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Posts posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. 2 hours ago, chintamatkaro said:

    I dont trust science. I stopped smoking and using weed for over a month now and went off the dirty drugs (antipsychotics). Schizophrenia is a made up illness for people who are awakening. The “meds” surpress your spirit and destroy your brain. Marijuana is a spirit itself and a harmful one at that when used incorrectly. The reason I dont trust science is because the studies are very very flawed and they deviate from the gold standard because most studies are financed by the system that wants to supress human spirit. In addition, scientists dont even believe that the spirit exists.
    For example, did you know that the studies about schizophrenia and the “medicines that are supposed to help them are financed by the drug companies themselves? Psychiatry is one giant lie designed to kill your spirit. Trust me bro, you never want to experience the zombie like state and restleness these drugs turn you into. They’re only decent at stabilizing for a few months but these quacks want a person on them forever. This system is broken and I will speak the truth about it forever. Highly respected Dr Peter Breggin a psychatrist exposes the system and lie of these “meds”. In addition many shamans have helped schizophrenics navigate the spirit world and a balanced life. Most schizophrenia cases are just negative spirit attachment. If you don’t believe what I’m saying is real you are not qualified to be a Sikh.

    The only harms from cannabis are financial and smoke inhalation. 

  2. 7 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Bro, have you stopped consuming Cannabis?

    Heavy Cannabis consumption (especially THC) is linked to Schizophrenia.

    Heavy Cannabis Use Linked to Schizophrenia, Especially among Young Men | Scientific American


    When Shaheedi Degh is being prepared, very small quantities of Cannabis (probably only CBD) is supposed to be added.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Also all the other ingredients help it metabolize. Reserch foods that help your endocannabinoidal receptors. It's the recipe for Bhang. 

  3. 7 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Bro, have you stopped consuming Cannabis?

    Heavy Cannabis consumption (especially THC) is linked to Schizophrenia.

    Heavy Cannabis Use Linked to Schizophrenia, Especially among Young Men | Scientific American


    When Shaheedi Degh is being prepared, very small quantities of Cannabis (probably only CBD) is supposed to be added.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    I researched that. There is no link between cannabis giving you schizophrenia, but if you already have schizophrenia it makes the symptoms very obvious. 

  4. 7 hours ago, chintamatkaro said:

    Apologies, I deleted what I wrote @GurjantGnostic because I got a little too personal. I was not insinuating that Schizophrenia and Sikhi are connected but I was giving my personal story about my battle with it. I believe schizophrenics are highly “tapped in” to the spirit world, and most of their issues come from an inability to recognize this and utilize it.

    There's an overlap for sure. Schizos are ungrounded in reality though. 


  5. 7 hours ago, chintamatkaro said:


    According to babaji, all happens as per Hukam, even we cannot take a breath or action without God’s hukam behind it. So perhaps we should forgive all our “enemies” and recognize them too as Vaheguru, because the hukam has come for them to play the villain role in this life.

    Gurbani says roughly that God's play is performed, according to H1s will, in accordance with what we're willing to do, and we get charged for it. It's the only cohesive blend of divine and free will on the market. 

    Like a producer director, writes a movie, then finds actors WILLing to play those typa roles and charges them to be in the movie. 

    So anyone who's a total piece was willing to come be a total piece and God had a role as a total piece that needed to be filled. 

  6. 11 hours ago, chintamatkaro said:

    So people get abused and raped because of God's hukam? 

    I'm willing to accept it I am not having an emotional reaction to this statement.

    There must be a higher purpose behind all abuse. 

    Perhaps it brings us closer to the Creator?

    It's free will, Kharam and Dharam. A.

    B. It's Kalyugh. 

    C. Yes God plays out his will according to what were willing to do. 

  7. On 11/29/2023 at 4:35 AM, Premi said:


    Widow, 78, facing deportation to country where she'll 'die an invisible person'

    Gurmit Kaur, from Smethwick, faces deportation to India after the Home Office rejected her latest appeal

    Nathan ClarkeCommunity Reporter

    A 78-year old widow facing deportation to a country where she ‘knows no one’ and fears she will die ‘an invisible person’. Gurmit Kaur, from Smethwick, could spend the rest of her life alone after the Home Office rejected her latest appeal to stay in the UK.

    Gurmit Kaur, originally from India, arrived in the UK to attend a wedding in 2009 and settled in Sandwell where she volunteers in the community and at her local foodbank. More than 60,000 people had backed the Sikh woman's bid to stay in Britain in 2020 - but the latest Home Office ruling puts her future in limbo.

