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Posts posted by Soulfinder

  1. On 6/25/2021 at 3:03 AM, GurjantGnostic said:

    Please share any thoughts, and especially any Gurbani, or Ithias, on the following statement. 

    1. To the degree... an individual person has compromised, or made deals with Kalyug.. they can be, and are, "inhabited" or used for brief periods of time, to target or harass good people, Kalyug or other consciousnesses even speaking through people in a way similar to how let's say agents in the movie the matrix do it? 

    2. Sikhs experience being the targets of agents more or less than others?

    3. This happens more or less to the target when doing good?

    4. You've seen this increase, or happen to an agent over time, where they become more subject to Kalyug?

    5. You've seen this decrease in a agent, and they've gotten free of and back in control?

    6. You've seen great leaders targetted and taken off the Paath or out of the game by something like this? Not who they used to be kind of thing. 

    Veer ji here is a video based on the subject by the Late Bhai Jugraj Singh Ji Khalsa from Basics Of Sikhi


  2. 8 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    Paaji, Sri Tva Prasaad Savaiye (or Amrit Savaiye) primarily develop Bairaag in our minds. IMHO, it does not have too much Beer Ras in it.

    Sri Chaupai saab definitely has lots of Beer Ras in it.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Veer ji banis such as Chandi Di Vaar,Uggardanti,Shastar Naam Mala,Brahm Kavach,Chandi Chirtars 1&2,Bhagauti Astotar etc are for pure bir ras as dass has read all of these banis with guru sahib ji's kirpa using roman english text and seen the bir ras from them.


    Tav Prasad Savaiye is actually from Sri Akal Ustat as recently dass read the full paath as its quite a long length bani same as Sukhmani Sahib Ji but with harder words. But its full of lot kirpa as dass heard in katha track to do akal ustat paath

  3. 30 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Saito Sensei in Japan doesn't eat until he's done his bathing, morning prayers, meditation and weapons training and the uchi deshi usually do as well. 

    He says one of the reasons for this is to acustom the body to be able to wake and fight a battle with no food. He also says never eat more than 80 percent your fill, since battle can happen at any time and you can't fight on a fat feasted gut. 

    One of the times I went, there were a bunch of italians living and training there, and they insisted we eat...constantly..lol. So we uh..ate breakfast. That was nice too.  Heh. 

    I quickly learned what muskalatore male means in italian, experientially, however that's spelled.  Training was brutal lol. 

    Italians, no matter how big and tough, do like a good hug and cry for their mammas after eating. It's kinda adorable, lol.

    Thanks for sharing veer ji as dass didn't know about this. It does make sense especially as you have been through the training which does sound like a really good intro to the training of the purtan arts.

  4. 1 hour ago, Samarbir Singh said:


    Bro kaam (lust) has such tight hold on me recently I’m trying to stop using my phone because you know… but I need my phone for a lot of things. I just need to get a grip on kaam.


    Bhul Chuk Maaf

    Veer ji here is a post that dass posted on this thread


  5. 6 hours ago, paapiman said:

    So, the "Sampat" Baba jee used was:

    • Sri Mool Mantar
    • Sri Gayetri Mantar
    • Mangalcharan
    • First Pauri of Sri Chandi dee Vaar


    All the above four were used to form the "Sampat"? Please do let me know.

    Thanks a lot


    Bhul chuk maaf


    Veer ji the shabad from Sri Akal Ustat Sahib "Rogan Te Aur Sogan Te Jal Jogan Te" was mentioned in one of the katha dass heard with Sri Jap Ji Sahib after each pauri with water jal

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