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Posts posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. On 2/29/2024 at 12:00 PM, Guru5 said:

    But lineage aside we have to look at this as historical. There are also descendants of Guru Angad Dev Ji and other Sikh Gurus. It should not be shocking, many had children.

    Looking at it generationally according to research, and having been some 13 generations since, at 3 children each, that's 1,594,323 descendants today per Guru Saibhan for a total of about 11 million descendants of Guru Saibhan...that all have to put that pride aside to become Sikhs..

  2. 22 hours ago, chatanga1 said:


    OK bro, maybe I'm getting confused on your point.


    It seemed to me that you were saying the Islamic power would be a good counter balance to capitalist/socialist/communist power structures around the world. What did you mean by the above statement? Please elaborate.

    If we had a c130 airplane.....and she comes in for a belly landing....and I run up and you're staring at the wreckage....and the left wing is broken...and you're just staring at it and then I say....well at least with the right wing busted ....it's kinda in balance at least. 

  3. 17 hours ago, chatanga1 said:

    The mistake of thinking one enemy power subduing or destroying another enemy power is always going to be in your favour.

    Nader Shah virtually destroyed Moghal power in Delhi leaving Sikhs able to make claims on Panjab. It worked out .

    Native Americans helping the "white man" against other tribes in the hope that they would then possess their native american adverseries lands and hunting grounds. It was a genocide, and they have for all intents and purposes disappeared from the peoples map of the world.


    I can see you piping up everytime something comes in against islam and/or muslims. Hindutva training. Sikhs in india have left true Sikhi, for their love affair with the indian state.


    In the past 3 months, ManMohan Singh has dealt with at least 5 cases of Sikh youngsters converting to Islam in the UK. Whether they stay Muslim or not, the fact is that they had no regard or love for Gurmat to even consider that step.


    But only last week a high ranking police officer was labelled a Khalistani because he objected to a BJP woman breaking the law:



    As long as you kiss their arse, which you KD, seem to be fond of, they will love you as they love their pet dogs. But act against them and you will see their true colours.

    What you're saying just consistently isn't based on what I said brother. 

  4. On 2/23/2024 at 11:16 AM, GurjantGnostic said:

    Even bearing a death sentence potentially they absolutely hemorrhage members. 

    That being said they breed and convert like rabbits, and they are on the rise in power, however this rise in power will help balance the other world powers. 

    We should be growing faster and deeper and encouraging the Dharmi muslims to remain so. 

    This is what I said. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Premi said:

    Don't know what to say....no justice in this country


    Swearing Imam, 72, who ran over and killed 49-year-old man lying in the road while on his way to mosque is spared jail - after telling police he thought body was a 'bin bag'

    • Qari Hazarvi Abassi hit the man on his way to the Abubakr Mosque in Southall


    PUBLISHED: 13:17, 20 February 2024 | UPDATED: 13:25, 20 February 2024



    A swearing Imam who ran over and killed a man who was lying in the middle of the road has been spared jail after he told police he 'might have run over a bin bag'.

    Qari Hazarvi Abassi, 72, from Southall, was on his way to lead early morning prayers at the Abubakr Mosque in west London when he hit Harvinder Singh, 49, on May 4, 2021.

    Two passers-by saw Mr Singh lying in the middle of Lady Margaret Road and tried to divert vehicles around him. He had been found in the road earlier saying he wanted to kill himself.


    He denied but was convicted of causing death by careless driving by an Old Bailey jury after a trial last month.

    Abassi was sentenced to 36 weeks jail suspended for 12 months. He will also have to pay £1,800 in costs and he was disqualified from driving for three years.

    Judge Rebecca Poulet, KC, said unfortunately by the spring of 2021 Mr Singh was in a 'very vulnerable state' and was 'deeply depressed, apparently suicidal and, I am told, suffering from alcoholism'.

    She told Abassi: 'Before your approach two men completely unknown to each other had taken up positions in front of Mr Singh's body seeking to protect him.

    'You did not slow down at all as you approached the two men who were by now urgently gesturing at oncoming vehicles to avoid Mr Singh and drive into the other carriageway.

    'You did not slow or steer to avoid either of the men. Both men had to jump out of your path, as one of them said, 'to save my life'.'

    'In my judgement you were impatient, and fatally misjudged the situation ahead of you.'

