comes from various places, sometimes from the back of my head, sometimes the right or left ear. Sometimes I doubt I'm hallucinating which causes me to ignore it. It does, however, get louder the more I concentrate and becomes softer as I ignore it. I mostly end up ignoring it because I get anxious for some reason, is that bad? 

  15. On 3/17/2018 at 8:57 PM, Lucky said:

    You should look at the work of other mystics too..  Meister Eckhart, Francis of Assisi, Catheriine of Siena, Augustine, St. Catherine of Genoa....etc.  

    You'll be surprised at the many parallels about what truth is and having darshan of waheguru.  Even the majority of the lyrics by the rock band U2, are about very deep spiritual levels as mentioned by many of these catholic mystics.


    Can you name some books that you highly recommend? 

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