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Posts posted by Narsingha

  1. Er..guys ur a bit late, I did that four years ago..when I sounded like a squeaky barbie, now Im Xena..they dont let me in cos of all the metal and weapons and whips (Beastie, down bwoy)..we should organise a Sikhawareness concert in RAH, Beastie and Sukhi can do a duet with all those chains..Il do a Xena solo with lots of leather...Naroo can do the technical stuff...omg *runs off to get notebook to jot down ideas*..I badly need to get out.. :shock:

    ...sounds like you need to get married...and damn quick!! :roll:

  2. General advice...

    For persistant/painful/dry coughs, rich dark chocolate (not the cheap stuff...go for Lindt, Godiva, Amedei, Michel Cluizel, Venchi, Green and Black, etc). This kinda chocolate is more effective at soothing and inhibiting coughs than regular cough syrup. If you wish to take cough syrup (goodness knows why), then go for one that has a high glycerine content.

    For flu symptoms:

    a) 1/2 inch of raw haldi root (failing that use 1/2 teaspoon haldi powder)

    B) 1/2 inch of raw ginger root (failing that use 1/2 teaspoon dry ginger powder)

    c) 1/2 glass full fat milk

    d) 1/2 teaspoon vegetable ghee (solid)

    Mix all, microwave (or heat) till simmering. Stir, allow to cool for 1 min. Add 1 teaspoon raw honey (with honeycomb) and mix well. Strain using muslin/tea-strainer to produce a smooth liquid).Sip slowly. For best results, take 1/2 hour before eating your meal. Avoid taking this more than twice a day as you will end up with the sh!ts and a nosebleed.

    Before sleeping, have 2 tablespoons of good quality Cognac (...expensive brandy). Some people also advocate rubbing Brandy/Whisky on the chest before sleeping (1-2 teaspoons but others would consider this a waste of good alcohol.

    Stay warm, keep the head, ankles and wrists covered...

    Increase your intake of water, dark green vegetables, nuts (walnuts, brazil nuts and almonds are best), oily fish (if ur a meat eater), and citrus fruits (avoid vitamin supplements as nothing can replace fresh food!!)

    If symptoms persist, cut down on the heavy petting, diary products (as they increase phlem), and visit a qualified doc/GP...you may have some weirdo Asian Bird Flu.

  3. As with ALL great warrior traditions (Rajputs, Marattas, Gurkhas, even Mongols, Greeks, Romans, etc), the Akali Nihangs possess both a mythological lineage, as well as an historic one.

    Mythologically, the Akali Nihangs trace their lineage to Chandi (as in Durga ki Vaar, etc). The vibrant Akali Nihang oral tradition speaks of this too.

    Historically, the original "Akaal Sena" as created/trained by Shromani Sidki Sikh Akali Baba Budha Ji, and Akali Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji was informally known as "Baba Budha ji ki Fauj", out of reverence for Baba Budha Ji. This standing army was known under various nicknames:

    "Akalis" (referring to the fact they resided at the 'Akaal Bunga' and they also recited "Akaal Akaal" in battle)

    "Akaal Sena"

    "Budha Dal"


    Later during Banda Bahadur's time when the Akalis fought the 'Bandai Khalsa', they became known in some circles as the "Akal Purakhia" and "Tat Khalsa"....all these terms refered to what we know today as the "Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa".

    As u rightly pointed out, 96 Crore Jathedar Akali Nihang Baba Kapur Singh formalised what were collectively the "Akalis" (also known as "Akali Nihangs", "Akaal Sena", "Budha Dal", etc) into the "Budha Dal" and "Tarna Dal".

    Today, as back then, ALL Jathedars of the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa Budha Dal and Tarna Dal consider the head of the Budha Dal (ie, presently Akali Nihang Baba Santa Singh) as "Shromani" (supreme commander in chief).

    In essence it can be said that the Budha Dal represents the original 'Akaal Sena' of Akali Baba Budha Ji.

  4. I think you missed the point I was trying to make. Nevermind. I guess people who consider the Gita as "anti-Sikh" can argue with Bhagat Naamdev:

    ‘The person who contemplates upon Bharo (demonic incarnationof Shiva] is but a demon.

    The person who contemplates Sitla (Hindu goddess of small pox who is portrayed as riding a ass], he is as if a man riding a ass throwing dust (ie. a fool shaming himself].

    I will have but the beautiful Raam (God).

    I will swap all your Hindu gods for the name of one God.

    He who contemplates "Shiva Shiva" (Who rode a bull).

    His worth is of a man but riding a bull whilst beating a drum (ie. a fool).

