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Mekhane'ch Jannat

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Posts posted by Mekhane'ch Jannat

  1. "and he did not sacrifice sheep because he thought Allah might be getting peckish"

    Did you know the word Allah is used in Gurbani to represent the one reality. The one reality that Baba Nanak addresses his ecstatic adorations towards. Also the great bani of Baba Farid who was a muslim and worshipped the one reality under the name Allah. How can you write such things when Allah was so close to the hearts of so many sufi sages the many fakirs who purified the mitti of punjab. The nonchalance with which you casually dismiss such holy names show what type of person you are.

  2. Tony

    It all depends on how the Quranic verses are interpretated as I have said before the difference between Islam and the modern orwellian state is that even though there is much in the Quran that is open to abuse and misinterpretation, it still glorifies the one God, the same God that Baba Nanak glorifies. Between these two peoples there can be healthy enimity as there was in the past when the Afghans invaded and the Sikhs fought them tooth and nail. As I said before this enimity can be healthy and useful, but the modern demonising tendencies have co-opted this healthy enmity and corrupted it. Your enemity to muslims has been co-opted by a virulent strain of nihilism which is the wellspring of modern democracy, the demonic void Guru Gobind Singh Ji talks of. By co-opting this modern secular trend you are opening yourself upto decomposing forces as ideologies have an existence and being like humans, the pattern of thought you follow and you gravitate towards actually posseses you and works through you.

  3. This is not a physical injunction as Gurbani is not a Sharia Lawbook. It is psychological. Obviously those with a herd mentality will take it as a physical injunction. I can understand how the confused youth scrabbling blindly anywhere for a scrap of some sort of identity can torture such meanings out of Gurbani, ignoring the spirit of Gurbani that teaches tolerance and respect for all religion, remember Baba Nanak worshipped in a masjid and a mandir. He read the namaz and I would think he would not be so arrogant as not to show respect to Hindu Devtas.

  4. you can mock but i believe in Gurbani and my own experience when it says there are other realms than the physical. It shows your ignorance when you cannot understand the language of symbols. As these relate to higher experience on non-physical realms, you truly are a representative of the modern secular de-sacralised nation where nihilism is the only creed, remember Guru Gobind Singh ji's Sakhi of the budh avatar who was sent to mislead those with demonic tendencies to dissolution or nihilism, this Sakhi aptly describes your mocking attitude. These symbols I have discovered through much personal sacrifice and suffering and endeavour to discover the truth of the world I inhabit, history has served as the soil from which can be analysed the constituent components that cause the tree of the present to grow and from looking at the tree I can predict to some extent what type of future fruit will be grown. I do not focus exclusively on the soil or the decorations that are the different religions that people have hung from the branches of the tree, then necessarily the view is distorted, though some find the decorations comforting than the stark aridity of the tree.

    Each human being reflects the mesocosm of society in as much as the macrocosm of the universe. All that is going on in society is in each person also, all that I have seen in myself each person will also have to experience as we are each the same. This is the true unity Gurbani speaks of the unity of interconnectedness, the demonic unity of the void is destruction into nothingness, it seems some people have confused the two. It is a subtle difference and without guidance one can easily be mistaken for the other. What is happening in the world now is a movement towards this dissolution and the increasing mechanisation of consciousness. Many people feel the hollowness and the fakeness of the modern world that has been created by an ideology that those who care to see will find originated in babylonian times. This ideology has now gained strength through the worlds corporations and business elite, and it has been radiated out to the public through the use of PR advertising and the dogma of science. Anyone who has studied mantric science will know that the words are a mere carrier of the Shakti, they are the sheath of the sword of shakti. Mantra with shakti can even kill, in the same way adverts and tv are carriers for a certain shakti and unless you know how to neutralise this shakti it can infiltrate you and pervert your mind.

    Anyway thats enough for today.

  5. If I lived in a muslim country I would vent my anger against them the same as I am venting my anger against the rulers of the country I live in. Essentialy I am saying that the threat posed by the western orwellian state is much more immediate and threatening to decent human beings than the threat by muslims. Basic freedoms are being lost through such bills as the anti-terrorism laws, while you go on about evil muslims your basic rights of privacy are being stripped away. I am not an apologist for muslims i just think that they are small fry compared to what we will face in the future.

    Kaljug as your other posts show such as the one worshipping the most respected Mahadeva, that you are like much of the youth of today confused and seeking an identity, and when I question your view of reality you reply with aggresive posts that show how sensitive you are to having your personal reality infringed upon, well the lord of death Sri Neelkantha the Kapalika, is the one who destroys such tender conceptions of reality which when pressed elicit the shriekings in your post. I also am a student of the Sanskrit vidya and aim to purify myself every day to be able to receive her wisdom, i am not practising taqqiya but i am playing your devil.

