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Everything posted by sikh_fauge

  1. LOL..n3o..if only these people knew what u were like LOL..i suggest u become my disciple..bow before me muhuhahahaha
  2. Quick points.. *n30 thinks hanuman is pronounced hanumoon *i met a nihang singh who loves saying "oh yeeeeeeeees" and "beuuutifal" *i met two singhz from the uk (one of which was at the chigwell camp; small world init!) *im addicted to tim hortons *n3o passed his disease onto me (the caressing was most likely the cause) *canadians love saying "awwwwesum" *its taksal not takshal god bless the maple leaf wahooooooooooooooooo
  3. I second haris post..some feedback on his questions please!
  4. apart from caressing my legs when we're listening to gurbani (which is kinda nice in a weird way) neos my bro man! wahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabi!
  5. all i have to say is..thank baba isher singh ji for inspiring n30..because he has helped mould a beautiful soul who i love very much..snif snif..akaaaaaaaaaaaaal
  6. If you have something deeper to offer a woman; she wont care about how you look. When a man posseses virtues, and carries himself well and with CONFIDENCE, it usually leads to bare birds init!
  7. Im typing this whilst sitting in canada..and honestly, im curious as to know where people feel at home/ feel they have sangat which inspires them. For me, its the canadian sangat..namely drawrof, gursev and n3o weera (that akj wahabi). Akaaaaaaaaal
  8. Sikhi begins with humilty and self reflection..not looking at others and playing the role of dharam raj. And when are YOU ready for amrit..no one apart from YOU can answer this.
  9. yeah singh pm me, i can help u out too (been in the same boat as u)
  10. love at first sight..yeh of course..but it happens to those who he chooses it to happen to
  11. why do mainstream sikhs hate baba sri chand so much?? seems he should be respected/cherished for being a bhagat surely?? in most books on sikh history, baba ji is given but a role of an evil son who went against his fathers wishes, and whom every sikh hated, etc etc. can anyone shed some light onto baba sri chand (briefly); what path did he follow and how guru ji really reacted towards him?
  12. But i forgot to add; this shia friend of mine (despite all this hatred/tension between eachother) said to me that at the end of the day, we are all muslims..so we shouldnt fight amonst one another. In theory it would be a good alliance, but in practise i think alot of shia muslims wouldnt favour fighting with their own brothers, let alone forming a partnership with sikhs (most muslims, even shia, i think when it comes down to it, are loyal to islam/the brotherhood) dont u think??
  13. I agree..after having spoken to a shia friend of mine, its clear the wahabi type muslims (i think especially pakistani ones) really hate shias..infact this friends brother was stabbed for being a "shia" bastard. We should definitely look to work together..shias tend to be so much more tolerable/compassionate/open minded; and quite surprisingly they have alot in common (or so i see) with the sikh community.
  14. Actually i was thinking about this the other day..since rag kirtan is maryada (not that im saying people shouldnt do kirtan in other ways) shouldnt it be practised in harmandir sahib of all places?? I watch gurbani kirtan (alpha punnjabi) almost everyday, but ive never (from the top of my head) heard any rag kirtan (especially not from a well known ragi i.e. bhai amrik singh, bhai avtar singh, bhai balbir singh,etc) seems like no one wants them/rag kirtan :cry:
  15. lol@ simran in hell! so true :twisted:
  16. excellent post drawof!! couldnt of said it better myself!!
  17. ^ thanks for that singh, much appreciated in regards to the music, no it wouldnt be anything i consider "false" thanks once again veera
  18. ^ agree, and with the main post, disgusting!!
  19. stick on ma headfone..close ma eyes..and listen to some bhai avtar singh ragi kirtan..propa takes me to another place
  20. gurfateh, excellent post by legendary sikh and drawof. the truth is, why would a guriskh want a woman who judges a person on their looks?? most singhs who complain about not getting women who find them attractive maybe need to work on themselves before they blame the women..if a woman doesnt like u..u cant hate her for it!! thats life!! get on with it!! theres loadsa monkeys in the jungle (i made that one up maself wahoooo) seriously tho, i dnt see why this is such an issue..
  21. I just did a search, and in reading all shabads in their entirety, there is nothing is gurbani which expicitly states/implies we have to grow our kesh. Quite the opposite, i find guru nanak dev jis bani to oppose any relegious fashions/symbols. Quite confusing really. Maybe, at the most, it just reminds us that we should no doubt maintain our kesh (as guru gobind singh ji taught us) but at the same time, to not let it be a form we use to cover up filthy minds..which is what alot of relegious people do/use to do i.e. use relegious garments to cover up the falseless inside..
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