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Everything posted by amardeep

  1. sounds like the nihangs are as corrupt and eager for political power as their fellow "neo-sikhs". a rodden community in decay indeed
  2. That is an interesting question kam ji. The Guru Granth Sahib say that Gurbani is Guru, and not the book, The Word is the Guru, and not the book (a simple form of idolatry), and the Dasam Granth is clearly the work of Guru Gobind Singh and since he himself several times throughout many of the chapters (Rama avatar, Bichater Natak etc) say that The words are not his, but the Lords, then WHY is it not considered the eternal Guru? This is Dhur Ki Bani, not mere words. I must admit that i am a bit chocked. i myself have no knowledge whatsoever on the history etc on the four sampardayas, but i always thought they considered all three Granths to be Guru, but now i see its only the Nihangs that do this. But im glad that Taksal refers to Dasam Granth as Guru
  3. im sorry i was reffering to the Dasam Granth in my post above. If one considers Dasam Granth as the authentic bani of Maharaj would you not have to give it status of Guru then?
  4. Is it is Gurbani, would it not have the status of Guru then?
  5. If Dasam Granth and Sarbloh Granth is bani, is it not the Guru then ?
  6. Using logic only, one could argue that Dasam Granth and Sarbloh Granth are Guru along with Guru Granth as gurgaddi was passed on to Gurbani, and since all books were written by the Gurus, they must be declared Guru along. i thought (from reading the posts on this forum) That all 4 sampardayas considered all three to be Guru.. I went to the Hariwelan Nihang camp in Panjab 3 months ago, and they told me that they consider all three to be Guru, and they also did parkash of Dasam Granth. i have some pictures from the Gurdwara and Maharaj. really beatutiful
  7. Pandit Tara Singh narotam is the scholar that rejects Sarbloh Granth haina? so most of this tradition is actually based on oral tradions rather than written.
  8. Why is there a dispute on the matter of succesion in the first place. I thought that in the Budha dal it was the current leader that decided who the succesor is, like the Gurus did it.Not democracy or people jumping in.
  9. Thank you Javanmard. now sangat i have some questions on the Guruship of the three Granths. Why did Guru Gobind Singh not compile the two Granths himself if he conferred the status of Guru to Bani for eternity. It is said that the writing style of Sri Guru Sarbloh Granth sahib is not the same as that of Dasam Bani and that it makes refference to a book written some 12 years after the dissapearence of Mahraj. What makes you sure that Sarbloh bani is authentic bani? akaal ustat, Gian ka praboodh and other banis in the Dasam Granth were left unfinished(or at least in the current official version they seem to be unfinished). What is the reason for Bani missing in the Granth conferred Guruship? Is the guruship of all three grants mentioned in any puratan sources, or is it just oral tradition (which only the sampardayas have kept till this date)
  10. The taksali Gurdwara in Hamburg, germany say that Dasam granth is only a holy scripture, but not Guru. sounds like they have internal disputes on this matter is the dasam granth classified as Guru in puratan nirmala litterature?
  11. http://youtube.com/watch?v=WsFU8ffwkow on the above video, a taksali refers to Dasam Granth as Dasam Guru Granth Sahib (see the beginning and agan 1:40) but the website of damdamitaksal only says Dasam Granth Sahib.. What is the stance of Taksal then? I get the feeling that Neo singh is a taksali, and he also considers Dasam Granth to be the Guru.
  12. Gurfateh. FAtehsingh: Yes way to often matheen: Yes i know that Taksal considers it authentic bani, but do they also consider it to be the Guru?
  13. Gurfateh. What is Damdami Taksals view on Dasam Granth? Do they consider it to be the Guru alongwith the holy scriptures of Adi Granth and Sarbloh Granth or do they only consider it to be a holy scripture written by Maharaj?
  14. instead of saying its all hindu, or all islamic, one should say "its all divine"
  15. Is the Bana(the blue suit that most nihangs wear) only meant for the warriors as a military uniform, or is it meant for all Khalsa sikhs?
  16. Niranjana: one could argue whether the rehat given to the khalsa are just "empty rituals" as the pauri you mention talks about. but what about the matter of Kesh. I know psychichal appereance is not everything in Gurmat, but would kesh not be required of udasis, as it is the sign of the Guru, and they are preaching the Gurus message to the masses..
  18. Gurfateh. I was reading about the history of the different sampardayas, and i noticed that some of them practice doctrines that are different from the teaching of Guru Granth Sahib mahraaj. The sewa panthis do not live the life as a householder and get married, while udasis do not keep the sign of the Guru- Kesh etc, even though they are his missionary wing. What is the reason for this? Nirmale on pictures look more like Hindu Sadhus with ashes on their bodies and dreadlocks etc.
  19. I was wondering where the information about Bikhan Shah are from. Is it narrated in sikh history books, or muslim history book?
  20. Why is the saying starting with "Hindu ka Guru" ? is it reffering to the Gurus being the avatars of Kalyug in "Vedic philosophy" ? and how many nanakshahi muslims are there left in india/pakistan/afghanistan region?
  21. Nanak Shah Faqeer, Hindu ka Guru, Musalman ka Peer. Guru Nanak is the saviour of Kalyug, He is the pir for salvation of muslims, aswell as the Guru of the hindus mentioned in the kalyug Veda. Ḏẖan ḏẖan gur ḏẖan janam sakyath bẖalou jag. Blessed, blessed, blessed and fruitful is the sublime birth of the Guru into the world.
  22. Gurufateh. There was a debate one year ago regarding the question on Guru Nanak being God himself or not and the debate mentioned something about the light of Guru Nanak having manifested itself earlier in history in other avataras.. i would like to know how the following verse is to be understood by tenth Nanak and if it has something to do with that topic: Aad ant ekai avtaara, soe Guru samjhio hamara. God is the only incarnate from the beginning to the end, all should know that he (Such God) is my Guru. is it talking about the previous avataras of the past such as Jesus, Muhammad, Ram, Krishna Ganesh etc being Guravatars like Guru Nanak or is something else being descibred in this beautifull verse. "Is the Divine Manifestation, God? Yes, and yet not in Essence. A Divine Manifestation is as a mirror reflecting the light of the Sun. The light is the same and yet the mirror is not the Sun. All the Manifestations of God bring the same Light; they only differ in degree, not in reality. The Truth is one. The light is the same though the lamps may be different; we must look at the Light not at the Lamp. If we accept the Light in one, we must accept the Light in all; all agree, because all are the same." -Abdu'l-Bahá
  23. Someone should take up his challenge and donate the money for charity.. What is his views on Jaap Sahib, Akaal Ustat and Chaupai Sahib?
  24. He might not have been a sikh martyr, but he was indeed a great martyr in the battle against injustice..
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