    As i said the modern orwellian state is something much more terrible than muslims. Someone has esoterically termed it the empire of the black sun, this image is highly disturbing, in jyotish the sun is the atma karaka or indicator of the soul he represents the soul of the universe and the individual jeev atma. This obscuration of this is the darkening of the internal light, which creates life, and signals the dissolution of humanity. This symbol was found in the dreams of highly fragmented scizophrenics with multiple personality disorders by the psychologist RD Laing. Its time to put away this hatred of other creeds and unite.

  6. Are you suggesting the attitude towards Muslims is nothing whatsoever to do with historical and personal experiences of Sikhs?

    No but this smouldering dislike has been fanned into a flame of hatred. Muslims and SIkhs lived together in the past and valued each other as humans and also hated each other as humans. But the modern demonising is something beyond enemity it is about turning people into un-people so you can do what you want to them because they are not regarded as people - a technique used by the marines. (like the marine in vietnam said when asked why he killed numerous civilians "i did not thin they were human") This technique is being used against muslims to portray them as mad mullahs and volatile and beyond reason, unhuman, which is an extension of how in the past the west viewed the 'irrational' east. This pompous victorian racist attitude is what tonyhp and kaljug are regurgitating in a new form, the outer covering may have changed but the discourse is the same.

  7. Kaljug i am not a muslim.

    I seek to promote dis-llusionment with the values and ideals of western society, which are based on enhancing personal greed and egotism and the progressive atomisation and fragmentation of human beings. Our government in the UK has told us blatant lies, is responsible for the massacre of millions of innocent civilians around the globe through arms sales and illegal wars. It does this on the basis of humanitarian moral values, something which has been called humanitarian imperialism. We in the privileged consumer caste in the west live off the blood of the 3rd world from resources have been siphoned off into the bottomless pit of western greed. By corporations who are legally obliged to make profit, to consider human life before profit would be an illegal act for a corporate entity. Also the increasing surveillance society we live where every move is tracked through cameras oyster cards and other devices.

    Our responsiblity is to challenge this hierarchy like the original khalsa challenged injustice. But this involves some uncomfortability - ridicule from your peers, maybe loss of job and loss of respect from the establishment. But instead of challenging these injustices done by our governments Sikhs bumlick the government to be recognised as an official religion and to be valued members of the mainstream society. Sikhs have been assimilated into the mainstream, and have lost the power to change anything they have been well and truly 'got' by the mainstream in their effort to fit in. This hate of muslims is just something that goes with being part of the accepted society, a society thatb has been labelled psychotic and insane by psychologists such as erich fromm and RD Laing.

  8. not everything can be learned from books, i don't think you can become a mason by reading a book and following a ritual. In fact many masons dont do rituals they just act as a filter in corpoarations to let people up the ladder and positions of power who follow their ideals of greed and egotism you have to lick arse to be promoted. Have you ever talked to a mason or anyone who has been to a lodge? I work for the government and they wield a lot more power then you think, but this is real life and you seem to have confused reality with what you read in books.

    I don't support muslims just those who oppose this current regime we are under because i believe it is evil.

  9. Most people agree that the world is controlled by corpoarations and elite business interests, whereas some of the freemason stuff is far fetched it contains a grain of truth, i know masons and people who have been invited to lodges and the like it is not fantasy.

    I don't agree with all muslims but i live in the present and not in the past, and from being a paki hater i now respect them because they have the potential not to be servants to the system. I believe the present economic system is evil and needs to be opposed whoever opposes it is my brother in arms those who serve it are my enemies i donlt care about Sikh muslims hindu or whatever it has gone beyond that.

  10. You cannot tar all people with the same brush, there is much that is positive in Islam. I understand that you should not wear rose tinted spectacles but until you clear out your drishti don't spread your shit about the place. I would put you in the same bracket as the mufti as you support Aleister Crowley and express admiration for his work, when he is proved to be a supporter of the nazi superman ideology, which he wrote about automatically in his book the law when he was controlled by demonic forces

