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Everything posted by jjj

  1. Its alright Jassa. Take it easy. Khalsa Soulja so you talked about a distinct form, actually the form that Guru Ji imparted to Khalsa was that of Nihung. Read the post topic on "Khalsa True Form". Nihungs are the ones that are keeping the original form that was first made by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
  2. yea, i get u r point.. but i dont know about it. It wont really matter if bibi ji's wore keski. Its all be personal choice, but someone who is in love with the Guru wont shy away from wearing a keski if she wanted to within.
  3. Akali Nihang Baba Santa Singh in the same text further comments: 'Oh Khalsa Ji, in the beginning all were Nihangs. Nowadays designating some as 'Sirdars', the aim has been to cause division within the Khalsa Panth. That some are Sirdars, others Nihangs and Khalsa is some other. This way they who desire to divide have started rumours. No, all the Khalsa Panth was originally of Nihangs. [Translating quote from Prachin Panth Prakash] 'This way the Panth of Nihang Bhujangis came into being. Around the neck they wore double-edged swords and in their hand they carried clubs'. He [Rattan Singh Bhangoo] speaks of the Panth's form in whose sword belt are Khandas and in hand clubs - such a Khalsa Guru Gobind Singh Sahib created.' ('Prachin Panth Parkash Steek' , by Akali Nihang Baba Santa Singh Ji, Pa.536) :sikhiwink2:
  4. Baba Nihal Singh Nihang, leader of Haria Vela Nihangs comments: 'That outward form which the true king gave his Khalsa. It is that which the Nihangs have kept in its original form to this day. Nevermind that today it has become popular to consider Nihangs as a distinct sect or order. No it is no distinct sect… This is the original form [of the Khalsa] that which has been kept by those Singhs people call Nihangs.' (Baba Nihal Singh, transcript of a recording, 5-10-98)
  5. so if a women doesnt wear a keski, is she hindu .. thats pretty funny and whats wrong in a hindu? Mr. Khalistani? and if a women doesnt wear a keski.. does it mean she cant meet Guru ji? well u can wear it if u like to... but dont judge others as i said that there are girls more closer to Guru ji without keski than there are with keski. It really doesnt matter.
  6. I am Son of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Guru Ji has already given me all his power and qualities
  7. be friends with them from outside.. i mean say hello, bye, stuff like that.. but from the inside keep no association with them.
  8. nothing wrong in wearing make-up. just no piercing thats all. Look at Guru Gobind Singh ji. He was derssed with jewels and diamonds and people use to come to him and say "are you bhakt of God." ... "are you bhakt??" He lived like a shenshaah (King).
  9. Jassa, waht wrong you ssee in women who dont wear it? While I am not against wearing it nor for it. As it really NOT GONNA MATTER A PINT ! , but those who I have seen wearing it.. usually fall in the snares of pride , coz they kind of feel more superiority.. so its more like a show-off and the greater part of women who wear just chunni are far greater spiritually wise and ahead. More than that it is not really necessary. Guru Sahib didnt make us to get attached or get stuck on something ! which you are getting stuck on just becoz women in the past wore keski. Guru Sahib Himself became a muslim pir.. just to show us that we too can change and Guru Nanak was always changing his dress wherever he went. You guys are just getting stuck on idiotic things, its like those talibanists. Keski for women is not in the rehat and as long as you keep the 5 kakkars adn not do the 4 kurahits.. you are doing alright. wearing keski on women is just the extra-stuff man keeps adding !
  10. exactly Joga Singh. The entire movie is already pre-planned by the director and He has made the entire show the way it pleases Him. We are just actors and actresses and some are villans.
  11. cool take it easy. I dont wear hats .. always a pugh :sikhigrin: or a patka :stan: , rarely i will just put a winter cap if i need to get something done real quick and that to just to cover my head. and my gutty is always covered with a rumal tied up, but my amritdhari friend told me that its not gonna hurt if i wear a cap. I dont mean the round hats if u think. but still okay i agree to a certain extent and point that perhaps i shouldnt even wear a witner cap. so I decided that I wont from now on. On the otherhand.. the rehat doesnt say women need to wear keski :sikhiwink1: and usually women who wear it are just showing-off to much. Chunni is just fine. I've been taught that these thing should be kept within.
  12. no man its not becoz of the cold. Phug is better than winter cap. Actually the job requires me to wear a black cap, so I choose to wear a winter cap and not sure if they allow me to work with a phug , so I think its okay to wear a winter cap. Its not that you are breaking the rehat. YOu know when Guru Ji was surrounded by muslims and there was no way out. So Guru Ji opened his hair and became a Muslim pir and came out, why did they do this? They didnt need to change anything, a devotee when looking behind at Guru Ji saw , Guru Ji with all his army and in full power and yet the devotee questionned that why Guru then changed to a pir? Guru Ji said not to look behind but keep lookin forward. A Great powerful man like Guru Ji has full power to destroy all the muslim army alone, but all that they do is just to show us and so that we can live by that example. So Guru Ji tells us that if we get into any sort of trouble or problem.. we too can change ourselves. The only thing is that you should have all the 5 kakkars and not do kurahit. Okay . .. when I too took amrit.. I asked the panj pyare about the kirpan during travel times and they told me that its okay, I can remove the kirpan and once I get there I can take ishnana do jap ji and wear it again. So its not like u break the rehat man ! Grow up. dont be like those taliban-ish styles.
  13. Dont think anything wrong to wear a winter cap. I mean Guru Sahib is not gonna dump you for it ! common guys. wake up ! dont be like those strict Muslim fundamentalists and Talibanists.
