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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Previous lives of the Panj Piaras   
    Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale - Previous lives of the Panj Piaras
  2. Like
    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Previous lives of the Panj Piaras   
    Thanks veer ji for listening to the katha i found it hard as well to make sense of the names as well. But i am glad you managed to write out the names of the avtars mentioned by Baba Ji.
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    mrhsinghk reacted to paapiman in Previous lives of the Panj Piaras   
    @sarabatam - The above verses are part of Khalsa Mool Mantar Sahib. This Gurbani is present in the Sundar Gutka of Buddha dal and in the DDT Sundar Gutka app.
    Please listen to it.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  4. Like
    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Previous lives of the Panj Piaras   
    Veer Ji here is a essay i found written on Khalsa Mool Mantar i found online.
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Very Interesting Critique Of Sgpc Rehat Maryada By Taksaal   
    Thanks veer for clearing that as i knew it was one of those parties linked to it but couldn't remember which one.
  6. Like
    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Nitnem   
    Its a bani that everyone should read but i jumped a bit mentioning this bani paath as its very hard to read first time but with more practice i got better.
    Here is a audio recording plus links to the saakhi which took place. Also many mahapurshs have read this bani in the evening as i read and heard.
  7. Like
    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Nitnem   
    First of all its great that you have taken this step by knowing full nitnem banis. What i would suggest from personal experience is that rather then doing panj banis in one go you do them step by step like different times of the day if you are finding it hard to do all of them in one go. 
    As when i was learning them it took me the same amount of time you mentioned back 3 years ago but then i built up speed with Guru Ji's Kirpa and do them quicker than before.
  8. Like
    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Nitnem   
    I hope so as well that Guru Nanak Dev Ji blesses you as well but keep trying don't give up.
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Excerpt From Sau-Sakhi-Prophesy   
    Here is a mention i found by gyani thakur singh at 25:00 onwards
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Sakhi from uditiya duniya of Bhai sahib Bhai randir Singh ji   
    Here is a screenshot from the book.

  11. Like
    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Sakhi from uditiya duniya of Bhai sahib Bhai randir Singh ji   
    Veer ji here it is. I copied and pasted from the pdf version of the book as it was easier to find. As its a short story i have posted it here but you can make a seperate thread on it or i can related to this.
    Here is a story of a sage, who engaged in hard penance all his life. However, it so 
    happened with divine-intervention, that while dying he aspired yearningly for 
    progeny. The couriers of death included both yamas and angels on his death. He was 
    thus escorted to the presence of Dharamrai. He had heavy credit balance of pious 
    deeds, while the evil thoughts had assailed him only at the time of death. It was left 
    for him to decide whether he preferred to go to heaven first to enjoy fruit of his 
    good deeds or be done with punishment for his evil dying thought. It was made clear 
    that punishment has to be gone through sooner or later. The sage preferred to dwell 
    in heaven later on rather than earlier. He was reborn in the life of a sow. As sow, 
    there was lot of progeny. On the expiry of this life of punishment, the yamas and 
    angels re-appeared to take the being to the hereafter. The angels enquired whether 
    he was ready to be taken to heaven, now that he had seen a long life as a sow. The 
    orders from Dharamrai are that you should now dwell in heaven. The astonishing 
    reply came, that life as sow is preferable to enjoyment in heaven. The loving 
    attachment to progeny did not permit a separation and appeared painful. The 
    heavenly life was rejected as of no consequence. He pleaded in the name of 
    Dharamrai to be left alone as sow to remain with beloved progeny. Seeing his 
    depravity of mind, the angels reminded him of his life of penance and spiritual 
    knowledge. When he was fully reawakened to his past memory, he felt highly 
    ashamed. He then realized the hellish and hateful life that he had led as sow and 
    repented much. He then readily accepted to be taken to heaven. Earlier he had 
    gladly accepted the depraved life as sow. That is how last dying thought can 
    undermine all meritorious deeds. It is only Gurmat Naam-devotion, that allows not 
    mind to waver from Divine- contemplation. Efficacious Naam with Effulgent-Power 
    reduces to ashes the past sins.
  12. Like
    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Anand Sarovar: Biography Of Sant Baba Nand Singh Ji   
    Here are a few links i found with Anand Sarovar Biography Of Baba Nand Singh Ji on google
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Huge Teeka of Sri Jaap Sahib jee   
    Veer Ji thanks for posting this. Waheguru Dhan Sant Baba Kartar Singh Ji
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Neki Exposed   
    Veer ji these dhusts are getting too much like Swart Beej / Rakat Beej Dhaitans
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Different Types Of Silence-Moun- Gyan Moun Is Good-Acceptable   
    Here is Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Katha on the subject
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Nihang Mahapurshs   
    Very nice thread 
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Bhog n arambh of sehaj path   
    Wjkk Wjkf its completely fine to do bhog whatever time that you finish its ok unless you have been told by a Mahapursh to do bhog of paath at certain time thats a very different issue. 
  18. Like
    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Bhog n arambh of sehaj path   
    Here is a video with katha of Sehaj/ Akhand Paath maryada by Gyani Thakur Singh Ji
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Bhog n arambh of sehaj path   
    You can do arrange sehaj paath at any time there is no need for a fixed time.
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Bhog n arambh of sehaj path   
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Sri Charitropakhyan Sahib jee Series - Charitar #40   
    Thanks veer ji for highlighting that i didn't know it was in Hindi the dictionary link.
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Dhadrianwale is coming to canada   
    Veer ji here is a facebook page with the details.

  23. Like
    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Dhadrianwale is coming to canada   
    Veer ji you are right i do hope that his vist goes peaceful as these sort of people create a negative image of Sikhs Sangat and Gurdwara to the world especially last week the incident in the uk created soo much fuss everywhere. 
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Dhadrianwale is coming to canada   
    Yes veer ji that has created a lot of talk on the Sikh media channels here and on all the social network pages about the incident in Southall Gurdwara.
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    mrhsinghk reacted to Soulfinder in Suleman da ghost   
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