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Posts posted by Soulfinder

  1. 10 hours ago, Jageera said:

    Spreading controversial message? Doing more harm than good? Very easy for that so called journalist to pass judgment when it is the children of others who suffer and not hers.

    Living in denial and pretending all is fine is the real culprit that is doing more harm than good.

    In this age of political correctness the truth always seems controversial especially when it doesn't fit the narrative of the powers that be.

    I don't see Sikh Youth doing any harm.At least someone is doing something.Burglars think twice before robbing a house with 2 rottweilers.

    Without a doubt it is religiously motivated.The pedo in the vid himself admitted he would not groom a pakistani muslim girl.


    Veer ji programs like this just create more hate between the both communinties. Cos as the way i see good and bad people exist in all races and religions.

  2. Here is a mention i found where Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindrawale mentions the Prophet Ibrahim and how circuminsation came in place.


    Listen at 31:40 onwards in the katha. The previous mins Sant Ji talk about Prophet Mohammad in the katha of Sri Bachitar Natak.



  3. On 2/5/2019 at 3:51 PM, Guest dhanuraashi said:

    ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ


    I wanted to share a podcast I've started recording on the life of Guru Gobind Singh.

    The primary source is Prof. Sahib Singh's book: ਜੀਵਨ ਬ੍ਰਿਤਾਂਤ ਗੁਰੂ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਸਿੰਘ; though some Sakhis are taken from Giani Narain Singh's teeka of ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਤਾਪ ਸੂਰਜ ਗਰੰਥ.

    Main podcast page: http://www.buzzsprout.com/231778

    iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/guru-gobind-singh-sodhi-rai/id1445196221?mt=2

    Google play link: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Ixat253zs4mavdoc7bg6ot25wqu


    Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

    ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ

    Veer ji could you upload the material on soundcloud as it would be easy for everyone to access it if no one has access to a google or itunes account thanks.

  4. 10 hours ago, Jageera said:

    1st update.

    So far no visible changes in how I feel.I still had 1 anger outburst recently.I daily do the breathing naam jap.5-15minutes.Before that I will soak feet in the salt water.I notice it dehydrates my skin,especially my palms that turn all wrinkly,but after a while it goes back to normal.Plan to carry on the feet soak till that bottle of Himalayan salt is finished.Will update again.

    Veer ji its really good that you are trying its not a over night habbit the anger that will break or shake off in one go. It will take time just like a 7 day week dose of antibotics 3 times a day that is used to help treat problems. 


    Hopefully it will improve the longer you do naam simran jaap and the longer you practice from in the start from 5/15 mins then to increase into a hour then longer step by step.


    I don't know about the salt water soaking part but its good that you are doing that as its supposed to help with the pain of standing for x y z amount of time. 


    Speaking of feet i had my ingrown toe nail surgery done on wednesday and luckly its not painful but just uncomfortable cos of the bandage wrapped around the foot. Luckly i got a nurse appointment to remove the wrapping and see what happens next.

  5. 12 hours ago, Hk sikh said:

    I agreed with you but my point was if academic can have that mind set to study for long hour, so can we and start to make a routine of doing simran. Just as you have advised, 5mins is a good start and gradually increasing to an hour and if maharaj do kirpa, even longer! 


    Veer ji I think its the age involving a student child cos thats when the brain is usually at its strongest power and thats why they spend hours studying. 


    But you are right its all down to Wahegurus kirpa rather than man made efforts also one should try to do as much simran paath as one can.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Hk sikh said:

    Thank you for being so generous! waheguruu.. 

    I will make an appointment and see what doctor says.


    Its ok veer ji i am glad to help. Also you can send me a private message about this as i can understand that this a senstivie issue.


    Lets hope the doctor does something as you will need to make it sound serious the symptoms to get a psychiatrist appointment referal as they can give more advanced brain medication than gps.

  7. 1 minute ago, Hk sikh said:

    Veerji, it happening since last 3-4 year but recently its happening every 2-3 day and its draining my energy. Those we had similar problem before will understand better!

    Veer ji that is not good especially if its very often like you mentioned. 


    I would suggest make a urgent appointment to the doctor gp to get a referal for this especially as its draining your energy out. 


    Its really sad how you described your problem on here and have tried everything possible by yourself to stop this dream problem.


    Lets hope the doctor will do something like refer to a shrink who can give antidepressiants or at least make a assesment of the situation.

  8. 10 hours ago, Nalwa said:

    I am trying to do sava lakh paath of thir ghar baiso har jan pyare shabad. I can do abhiyas of the shabad out loud, quietly like a whisper, and with just moving my lips and tongue and no noise coming out from my mouth. Which is the best way to sidh the shabad? 

    The best way veer ji is to do the jaap at a one fixed time everyday with keshi ishan. But its best to do these sidhi under a mahapursh or someone who done it before otherwise it can backfire.


    I have heard how doing jaap near rivers streams and other places can help but thats just something i heard.


    The best way also is to make fresh deg keshi ishan and to do jaap of the shabad.