  14. If they did what they were supposed to do, then why did GuruJi state that one should have been seriously wounded, however due to his devotion to Gurusahib, he was only slightly injured ? (hence his destiny altered) *********************************************************** u r still looking at the curtain and not the preson behind the curtain who is doing everything. Sorry dude, I am not gonna explain it futhur , as these things one need to realize by himself.
  15. Well yes eating type of food do affect you really, but you really dont have to change diet so much. I had been into a lot of this stuff when I use to do Yoga. Yogis would say not to eat salt, or anything that is either too sweet or the opposite of it "khati..." and that food should be basically with no-taste or in the **middle**. Salt was avoided, Onions was avoided as it produced sexual desire and anger. Meat was completely avoided and so was heavy diet. Kichari was said to be idealed meal. More about these things you can find at sivanandadlshq.org website but all of htis is really unnecessary stuff.. and you dont really need to get deep into it and in REAL EXPERIENCE.. it won affect much of your spiritual life. In reality.. once you are firmly situated it wont really affect much, the effect of eating food is subtle. Basically you can keep eating what you were eating from child-hood and thats alright. The idea of not eating onions, garlic, salt as propogated by these hindu swamis and other yogis is completely bull-shit :down: and is use-less. Just keep loving God and eat good food in moderate quantities and thats okay, yea but try to avoid junk food. Except eating meat .. I eat everything now and I want to eat everyhtin and be strong ! :party:
  16. some more opinions? washing hair with yogurt.. wow ! that must be a huge waste of yogurt !
  17. I was hoping for more sensible replies, and replies that would help me...none of these have
  18. I want to know what if an amritdhari sikh goes bald.. is he still sikh? secondly, about kesh.. how do sant babas who live in forests or outside homes take care of there kesh , what do they wash it with? and how is it protected and kept long? does anyone knows. was there shampoo during Guru Ji's time and if not how did they do it in those days. Is washign with water just enough?
  19. Here's what Kala Afghana writes about Sarovar in Harimandir Sahib in his new book ''Gurbilas P6...'' At page 91 - ''Water in Amritsar tanks is obtained from river through canal. The water contains all the possible dirt and garbage. When canal water passes through villages, there it is polluted with the passing of urine and feces into it, many birds and animals also add filth - how this water in Amrit Sarover can be taken as Nectar and also in other tanks. How singing and reading of Baani from Guru Granth can turn into Amrit - Nectar?''
  20. You are looking at it in a logical way and just at the curtain. Its actually fixed. What the two people did.. they were already suppose to do.. but the way they did it just has become a reason to show to the world that it was all in there hands. I mean thats the illusion of free-will.. that it really looks as if it is in your hands, but what you are destined to do you will certainly do it... wether you try to stop it or not .. its all false bahana and nakhra. Everything is pre-destined and people also meet God because of there good pre-destiny. If today I goto prostitutes ... its becoz of my past pre-desined karmic tendencies... and if I say I am changing myself.. its not actually my *free will* that I am changing myself, Guru Ji is actually doing it and it is already fixed that way to happen. I have met people who are very very high Gursikh adn they do all the simran of the world.. but in the next 6 mnoths there mind changes and they become complete prostitute , drunk-yard type of people and I have met people who were prostitute and drunk-yard type of people and became total Gursikh which ppl cant even beleive or had any ummeed (hope) from them ! This is all the play of God. He stages His dramas and makes people dance the way He likes. Theres not even a pint of free-will involved. It is just illusion and thats why it looks real , becoz its illusionary. To say you got free-will .. is like believing in ego only. coz free-will = ego. The best example of this is if you listen to the suleman's tape. In that tape suleman is asked if he himself choose and asked for a sikh birth and actually Suleman said that God had already decided for Him to take a sikh birth, but his asking for a sikh birth was just a reason or a way .. but a sikh birth was already pre-destined for him and his asking meant the samething. God can do what He wants , but to hide Himself.. He makes all these illusions like free-will and ego .. Guru Gobind Singh ji could have destroyed the entire Mughal Force even by taking one person into his army. He could do it alone. He was very powerful. He didnt even need to become a pir and hide from the Mughals, but all these things that they do is just the curtain part to show to the world, if they dont do it .. then it will appear as miracles. So God creates reason. Whatever is destined to happen will happen. Nothing can change rest all is bahana.
  21. < <<< so is it ok if i wear a chunni then? what about one of gurujis 52 commands, always wear a turban?>>> I dont know about that, it may depend on person to peron, but the bottom line is that Guru ji always uses a therometer which measures your love. Thats the sole commodity and thats why Guru Ji even gave darshan to a Hindu man.
  22. Free-will is just an illusion. Its not there. In reality everything is pre-destined from the very beginning and we do everything from our pre-set karmic tendencies, we cant avoid. Ultimate truth is that everything is a drama staged by God and He has planned everything and does everything the way He likes and the way He wants it.
  23. Lets not get confused on these tiny issues. I remember once upon a time how I use to say that keski is a mus and i wil marry only keski type girl... but wearing keski has nothing to do. Now a days it is also more of a show-off to wear keski amongst women. These keski type of women will call everyone paji , paji, paji and hug every man they come across. Okay, wearing keski among women has nothing goto do among u r spiritual level. I know so gursikh girls who will cover there head only with a mild-chuni and goto golden temple at midnight and do seva and goto other Gurudwaras and do seva all night and they are very very very HIGH SPIRITUAL. So lets not adopt the ways of islamic fundamentaists otherwise we will be terrorists ! if u wear keski good for you.. if someone else doesnt wear it.. its alright and okay and the Rehat Nama doesnt ask women to wear turban, they should however cover there head.
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