    He who worships the great mother Parbati (wife of Shiva).

    From a man he will be born a woman.

    You say primal goddess is Bhavani.

    Where is she in the time of giving salvation (ie. she has no power to grant salvation - only God has this power).

    Grasp the teachings of the Guru (Highest God) Oh friend (ie, referring to the Brahmin Pundit).

    Pleads Namdev, that this the teaching of Bhagvad Gita.

    Adi Guru Durbar, Raag Gaund, Pa.874

  5. Apologies, but I should have added that twitching eyes may also be due to inflammation, infection, or damage to various areas around the eye, eyeball, tear glands, etc. This can also occur due to bad hygiene, bad sleeping posture, etc.

    Any advice given on discussion forums with regards to health is advice...not gospel..always seek professional help from qualified individuals. The advice I provided isnt a "cure", it will alleviate the symptoms. If the problem is mild (ie, due to bad regime), it may restore you back to "normal". However, if there is a more sinister cause, this may have to be checked by someone qualified and who can examine you in person.

    In Ayurveda for example, one is prohibited from dispensing "targetted remedies" until they have seen the person "in the flesh". Any Ayurveda practitioner that gives out "targetted remedies" without examining the patient is going against Maryada and it is taboo amongst the old school (An easy way to spot a dodgy Ayurvedic practitioner is that they will give out "targetted medication" without seeing the patient).

    General advice and recipes such as that which I gave can be given out - they are termed "neutral remedies" (as they will not excacerbate the condition, nor will it cause complications with any other condition you may already be suffering from).

    Not to alarm you, but in some cases, twitching eyelids are an indicator of high stress levels, neuron conditions, circulatory problems, biochemical imbalance, and various other nerve and hormonal pathologies. Get yourself checked out by an opthamologist/GP.

  6. Love has nothing to do with Sex or Sexuality. Where Love grows Sex dissappears.

    Why does everything have to be so black and white all the time?

    ...life is colourful, varied, exotic if you want it to be (unless you wish to become a impotent fanatic and castrate yourself of the richness of creation).

    Why not learn to balance everything, and rather than take everything to logical extremes.

    We are not binary creatures.

  7. Twitching eyes,

    Start off with this, make the following and drink:

    In a glass, add 1/2 teaspoon ground "kala loon", 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black peppercorns, 1/4 teaspoon of "desi guhr" (or gelatinous palm sugar), 1/3 teaspoon crushed jeera (baked), 1 large tablespoon yoghurt (made from full fat yoghurt) and top up with water.

    Have one glass a day, in the evening an hour after u have eaten dinner. Try that for a week....its not a "cure" cus everyone is different and everyone reacts different to treatments. The one above HELPS 6-7 out of every 10 ppl...

    Also..lifestyle changes:

    a) avoid staring at the computer screen for longer than 15 mins at a time

    B) when working in office/desk or in front of PC, ensure ur blinking more than normal...(make a conscious effort)

    c) drink more water (as an indicator of water content, u shud feel the urge to pee about once every 1-2 hours)

    d) avoid alcohol, and rooms full of cigarette smoke

    e) cut down on salty food and avoid eating fruits such as bananas on empty stomach

    f) avoid touching eyes with hands/fingers

    If u need more help, drop me an email.

  8. I always thought it sounded more like slo-mode jungle or trance music because the rhythm is repetitive, and only use a few notes. Bhangra at least has melody, and a tune to it...

    Then again, you also have the new-age form of "Kirtan" which induces the "Hippie" inside all of us to start waving his/her arms in the air.

    No need to reach for the Bong...

  9. Lots of claims that Oogardanti Baani is "very powerful" blah blah blah..

    In reality, we shud put things into perspective and realise that ALL Gurbani is powerful....going one stage further, any teaching that instills Dharam is powerful.

    However, it is ONLY powerful when a person firstly UNDERSTANDS, then CONTEMPLATES and further PUTS INTO PRACTICE the teachings at both physical and spiritual planes.

    Lots of people "read" and "recite" Oogardanti bani - this does not automatically mean they are mighty warriors, and vice versa, it does not mean all mighty warriors recite Oogardanti bani.

    As the old saying goes, when the waters muddy, allow time for the silt to settle.

  10. This shows Sanatan word is misused by Nihangs. In reality, the whole sanatan mat starts from brahma son "Sanatan" which is different than Gurmat.


    Rite, back to basics...for the benefit of individuals such as N30Singh who seem to have serious issues with "UK Nihangs" ever since Dam Dami Taksal was not listed as one of the Sanatan Sampardas.

