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Everything posted by Kaur_05

  1. hehehehe!! stil cnt belive a bouncy castle gt nicked!! ghost did they eva recover it? hehehe!
  2. *awaits patiently* elooooooooooo ghost!!! how are u paji? was great meeting u at camp!! mister happy smiliy singh! hehehe!
  3. my add is kaur_05@hotmail.com mail em wats with the grrr-ing!! lol
  4. SODHI!!!!! email them to me please!! take my email from my profile!!!!!! yea they truly are amazing! some are shots of the shaheeds!! wow! leaves u speechless hunna! so what happs at camp after southall lot left? so unfair cant belive we had to go 1st!
  5. wicked sodhi!! tel neo to jaldi kar! hehehe awww dalj u feel asleep?? man u missed out but there are some great pcitures from that night!! more then meets the eye!
  6. LOL!!! but cumon u gota give her credit!! BIG UP PENJI WITH 19 PRONTEH!! but man i was washng dishes i cudnt watch u eat but i heard all the shouting and screaming!
  7. lol!! ooh we have reunion!!! how u doing crazy!! daljsd cnt u copy and paste and put on here pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! thx paji!
  8. sodhi how many pronteh did u eat then? u didnt eat as many as the last KURI chmapion...ahem 19!!
  9. does any one have pictures of bonfire night!!!!!!!!! AKAAAAAAAAAAL!! i think evry 1 has a sore throat after bonfire night! mine still hurtz!
  10. yea this would be interesting as i am interested also....
  11. LOl! u knw i cudnt even stand and wacth u eat all those pronteh!! How many did u eat in the end? OOH I WANT PICTURES!!
  12. 2 WORDS: CAMP WAS CHARDI KALLA!! I had a fantastic time!! Yes Ghost Kirtan on the field was brilliant! such a buzz in the atmosphere!! ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I think every 1 loved the SHABAD......>>>saajanarraa meraa saajanarraa nikatt khaloeiarraa maraa saajanarraa<<< SIKH CAMP WAS CHARDI KALLA BIG UP to all the Sewadars and Ever 1 who helped make this years camp a success! ESP Waheguru for blessing us with such a brill time! We did so much we had a pronthon, did kirtan and simran...had such inspirational talks....NISHAAN SAHIB DI SEWA, ate loads!! FOOOOOOOD WAS MMMMMMMM! i so miss camp!!
  13. dnt flatter urself luv! lol wnt it be funny! we shall all be in camp, having a good time, and it will be beast left all alone on the forum! hahahaha!
  14. lets see if beast actually turns up, i mean its all very well saying such witty remarks on a forum but face to face is a completely diff story, wouldnt u agree? we shall who is humiliating who.... 8) 8)
  15. yea so we shall just stand!!! but i will say this much i am really impressed with the publicity! WELL DONE! I SO NEED TO GO AND PACK!!! yOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT SO MUCH MORE WHEN UR A GIRL!
  16. hehehe! yea we guna have great time! GHOST! i have 1 request please make sure the coaches are on time!!! last year we SAT outside park avenue gurdwara n im sure the ppl walking past thought our parents must have chucked us out with all our duvets n sleepin bags!!! lol u guys proly think i complain so much!! hehe
  17. thx ghost i gt mine last nite also! it was lying in junk email! Thanks tho!!
  18. yes at hounslow gurdwara every wednesday from 8pm-9pm there is youth simran! BRILLIANT!!
  19. yea i did get confirmation but like last year we actually gt like a phtocopied pack saying what to bring...where to go for pick n times and all that!!! This year has been not as organised!
  20. are camp lot being really lazy cos i still have not received anything inthe post about camp??
  21. i could so embaress you further beast!! but il spare u 4 now!
  22. some of us actually go camp for the right reasons! well done sodhi, u have just given beast the biggest head ever! How will his head fit through the door? :roll:
  23. LOL!!! far from it!!! Give me some credit!! i do have certain expectations and standards! :roll:
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