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Posts posted by Soulfinder

  1. 20 hours ago, Hk sikh said:

    Personally, i feel when it comes to bhandgi we are very naive.

    Students who study medical science, engineering, usually revise for few hours straight. 

    I had few friends who would study 6 hours straight with minimal breaks.

    We should encourage each other and have a can do attitude. 

    Guru tegh bahadur sahib ji, did bhagti for 26 years. Guru Gobind singh ji in their previous life did continuous bhagti. 

    Why his sikhs not able to do 3hr bhagti, instead we say that we only need pyaar, lol..

    Was guru sahib not full of pyaar!

    By the way, I've heard in katha that 3.5hrs sitting is called one samadhi (or similar)..

    Veer ji its also very trying sitting in one postition for 3 hours and also their are chances of headaches, migraines developing along with eye sight numbers changing as well.


    Its better to start step by step than doing 5 hours nitnem one day and not doing anything for a month as then your energy would be drained out to do anything.


    Don't get me wrong its good to have pyar prem to do simran paath nitnem but also energy is needed as well. 


    I myself wish i could do 3 hours straight nitnem simran and wish for it as well as i have to take breaks when i do my paaths otherwise i get headaces migraines etc.


    I do remember that Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindrawale had build up their nitnem paaths of Sri Japji Sahib from 5 to 10 then to 151 step by step. 


    Doing paath nitnem is also like training yourself as its better to do step by step than all in one go as more than a person is used to.

  2. On 1/13/2019 at 11:55 PM, Wicked Warrior said:

    Practice. Massive amounts of practice. At one point in my life where I was reciting Japji Sahib ten times daily, I could recite Japji Sahib in about four minutes. Neither tongue nor throat moved. It was pure thought. I was told abhiyaasi Gursikhs could recite Japji Sahib in 2 minutes and I was trying to emulate them. Sadly I could never achieve it. 

    Waheguru veer ji you have a lot of kirpa !

  3. 5 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    Thank u.  thank u . Thank u so much. 

    My Guru Sahib is so mitha he answers. I was so upset..  . He made u find this to answer me. Though m back to square one seeking his permission but still that seems easier than him taking it along with.Hope Babaji listens to this too soon. 

    Cant thnk u enough 

    God bless u

    Thanks bhen ji i am really glad to share as the previous akj video was a bit off putting so luckly i found this track by sant maskeen ji.


    Hopefully your views thoughts will be feel strained now compared to before.

  4. 2 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    Hmm... Probably that's destiny. Let us both wait for our turns.. 

    But pls lemme know when you get the Amrit and I will let you know when i would get it. Cos we both have 'pyaas' so m sure Guru Sahib will surely listen sooner or later.. "Jin Ko lagi pyaas Seyi khaiye" .. n if he has given this thirst he will quench it too.. let's pray for each other. All the best. 

    Thanks bhen ji also best wishes as well for when Guru Sahib Ji does kirpa on both of us to take amrit.


    I will let you asap when Waheguru blessed me with amrit. 


    Hopefuly the thrist 'pyaas' continues even after taking amrit with the nitnem banis simran etc.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mooorakh said:

    Thanks much

    If you would really worry about what OTHERS are saying .. u would never be happy. People called Nanak Sahib bhutna , betaala... Kabeer ji was also cursed by his own mother ... 

    Dekh k andith karo. Forget what others say.. do wat makes the Guru happy.

    Moreover Amrit will bring good vices on its own. ATB

    Thats ok bhen ji I am glad to delete that information.


    Bhen ji I usually ignore what others say and have spent many years doing so. It doesn't really effect me any more unless someone says in front of me for which I will respond.


    But without good kismat its hard to take amrit but hopefully Guru Sahib Ji will do kirpa on me soon to take it. 


    Luckly a few years before doing my nitnem and other banis I thought I would not be able to take amrit as I didn't even know Japji Sahib past mool mantar. But luckly I pasted that stage and my paaths banis have become a lot better now compared to back than.


    So I just got to wait for Guru Ji's kirpa.