    Gurmit was previously told that her voluntary work proved she was ‘fit and well’ enough to be sent back to India, and that she must leave voluntarily or face deportation. Kaur appealed the decision arguing she has ‘no home to return to’ in India, but the latest Home Office ruling states she ‘does still have contact with people’ and she would be capable of reintegrating to life in the country.

    Speaking to BirminghamLive, Kaur has said she was ‘extremely upset’ at the decision. “I am so upset,” she said. “I have no one to look after me there - I don’t know what I am going to do. I will die as an invisible person.”

    While the Home Office accepted that Kaur had ‘built up a private life’ in the UK, it ruled that there were no ‘significant obstacles’ to her reintegration in India, given that she spent the majority of her life in the country and still speaks Punjabi. Kaur, however, said she had ‘no friends or family’ to care for her in the country and considers Smethwick her ‘true home.’

    Salman Mirza, Gurmit's caseworker from refugee and migrant group Brushstrokes, slammed the ‘bizarre’ decision. He said: “How can you tell an elderly lady who is well loved in the community, and who volunteers at her local food bank, that people she hasn’t seen in 11 years can house and look after her?”

    The campaign #WeAreAllGurmit was launched in 2020 calling for Kaur to be granted indefinite leave to remain. Campaigners say she is a victim of hostile environment measures put in place by successive governments to clamp down on illegal immigration.

    Nazek Ramadan, Director of Migrant Voice, previously said: “We’re standing with Gurmit Kaur because, like so many undocumented migrants in the UK, this country is her home and she’s a deeply valued member of her community.

    “We urge the Home Office to regularise her status, and that of all undocumented migrants in the UK, so that she and thousands like her can live without fear of being detained and deported, and protect themselves and their families, especially during this pandemic.”

    A spokesperson for the Home Office said: “All applications are carefully considered on their individual merits and on the basis of the evidence provided.”

    Wow. Seva means you're healthy enough to go...so if she was burden...how backwards...boooo 

  8. On 11/29/2023 at 11:41 AM, Premi said:





    U.S. prosecutors allege assassination plot of Sikh separatist directed by Indian government employee

    Updated November 29, 2023 at 1:22 p.m. EST|Published November 29, 2023 at 5:24 a.m. EST
    Demonstrators gather outside the Indian Consulate in Toronto on Sept. 25 to protest the assassination of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar. (Carlos Osorio/Reuters)
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    An Indian government employee who described himself as a “senior field officer” responsible for intelligence ordered the assassination of a Sikh separatist in New York City in May, U.S. prosecutors alleged Wednesday. The court filing heightens scrutiny of India’s spy services following similar allegations made by Canadian authorities in September.


    The government employee, who was not named in the indictment filed in a federal court in Manhattan, recruited an Indian national named Nikhil Gupta to hire a hit man to carry out the assassination, which was foiled by U.S. authorities, according to prosecutors.

    The court filing did not name the victim, but senior Biden administration officials say the target was Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, general counsel for the New York-based Sikhs for Justice, a group that advocates the creation of an independent Sikh state called Khalistan within India.

    The scheme was foiled in June by the Drug Enforcement Administration, according to people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity.


    CIA Director William J. Burns flew to India in August and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines followed in October, said the officials, who like others interviewed for this story spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity.

    The Justice Department said Wednesday that the unnamed Indian government employee agreed, in a deal brokered by Gupta, to pay $100,000 to a purported hit man who was in fact an undercover U.S. law enforcement officer. On June 19, one day after Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar was assassinated in Canada, Gupta told the purported hit man to proceed with the New York murder, explaining that both Sikhs were on the same list of targets, U.S. prosecutors said.


    The charges against Gupta, who was arrested in the Czech Republic in late June pending extradition to the United States, build on a bare-bones indictment, filed in mid-June and unsealed in July. That filing alleged that Gupta coordinated a $15,000 advance payment to the purported hit man’s associate.



    The indictment contains chilling details, alleging that the Indian government employee and Gupta had a sweeping plan to kill “so many targets,” as Gupta put it, in Canada and the United States. The operations would be directed from India. Besides the target in New York, at least one other was in California and three were in Canada, according to the filing.

    Prosecutors reference the killing of Nijjar in Canada. On June 12, on a call with a DEA informant, Gupta stated that there was a “big target” in Canada, the indictment says. On June 18, masked gunmen murdered Nijjar outside a Sikh temple in British Columbia, the indictment noted

    There are times when one can truly love America. 

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