    The judge said Abassi did not initially realise he had driven over a body and accepted that the cleric had shown remorse.

    'You have now clearly expressed very deep remorse for the loss of Mr Sing's life, and you now accept the jury's verdict. This is a very tragic case'.

    The Imam was driving at 25mph in a 20mph zone when he hit Mr Singh, the court heard.

    Prosecutor Alexander Agbamu said two members of the public had stood in the road, warning Abassi of the imminent hazard ahead.

    'Mr Abassi disregarded those warnings and did not slow his approach, causing the members of the public to jump out of the way to avoid being hit themselves.

    'He drove over Mr Singh and continued to drive on without stopping. Mr Singh sustained devastating injury and was pronounced dead later that morning.'

    Giving evidence through an Urdu interpreter, Abassi said he had not stopped when he saw the men because he thought they might have been drunk.

    He said: 'While I was driving I saw two men standing on the road and they were showing some gestures towards me and I thought why are they doing these gestures with their hands towards me? Either they want a lift or they are drunk.

    'There was something lying on the road which I thought was a bin or briefcase or something, and these men with their gestures.

    'So I was thinking "Why are they doing this to me for being a human being, so I made some comments which were sweary".

    'It was never in my mind that some human being or person was there. When people ask you to stop and you don't know those people, you don't stop for that reason.'

    The prosecutor asked him: 'Do you think you did anything wrong?' Abassi replied: 'No'.

    Well brother. That is tragic. At least he didn't see real Court yet. 

  6. Hear it from Allah brother ..

    And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirming that which preceded it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous.

    I trust you only insulted Akal in ignorance. Love you Jio. 


  7. 6 hours ago, PCSJZ said:

    I would also be interested to know that. There must be some data somewhere showing how many people leave Islam

    Even bearing a death sentence potentially they absolutely hemorrhage members. 

    That being said they breed and convert like rabbits, and they are on the rise in power, however this rise in power will help balance the other world powers. 

    We should be growing faster and deeper and encouraging the Dharmi muslims to remain so. 

  8. On 2/18/2024 at 9:51 AM, chatanga1 said:

    Glad to see that some news outlets are taking the issue of assassinations of Sikhs more seriously. If only the british govt would have the same approach but while rishi is in charge that will never happen.

    Brother I think the British have a fundamental genocidal hate for you. Not the average British person on the street but the people that run the country. 

  9. ਪਉੜੀ॥
    pauRee ||

    tudh dhiaaini(h) bedh katebaa san khaRe ||
    The followers of the Vedas, the Bible and the Koran, standing at Your Door, meditate on You.

    ganatee ganee na jai terai dhar paRe ||
    Uncounted are those who fall at Your Door.

    brahame tudh dhiaaini(h) i(n)dhr i(n)dhraasanaa ||
    Brahma meditates on You, as does Indra on his throne.

    sa(n)kar bisan avataar har jas mukh bhanaa ||
    Shiva and Vishnu, and their incarnations, chant the Lord's Praise with their mouths,

    peer pikaabar sekh masaik aaule'ee ||
    as do the Pirs, the spiritual teachers, the prophets and the Shaykhs, the silent sages and the seers.

    ot pot nira(n)kaar ghaT ghaT maule'ee ||
    Through and through, the Formless Lord is woven into each and every heart.

    kooRahu kare vinaas dharame tageeaai ||
    One is destroyed through falsehood; through righteousness, one prospers.

    jit jit laieh aap tit tit lageeaai ||2||
    Whatever the Lord links him to, to that he is linked. ||2||

    Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gujri - 518

  10. I will agree that there is something lacking from their practices that often times leaves them short of practicing Dharam. And the perhaps we should write books for them from a dharmic perspective on what they are holding. But the message of our beloveds is clear that there is one God of whom we have all been talking.  

  11. You're arguing like an atheist brother they're always mad at a God, that they don't believe is real, for doing things that they're mad that he doesn't do the rest of the time....

    Let me explain like this the Molochites were practicing satanic ritual abuse, incest, child sacrifice, rape, homosexuality, orgies and worshiping demona for hundreds of years.... while Jehovah sent the messengers and messages to repent from their evil to deaf ears.  When enough time had passed and none of these messages were heeded, the word was given to that they were to be wiped out. It was specified the male population was supposed to be killed.

