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Posts posted by SURYADEV

  1. Thanks for that Shaheediyan. If any gatka Practioners here like we should try and test the effectiveness of a chakri.

    As a tool for frightening animals I can understand, but for stopping arrows, it is a joke! Eg: If it is spun in front of its user, what do you get... a massive 'shield' above and to the sides of the person but a gaping hole where the inner wheel is... right in front of the users chest!! Not to mention how the thing is always getting in a tangle. Maybe it could/is/was be used by throwing it spinning, at your opponent like a net used by gladiator fighters.

  2. Silence,

    Where do you live? I would advise you to go to one of his classes around the country. Its all very well asking others how the jalebi tastes, but unless you take even a small bite you will not know.

    From what I could see (without sound) he WAS demonstrating gatka-fari in the Google video. That is not what he teaches.

    On another note, I'd like to know from gatka practitioners more about the chakri that they swing around. What is it for, and how is it used in combat. I heard someone say that it is an "arrow-breaker"!!! I think they were just pulling my leg. LOL

  3. Silence,

    I assume you don't agree with Nihang NiddarSIngh?! Have you ever met him and questioned him on his views. I can assure you he will not bite. So, instead of hurling contempt about, why don't you just have a discussion with him (in English or Panjabi). One thing I know about them is that they can back up all their claims/statements/views with relevent data that will stand up to any rigorous scrutiny.

  4. Fateh,

    This what happens when you give some authority, money and a teenie-weenie bit of education to jatts. They just look at the coffers of the SGPC bank balance and do what they think will bring the best Return On Investments, without any regard for asthetic value.

    It may not have anything to do with spirituality per se, but everything to do with taking pride in culture, past achievements, heritage etc.

    Unfortunatley, after the Hazoor Sahib destruction, I beliecve that the more noise we make to preserve our material history the quicker they will be destryed.!

  5. Watched it last night. The reaction from the judges and audience was just awesome. The whole auditorium was on their feet. Even bought a smile to Simon Cowells face!!

    You can watch the clips on youtube of thier other performances. type in their names; or search on itv.com for a good quality replay of the show.

  6. Fateh Darshan!

    I am lookin for some info on some sants and where they are based in India.

    I think they may be Udasin sadhus and maybe based in/around Amritsar.

    First name I have is "Sant Anant Anand Ji"

    Second is "Sant Taruna Dass Ji".

    Help or directions greatly appreciated by our resident scholars.

    Khuda Bhalee Karsee!

    Jaat Boot

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