  11. The agenda that is behind 'imperialism' and muslim fundamentalism is the enemy that we should unite against. Many muslims because of the atrocities commited against muslim countries have begun to enquire as to what is the power behind the global events. Despite the obnoxious attititude of many muslims they are becoming open to the fact that global events are manipulated by a business or corporate elite that is behind imperialism and all forms of fundamentalism. What they done in Iraq is what they have done all over the world especially in South America. Many flegling South American democracies were destroyed by very vicious military juntas funded as always by the americans, in the cause of peace justice and the spread of civilization. Any threat to the establishment is destroyed ruthlessly and very thoroughly by means of propoganda and very other sinister means. Islam is a threat so must be destroyed. Why I support Islam over them is because Islam retains a link with primordial tradition it is orientated from top down it is vertical. Whereas the forces opposing Islam and the primordial tradition are the forces of secularization or decomposing forces. Islam is not perfect but it contains a germ of hope but the corporate forces utilising the power of big business and money, to further their aims of world domination cannot be called anything except demonic. The enemy of the Sikhs are muslims but to overlook the atrocities commited by the 'pioneers of civilization' just because they are giving the sullah a good kicking is cutting your nose to spite your face, because as Dalsingh has correctly observed only the muslims can oppose them now. because once the muslims are gone then we will be next because in the grand view this is a war against forces that are against the evolution and elevation of the human race.

  12. it may be useful to introduce concepts of the conscious mind and unconscious mind. If we agree that nearly all humans are asleep i.e. conscious of very little, then the light can cause traces of past habits to become manifest. As nature is interconnected, these habits, not being able to touch the one doing tapasya, are manifest in his surroundings, through people that have the correct connection with the tapasvee to be able to manifest these 'traces'. We all are very filthy animals and I myself have fallen prey to being ignorant of how much filth we as humans have accumulated as much of it is sub-conscious.

  13. "If British empire did not do any good for khalsa,What good Hindu empire has done for khalsa.

    Can you tell us"

    The 'hindu empire' may have persecuted Sikhs, but this like every other curse is a blessing in disguise as only in the fires of suffering is a community or individual made strong. But the 'British' are very clever they know that opposition causes the enemy, if he has some backbone, to become tougher. So what do they do, they co-opt them, they destroy them internally, not covert opposition, but subversive, hidden opposition. They create destruction and have the destroyed people shaking their hands and thanking them for taking away what is most precious to them. "We will show them a Maya Mahal a palace of mirages so he gives us everything and thanks us profusely and sets off on the journey to the palace that he can never reach and does not exist." And that my friends is our sad state, the 'british' have led us to, down the royal road of non-existence.

  14. The attitude towards this infiltration sums up what slaves we Sikhs have unfortunately become. I find it appaling that a sacred initiation rite was defiled by this deal with the devil. The british empire has done nothing good for the world, swearing allegiance to such an evil entity is in direct opposition to the Khalsa ideals of freedom, individual manliness and love of good community. I agree that it was used by the british, in their usual despicable manner of disrespecting anything sacred, for purely their aims of world subjugation and domination. What type of being consciously infects what is closest and most dearest to the hearts of good faithful Sikhs with ideas of loyalty to a vast impersonal empire that only regards that faithful Sikh as cannon fodder. The Gurkhas, Sikhs and other foreigners were used because the british did not want there own soldiers in the fighting, because it goes without saying that the British are superior to the foreign savages. Manipulating the good faith, strength, honesty, loyalty of Sikhs to the aims of empire building is a terrible act bereft of any conscience or any genuine good intentions towards Sikhs, any admiration expressed is like a man expressing admiration for a well working machine that does its job well. This is a supreme sin of using the innocence, and shakti gained from innocence, of native communities for acts promoting inequality, division, confusion and hatred. Energy from bhagti can also be used incorrectly, creating energy is one thing using it quite another, this can be summed up by saying the British forces were aiming to harness the force/shakti created by Sikhs and given to Sikhs through Amrit ceremony for their aims of imperialism- the very thing Sri Guru Govind Singh Ji spent his life opposing.

  15. Afghanistan is very significant as it stands in the way of a pipeline carrying huge oil reserves from around the caspian sea.

    The british empire still exists under a different name(s)

    This talk of islamic terrorists using civilian housing to launch terrorist attacks, is the food being served up to 'goray' arselickers to pacify their conscience at how many innocent people have been killed in iraq and palestine. It is amazing how well western propoganda infiltrates the minds of people. I would recommend a 'kavach' such as Noam Chomsky's book manufacturing consent if a person in the west is serious about not being infiltrated by maelevolent western propoganda which as is obvious with Kaljug Singh has infiltrated him and is amplifying his hate towards muslims. Like I said without a strong intellectual 'kavach' these parasitic ideas can infiltrate a person and begin to 'rage' inside them

    I have posted this link before but medialens do such an excellent job I must post it again and encourage all to read it.


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