    Now this could be a place where the Jews inserted themselves and kept the women and killed the men because they were a threat, even the boys, the young ones, the babies. Or it could be that after 400 years of incest that the paternal haplogroup DNA of that lineage was entirely beyond repair and that it would not be healthy for them or anyone else to allow it to continue.

    Now it is reported that the Jews did not carry out the duty entirely. We now have a planet where narcissistic personality disorder threatens to destroy our existence. What if that type of genetic mutation is exactly what needed to be prevented from spreading?

    Whether or not what the Jews did was directly authorized by God, I don't think that there's any arguing that that group of people should not have been some way wiped out. 

    And the same people that are mad that God wiped out a group of the world's most horrible people that ever existed, are the same people that are usually mad that God doesn't smite down every rapist murderer thief every child abuser. 

    Humanity perpetually puts God in a damned if you do damned if you don't position, if you don't kill evil people they hate you, if you kill evil people they hate you. 

    And it's not too far of a stretch to think that perhaps there's the influence of man and some of these stories and that the God of the Bible did not actually say 100% of the things in it. And that at the same time it remains not false as Kabeer Ji says. 

    But to hate the God of the Bible that your religion loves is ridiculous brother. 

  12. https://www.sikhitothemax.org/search?q=allah&type=3&source=G&writer=all

    Brother I have searched through Guru Granth Sahib Ji for the name Allah. What I would like for you to do brother, is to do Naam Simran of VHGR while reading each and every instance of where the name Allah is used in our sacred and living Guru, and then I would like you to mentally change every instance of Allah to Jehovah bro; because the prophetic tradition of the Muslims comes from the prophetic traditions of the Jews and they share one God. 

  13. 10 hours ago, LiquidSky said:

    Do you think Gurbani supports a psychopathic god if Guru Nanak came for peace? 


    11 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:


    alaahu alakh aga(n)m kaadhar karanahaar kareem ||

    He is Allah, the Unknowable, the Inaccessible, All-powerful and Merciful Creator.

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Siree Raag - 64ਏਕੋਅਲਹੁਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮ॥੫॥੩੪॥੪੫॥

    eko alahu paarabraham ||5||34||45||

    The Muslim God Allah and the Hindu God Paarbrahm are one and the same. ||5||34||45||


    kahu naanak gur khoe bharam ||

    Says Nanak, the Guru has rid me of doubt.

    Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Raamkalee - 897

    Question brother do you think that it is Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Arjan Dev Ji that are wrong or you?

  14. 10 hours ago, LiquidSky said:

    Do you think Gurbani supports a psychopathic god if Guru Nanak came for peace? 

    Brother you are insulting and judging the God of the Guru Saibhan and Kabeer ji. You are arguing like an atheist or an anti-theist bro. Could you please communicate and text on a text form instead of posting YouTube videos bro please?

    Whatever it is you find offensive about what God has done you should take up with God, but what has been painfully and clearly shown to you repeatedly, is that the Guru Saibhan assert that this is the one creator of the universe that we worship.  

    I hope you will appreciate that I keep pasting directly from Gurbabi and the Bible and you keep pasting YouTube videos bro. 

    I don't know what to tell you brother other than you hate the God of the Sikh Paanth. 

  15. I remembered the other time I was wrong there was a good brother of ours they came who told us about the world political climate regarding the Ukraine and went to go fight for Russia and I made some arguments thinking I was trying to keep the brother from joining the wrong side or getting himself killed and it turns out that he was 111% correct

  16. I have now spent almost a decade on both these major forums, I have many times been shown rude, I have basically never been shown incorrect. 

    Some support of bhi theory beyond what can be supported, not knowing what is was. .... Wait I almost had it there was one other time I was wrong bro....

    Tell you what, over the last decade, there sure have been a lot of admin cut triggered punjabis bro who can't read.

    What I did not expect when God made me a Sikh, seeing that we are indeed the best and essentially only intact religion, was how absolutely in shambles we are, how totally ignored, unappreciated, and disrespected the religion is by those who grew up in it, and how closely perilous we are to a total destruction of our Paanth from rot from the inside. 

    I am the world's most wretched Sikh so I say this, if you are not firing your cylinders, and doing this thing, you're not a Sikh, out the way bro. 

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