  6. 5 hours ago, EkUtamPanthSunyoGurSangat said:

    I was in a smiliar situation with waking up at amritvela. It was going smoothly for a month and a half, but one day my mind started getting lazy. 5 minutes more in bed. I would get up most times after 5 mins, but I was losing discipline. One day, I just slept, didn't rise at amritvela. After that my routine broke and I haven't been able to wake up at amritvela for the past few months. I think it was a grace period with maharaj ji doing kirpa on my lazy unworthy self. I am trying to get back on track, so please help me too if you or the sangat find anything. 

    Veer ji thats really terrible what happened with you missing amritvela. 


    What you could start with to get back on track is slowly start step by step waking up a hour earlier either day by day or weekly and sleeping a hour earlier to get back into routine for amritvela.


    You can also do nitnem banis at daytime when waking up as you will still have a connection link with gurbani nitnem.

  7. On 1/6/2019 at 1:28 AM, mahanpaapi said:

    It is a matter of consistent and continued practice. After some time, usually after 40 days, you will notice that you are reciting the same Shabad in less time. The following structure may help you understand the mechanism:  


    1. Baikhri: These are labial sounds or sounds which are uttered with the aid of tongue and lips. It is when God's Name is recited with tongue and lips. It is the first technique and holds 1 unit in power. [takes the most time]
    2. Madhma: These are guttural sounds which are produced in the throat or at the back or root of the tongue and palate. It is when God's Name is recited within the throat but without the use of the tongue. This is 10 times the power of Baikhri. [takes less time than 1] 
    3. Pashyanti: These are sounds which originate from the heart center. It is when God's Name is recited within the heart but without the use of the tongue. This is 100 times the power of Baikhri. [takes less time than 2]
    4. Para: These are sounds which arise through vibrations from the navel center. It is when God's Name is recited within the navel but without the use of the tongue. This is 1000 times the power of Baikhri. [takes less time than 3]."

    Finally, state of intense devotion, love, and emotional fervor while reciting the Shabad goes a long way in expediting the process. 


    Very good information veer ji thanks for sharing.

  8. 2 hours ago, tva prasad said:

    You could always start with less malas and increasing them as you begin to pick up speed in reciting after some time. 

    Veer ji you are right its best to start with one mala then build up to 2 then 4 and so on. Cos its best to train yourself up before jumping to large number of malas in the starting stages as it will create headaches migraines etc and triedness etc.

  9. 6 hours ago, MysticMonist said:

    Hello, I'm back after being away for a while.

    I absolutely love this quote

    "So many Siddhas and Buddhas, so many Yogic masters. So many Goddesses of various kinds. So many demi-gods and demons, so many silent sages. So many oceans of jewels. So many ways of life, so many languages. So many dynasties of rulers. So many intuitive people, so many selfless servants. O Nanak, His limit has no limit!"

    It was really helpful to think of the teachings of the religions as but one gem in an ocean of jewels.

    Anyone have any suggestions of an audio version online of the SGGS in English?


    I have found a English katha track of Sri Jap JI Sahib in English and the 5 basic morning prayers in English by basics of sikhi group

    Jaap Sahib P10 English Katha:

    Anand Sahib English Katha:

    Anand Sahib English Katha:

    Shabad Hazaare:

    Rehraas Sahib English Katha: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5UNLfJ1TsJmZ4E-kW4ZplVA9P8xcpyGB

  10. 9 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    Ok lemme elaborate on this. I am a sikh woman. I wish to take Amrit and when I mentioned this to my husband few years ago he said .. u start doing Nitnem etc and if u could do it we will take it further. I agreed . Its been 2 yrs now. By Guru Sahib ji s grace I have "kanth" all the nitnem baanis and do them each day.  but he still doesn't allow.  Says 5 yrs.. . Abhi we r not old. U won't look smart etc. I m stuck

    Bhen ji its a really good step you have taken to learn the panj banis nitnem as that is a big step as its not easy to learn panj banis.


    What is your husband like religiously like does he do paath etc ?


    Cos I know a few people where one person has taken amrit and the other hasn't in the marriage. Its not a bad thing though as its your choice personally rather than your husband's.

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