    Have you done jaap of Brahm Kavach ?

  9. 13 minutes ago, Hk sikh said:

    Thank you veer ji. I will book an appointment with GP and hope he will refer to phychologist!

    Its worth it veer ji especially as the problem has been distrubing you for a long time now. Hopefully you have to wait and see what the doctor says and happens next.


    How long has it been happening for the dreams and how many times a week are you getting them ?

  10. 3 hours ago, Hk sikh said:

    Bhaji, i have read the shabad few times now, guess i will memorise and do it 108 for a certain period e.g 40 day, 90days. 

    No, i haven't seen any counselling or psychiatrist yet. I might go and see the psychiatrist one day.  


    Veer ji its really good that you have started reading the shabad then you can build up step by step into doing a 108 mala of it. You can keep it written or in printed form when doing the jaap of it.


    Its worth going to a pyschiatrist veer ji or getting a refferal to it cos it might supressed energies,thoughts etc that are distrubing you with these type of dreams. They might give you short term medication to help with the dreams especially if its draining you out energy wise. 


    The pyschiatrist will be the best to send you for psychologist treatment but thats up to the doctor pyschiatrist to decide and diagnoise.

  11. 45 minutes ago, Hk sikh said:

    I love listening to katha and i will listen to this one.

    Thank you, soulfinder for sharing the katha link.

    Because of my asthma, i have limitation to do workout, as if i do jogging or lift heavy weight at gym, i get shortness of breath. 

    I am struggling, i hope maharaj will do mehar di nadar on me!

    Veer ji i am glad to share and its terrible how you mentioned you have got asthma and get shortness of breath. 


    I can too relate as i get migraine headaces and its not pleasent do pyschical workout activites as it can trigger off my headaces as well.


    But its best to listen to the katha track i posted and memorzie and do jaap of the posted gurbani shabad as it should help with the thoughts dreams etc.


    Have you seen a doctor about this dream problem ? Cos you got some sort of counselling or a psychiatrist if they are annoying you too much. 

  12. 42 minutes ago, Hk sikh said:

    Soulfinder: Thank you for the suggestion. I do listen to sukhmani sahib path daily and do 1hr simran before i go to sleep. I am trying to surrond myself around gurbani but at the moment it is not helping much and its draining my energy making me feel less motivated and interested in life. Its been happening since last 3-4 years, after every 2-3days. i guess i will have to live with it. Mareh Karam..

    Veer ji thats a really good combation you have mentioned of simran and listening to Sukhmani Sahib paath but also its really sad how you are getting these dreams as well and its draining your energy.


    Here is a link i posted earlier on the subject rest should its best to listen to katha track and the shabad mentioned for jaap.


  13. 16 hours ago, Jageera said:

    Thanks for the reply.I am new to daily paath.Currently memorizing and improving my Japji Sahib pronunciation.Once I can recite Japji Sahib with no hiccups I plan to start reciting Anand Sahib.I hope in the future the banis you mentioned will be in my nitnem but for now It would be better for me to focus on the mandatory banis.And I should also kick myself to start learning Gurmukhi seriously.I am procrastinating so much relying on transliterations.

    Veer ji its good you have started with sri jap ji sahib and hopefuly will build up to panj banis. 


    Here is a few videos i have found by basics of sikhi on how to start with doing paaths nitnem in the start




  14. 16 hours ago, Jageera said:

    Thanks for the reply Veer ji. I believe withdrawal and anger associated with it could be one of the culprits here

    I am glad to help veer ji. And yes withdrawl symptoms can create this anger as its a change of lifestyle from previous to now.

    16 hours ago, Jageera said:

    Been hearing Sant Maskeen ji's katha on Kundalini on youtube.This subject has taken my interest lately.Downloaded Gopi Krishnas Kundalini pdf and I just finished reading it.Going to start reading the tons of pdf's I've downloaded this past few months which I've never fully read yet.

    Veer ji i did a bit of reading on the subject of kundalini and what i have found on gurmatbibek.com is here based on gurbani. So its best you read these links before trying it after what i read.




  15. @Jageera veer ji its most luckly you are getting withdrawl symptoms since you mentioned its been 2 months of you using smoke drink etc. It shall improve over time the withdrawl symptoms as its normal even i had them when my phone broke down but it will be ok in given time.


    It is good for a walk if you can as that can help.


    Also try to surround yourself with as much katha kirtain as you can to help with your ongoing jaap of mool mantar + salok.

  16. 22 minutes ago, ipledgeblue said:

    Read Chandi Di Vaar in your nitnem, also maybe Ugardanti and Shastar Mala.

    If you concentrate on the battle in Chandi di Vaar you can expel you anger during the paat :)

    Veer ji these banis are designed for battle as i have been reading them for a few years now so i know what happens with these banis if read alone without 5 banis or sukhmani sahib can make a person bir ras anger fight etc.


    These banis have to be read before sunset as well not just at any time. I have seen the effects of these banis and trust me its best to follow given maryada for the paaths.

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