    These quotes from the HOME PAGE of www.sarbloh.info:

    ‘Traditions that are Sanatan are the ancient Dharma whose virtues the Vedas sing.

    That [sanatan] Brahm [all pervasive God] highest God,

    Sarbloh, is known as king of all demigods.’

    ‘Sarbloh Guru Durbar’, Vol. 2. Chapter Five, Pa.549

    ‘...Siri Sarbloh consider as Sanatan.’

    ‘Sarbloh Guru Durbar’, Vol. 2. Chapter Five, Pa.196

    ‘From seeing angels of death [fearing death] now I see but Ram [Ramachandar/Nirankar God].

    My suffering has fled and comfort taken abode [in my heart].

    Those denying God [the five senses], have become noble [having acknowledged Nirankar God].

    Now I have attained complete bliss.

    I have been cooled [mind settled] when I appreciated Gobind [God].

    In the body are found innumerable troubles.

    Now, spontaneously in comfort, I am absorbed in God.

    I have recognized my true self.

    Now no ailment of the three fevers affects me.

    Now my mind has changed and become Sanatan.

    Now I appreciate [Truth] having died whilst alive [meaning being unaffected by temptations of the world].

    Says Kabir, in comfort spontaneously be absorbed in God.

    I fear no one, nor am I intimidated by anyone.’

    ‘Adi Guru Durbar’, Raag Gauri, Pa.326-327

    Well, according to N30Singh, Guru Gobind Singh ji was also "misuing" the term when he refers to "SARBLOH" as being "Sanatan". Does this mean that SARBLOH is "HINDU"? Does this also mean that SARBLOH (ie, that is mentioned in Akaal Ustat) is referring to the SON of Brahma, and is therefore "anti-Gurmat". Should we now relegate Akaal Ustat as being "anti-Panthic" too, as it refers to SARBLOH. Or perhaps Sarbloh Guru Durbar was not written by Guru Maharaj?

    In addition, if we utilise N30Singh's flawless logic, then Bhagat Kabir was also way off the mark when he speaks of his mind becoming "SANATAN". Was he refering to his mind becoming at one with the son of Brahma? Or perhaps he is admitting that his mind has become "HINDU"?

    Perhaps now that N30Singh has proved that UK Nihangs are "misusing" the term "Sanatan", we should also repremand Akali Nihang Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Bhagat Kabir also for "misusing" the term "Sanatan" (....and in the case of Guru Maharaj, he refers to SARBLOH directly as being "Sanatan")

    Perhaps Guru Maharaj hit the nail on the head when he stated:

    ‘According to one's intellect one expresses it [the truth] in a myriad of ways.’

    ‘Dasam Guru Durbar’, Treh Charittar 104

    PS, if you want to "discuss" at least ensure you have READ the source material and made SENSE of it, rather than allowing emotion to dictate your reactions. Sometimes one does wonder whether its even worth updating the Sanatan Sikh websites when certain individuals cannot even grasp what is on the FIRST PAGE. Then again, it keeps me off the streets :LOL:

  11. Care to elaborate on that? :S

    Just a figure of speech dear N30.

    I could have also said:

    a) "sounds like you won the lottery misplaced the winning ticket"

    B) "got the beehive, ready to get the honey and then found out you're allergic to bee-stings"

    c) "bought a bakra then realised you misplaced the tegha"

    d) "got a salotar but havent made a place to stick it in"

    e) "cracked open an almond, but found no nut"

    f) "put on the kachera, but realised it has no naala"

    ...analogies....granted they are a bit non-mainstream. :wink:

    (Fridays....the day the devil's worshop is working overtime)

  12. Isn't the same stick nihangs use in their martial demonstration in india??

    If yes, then whats the fuss about?

    Not sure if its the SAME stick.

    Calm down N30, it only a wooden stick..a bit of padding...dodgy stitching...thats all.

    No one's making a 'fuss' sweety pie....anyone would that your proposal for marraige got rejected :roll:

  13. According to Gurbani there is no special day.

    So, 'The Khalsa Fauj', were the Gurus were off their rocker when they celebrated festivals such as Vaisakhi, Holla Mohalla, Diwali (..or "Bandi Shor" as "Panthic" Sikhs call it), Navratra, Dussera, Gurpurbs, Massia, Pooranmashi, Holi, etc that fell on SPECIAL DAYS?

    ...is celebrating xmas acceptable or is Father Xmas anti-Panthic? :roll:

    (...OK OK..its a Friday...work is slow...and I need some entertainment...)

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