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Posts posted by SURYADEV

  1. Jattboot, all of what you're talking about is already taught in the best universities in the West. Many European universities have excellent Sanskrit programms and very centers for the study of Indian religions. I agree that for Ayuerveda you need to learn it at an institute.

    That Ashoka had sent emmissaries to the West is a known fact. That many Greeks in Bachtria converted to Buddhism and created Greco Buddhism is another fact. But let's be real: two monks landing in Britain doesn't equal to Britain knowing Buddhism. And no, Augustus didn't write but I am sure you're referring to Augustine and there is no mention of Buddhists there.

    I stand corrected , it was St Augustine - I knew it was some time in August.LOL

    It has been a while since I last read up on it . And I'm pretty sure thats what he mentioned, though maybe wrong. Assuming it was mentioned by him must imply that their teachings had substantial effect on the British Pagan religions of that time; albeit being wiped out or 're-assigned' to subsequent Christian dogma.

  2. Thats true Morghe Sahar, but the education is very Euro/American-centric. You want to learn classical studies and generally you are restricted to Roman and greek studies and Latin.

    What if the Indo knowledge was bought forth through the taksals. Its happening in India with Sanskrit Studies, Unani/Ayervedic Medical Schools and Swami Ramdev Ji's Yog and Ayurved research centres from what I understand.

    How many people know that Buddhism reached the shores of britain long before Christianity! and it was mentioned by Romasn writers - i think it was Augustus.

  3. however a few years ago i read an article about das avatar by ismaili muslims who say that the das avatar theory is in absolut accordance with darwins theory of evolution. It starts with a fish, then later on a tortoise(an animal that lives on land as well as in water) then half human half animal, and later on to human beings.. They said that das avatar is not so much an historical text that deals with avatars, but rather a text that deals with the history of creation.. quite interesting

    Funny you should mention that as I also read an article from I think some Arya Samaji ( or ot5her such group) that mention the same thing. Just can;t remember where though. basic gist is that the avatars reflect the darwinian evolution of nature. from animals to humans.

    Aside question: Assuming the above and if and animal creatures are in narak - as per modern theology- then what caused them to go to narak in the first place if they weren't humans who were able to sin.?

  4. Maybe it is because it conflicts with the view of sikhi being a rational religion in accordance with science, whereas other religions are bound my mythology, blind beliefs and weird rituals... If these sikhs hear that God took the form of a fish, a pig, a tortoise etc their image of sikhi being rational will fall to the ground, hence they reject these stories as being pure and simple mythology.

    I agree there.

    If that is the mindset of Sikhs then what difference between them and your typical, scientific minded kala afghana, missionary sikh?

    And why should God and his creation be whittled down to a simple rational understanding of humans.?

  5. It would be great to see an expanse of these nihang and nirmala taksals into the western world..

    Would that be to cater for us the panjabi diaspora or western audiences?

    In either case I cant see it working: for panjabi audiences - can;t be bovered, will eat into their money earning time. For western audiences the Panjabis will outcry it as cultish or anti -sikh; as is the case for 3HO and that Baba Virsa Singh's place in New york.

  6. I read some of it. It is worth the read. I'm surprised of why such contents are not studied by Sikh vidhvaans.

    Oh but it is. but because of Anti-Hindu sentiments that is prevelent in sikh society they won't talk about it openly. Quite a few times in Brum Gyanis will open up to if you decide to talk to them with a willingness to learn rather than to see if they fit into your own views of Sikhi. I spoken to some Granthis a gurdwaras and they have a decent amount of knowledge but no way to express them either out of fear for the commitee, no time given to do katha or whatever other reason.

  7. rise of homosexuality in taksal dera's, molestation of childrens, womens in nanaksar abroad and back home.

    There is a recognised form of homosexuality called the 'Harem Effect' which occurs when one sex is confined together for periods of time in seclusion. It happens in ALL prison around the world when male inmates are locked up for years at a time. Even though they are naturally Hetro, because they have no female around they turn to fellow inmates to satisfy their sexual urges and thus become Homo for a period. When they get out into the real world amongst the opposite sex they return to being hetrosexual.

    I have also heard such rumours when I was in India late last millenia.

    What we must remember is that just because these guys live in deras doesn't necessarily mean that they have high avastha. They still need to satisfy any base desires they have. if the common source (ie wives or girlfriends) is deprived they will look else where (porn, masturbation, female members of visiting sangat, children and even animals).

    hence the reason that even life long unmarried sadhus/sants such as Sant jagjit Singh says that people should get married and do what the birds and bee do.

  8. Lastly, the confrontation question was light hearted knowing how any questioning of anything to do with Niddar Singh in the past was always followed by a 'why don't you ask him yourself at his akhara' That kind of attitude stifles debate.

    If its debate for the sake of debating then you are right here; but if you really want to know answers or put an end to your doubts then you can only get that straight from the horses mouth, ie. go to the akarah and meet him.

  9. Its interesting how no one, either on this website or others, has brought up the issue regarding the destruction of the Hazuri Singhs homes and lives in order to create NRI hotels.....

    I didn't see any of the Sampradai or Babai mention this issue during the celebrations.... (with all due respect).

    Credit due where credit is due.

    Of course, Sikhs always think of eveyones 'bhalla'. How can such things be done by chardi kala Singhs for such an occasion? [sarcastically}

    Some things are best swept under the carpet. (from what I hear thats not all that happened, more details appear in the book. So please, everyone, at least buy and read the last couple of chapters of the book before you start burning it for being Anti-Sikh!)

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