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Posts posted by sarabatam

  1. 11 hours ago, Guest PAL_07 said:


    5 Khands in Japji Sahib As Explained By PAL 07 on Sikhawareness Website


    JO BREHMENDEH SOE PINDEH (Whatever is in the universe is within the body) Sri Guru Granth Sahib

    1 First Khand Planet Earth

    Tis Vich Dharti Rakh Dharmsaal, Tis Vich Jea Jugt Ke Rang Tin Ke Naam Anekh Anant, Karmi Karmi Hoe Veechar Sacha Aap Sacha Darbar Titheh Sohan Panch Parvan Nadri Karam Paveh Nisaan Kach Pakaie Otheh Payeh Nanak Geya Japeh Jaye Dharam Khand Ka Eho Dharam.

    "Earth is a realm of righteousness and to earn and live in righteousness.  Here there are many types of living creatures with many names.  God is true and true is the court of Dharmraja the angel of justice.  In the divine court the Panch Parvan beings will be held in high esteem who through grace have received a special mark as great human beings.  How righteous and false a person is will be deliberated there in Dharmrajas Court.  Nanak speaks what he has seen in the realm of Dharam Khand."


    2. Second Khand Is Grace meaning awakening knowledge.

    Gyan Khand Ka Akho Karm......etc. Dasam Duar Savikalap Samadhi Through The Stage of Attaining Grace 

    "And now we speak of the realm of grace spiritual wisdom. So many winds, waters and fires; so many Krishnas and Shivas.  So many Brahmas, fashioning forms of great beauty, adorned and dressed in many colors. So many worlds and So many Indras, so many moons and suns, so many worlds and lands. So many Siddhas and Buddhas, so many Yogic masters. So many goddesses of various kinds.
    So many demi-gods and demons, so many silent sages. So many oceans of jewels.  So many ways of life, so many languages. So many dynasties of rulers, so many intuitive people, so many selfless servants. O Nanak, His limit has no limit!"


    3. Khanda Stage - Perpetual Everlasting Knowledge Entrance Into The Hirda

    Gyan Khand Meh Gyan Parchand, Titheh Naad Binod Anand

    "Fixed Forever In Samadhi State/Turia Pad/Chautha Pad/Nirbhan Pad etc ) Knowledge Becomes Supreme & Extremely powerful (Nirvikalap Samadhi) stage of Hearing of divine music and ineffible bliss." 


    4. Saram Khand Stage of Constant Spiritual Effort

    Saram Khand Ki Bani Roop Titheh Gharat....etc

    Saram means spiritual effort i.e, continuing the mental effort.  The surti takes on new forms The mind takes on a new unique form. Nothing further can be explained in words.  Further mental absorbtion into the Divine takes place."  

    Titheh Garia Surt  Mat Man Budh - (Sahaj Samadhi) Such a human can say anything and it will become true.  There voice becomes spiritual and takes the hearing person into bliss.  No other devas or spiritual beings can be to this stage.  They are undefeatable warriors and become nirbhau. fearless.  God fills within all his body and he become sewn one with Ram (God) in Jivan Mukat stage.  


    To Be Continued..........


    Amazing, mind blowing

  2. - Gurbani has lot of references on hirdee, rideh. Eg Sukhmani sahib, Anand Sahib

    - One line of thought which is quite convincing is our self resides in same as deep sleep-one feeling indifference to three states jagrat, suapan, sukhopat is turiya well maintained abidance in hirde 24/7 in hirda.

    - Second line of thought which is also quite convincing self resides in tenth door/crown chakra. Both above are true at the same time. Listen to sant jagjit singh ji tapes question and answers.

    - Robert Adams was student of ramana maharishi.

    - I found another interesting article which I used experencially- https://beezone.com/wide-stacks-many-topics/three_stations_of_the_hear.html



    The right side of the heart is the seat of the separate conscious self. In the sixth stage of life, the right side of the heart becomes awakened as the root-origin of attention, and the seat of the Witness-Position of Consciousness. As has been described, at the culmination of the ascending process, the Spirit-Energy “falls”, or comes to rest, in the right side of the Spirit Energy in heart.

    It is in the seventh stage of life that the Spirit-Current rises again in the “regeneration” of Amrita Nadi, from the right side of the heart to the matrix above the head. In this process, the body itself is infused with the Divine Spirit-Current in the Circle of the body-mind. Thus, the heart on the right remains always as the “foot” of the “organ” of Divine Self-Realization that is “Amrita Nadi”.


    - I made a link between sant isher singh ji rara sahib video above with sant darshan singh ji article below on hirde 


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