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Everything posted by HeyDudesWassup

  1. I know web work but what do I need to know for print work? Where should I start? What are the basics? By print work I mean: Brochures, posters, newsletters etc. Thanks
  2. Some people are questioning the authenticity of this tape: http://www.tapoban.org/phorum/read.php?f=1&i=10635&t=10635
  3. Sorry about the spaces problem, I'm copying n pasting from (PDF file) Bandgi-Nama: 7.5 Centres of Consciousness In this state, the seeker perceives within himself many centres where consciousness could rest in a state of concentration, and when his mind is diverted to such centres, he feels unfathomable joy. As compared with this supreme bliss, the pleasures of the world are naught. The love and union of man and woman is supposed to be delightful, but, the seeker finds in Sahej that indescribable, unfathomable, bliss that defies description. The bliss of Sahej infinitely excels the pleasures of the flesh in intensity and in its peculiar nature, and unlike the aftereffects of coitus-weakness, depression, and inertia-those of Sahej are exhilarating, invigorating and health-giving. The mind is buoyant. At the initial stage, we do not understand these things, and even when we are at Simran, we yearn for worldly pleasure. Imperceptibly, gradually, we compare the pleasures of the world with those of the spirit, and inevitably, we are driven to the inescapable conclusion that the greatest pleasures of the senses stand absolutely no comparison with the supreme bliss of the spirit, the bliss of Nam. Indeed, we discard the pleasures of the world, only when we taste of the bliss of Nam, and in comparison find the pleasures of the flesh dull and drab. When we find the Supreme Bliss of Simran, we experience asense of satisfaction and the mind is at rest. We cease to crave for worldlypleasures, for in the supreme bliss of Simran are concentrated all conceivablepleasures, and much more besides. When we taste spiritual bliss, The pleasures of the flesh repel us. oh rasu ava ihu ras nahibhava
  4. I dloaded a sweet hypnotic Sufi meditation song from Kazaa, very deep. Thanks for sharing those techniques, I will certainly apply them on a few books I am reading. I would circle and highlight all my books but I always try to keep all my books in mint condition. I guess this obsession stems back from the days I used to collect comic books and their worth in the marketplace was evaluated based on what condition they are in. Since these are PDF books I can print, circle, hilight do whatever and then print a fresh one again. The beauty of Ebooks! *Will look for Bhai Vir Singh jee's book(s)
  5. Yup Pheena Bro, I remember, still got the mp3 files (great stuff, be prepared to sit down for 1 hour), if anyone needs a hook up holla... I just found the post ambigous (uncertain) because lalleshwari called her a santni and then had devil smiles towards the end of his post.
  6. I find this post a bit ambiguous because of the devil heads at the end. Are you in favor of this woman or not?
  7. I'm applying a new technique to reading inspirational books that is why I have not fully read this book yet. There are only so many truly spiritually inspirational books out there so I only read a couple chapters at a time when I'm feeling spiritually drained instead of going through a book in a few days. This way I don't run out of material, so far the technique is working.
  8. Dagshai Public School was established in October 1957 under the aegis of the Atam Science Trust and is the realisation of a long-cherished dream of a visionary, social reformer and philanthropist, as also a highly evolved spiritualist. S.Raghbir Singh Bir, founder chairman of the institution, while being well-conversant with the ideology of various faiths, was a keen scholar of Sikh Scripture. http://www.sikhseek.com/Youth/Schools/
  9. Bandgi Nama by Raghbir Singh Bir INTRODUCTION The Bandgi Nama or Communion with the Divine Sardar Raghbir Singh Bir contains the spiritual and devotional thoughts of the author which were flashed to him in his midnight silent meditation. S. Raghbir Singh was not only a poet of a high order, but a thinker and a philosopher who had personally experienced various stages of spiritual discipline while leading a life of a successful house-holder-fulfilling all the obligations towards his parents, family and children imparting them the best education-academic and cultural. Bandgi Nama originally written in Punjabi (Gurmukhi script) has been acclaimed as a veritable guide to self realization even for a new aspirant. It has been translated into English for the benefit of English-knowing seekers, who have no approach to Punjabi. Along with the translation are published copious references from Guru Granth Sahib in Roman in support of the author's own spiritual experiences to lend authenticity to them. The author himself started as a layman on the spiritual path, and reached a stage through various sadhnaas of spiritual discipline, from where he could reflect the vision of the Divine, for the rise of man of God-maanas te devte kiie. Guru Nanak laid down the three principles- (i) prayer (ardas), (ii) effort (sharani), and (iii) sharing spiritual experience with others, aap japo avraa naam japaavo In conformity with these fundamentals, whereas the author explains the technique of prayer and effort, he shares his achievements in the spiritual field with others and has given vent to the thoughts and ideals which were revealed unto him in his communion with The " Divine."
  10. Pheena, heh heh man I spend so much time on these boards looking for new posts every 30 mins, someone please help me get rid of this obsession.
  11. We need more E-books like: - biography of Sant Baba Harnam Singh Jee - Bandgi Nama by S. Raghbir Singh Bir available at fine bookstores everywhere like gurseva.com
  12. http://homepage.mac.com/haidarian/iMovieTheater11.html *this should probably be moved to off topic forum
  13. This Nijjar guy is annoying. He keeps sending me email titled "Sant Attar Singh" and the emails have nothing to do with him.
  14. Sorry but I disagree, it is not obvious. Look at Badal, sure he has the identity but is he really a Sikh. Also do you see any Vaishnavs on this website who you could say "Jay Shri Krishna" to?
  15. If I read other scriptures I feel more confused and bewildered and not closer to my beloved. What if they are contradictory? So what do we do then? Gobind Sadan anyone? http://gobindsadan.org/index.shtml Bhul Chuk Maaf
  16. Yup I train, before I got into sikhi I used to train for love of Bodybuilding becuase it also develops character. Now I train just to be strong with a soldier mindset. But dude I think you should lay off the D-bol, Sustanton and stuff.
  17. Correct me if I am wrong but if we worship Akal Purakh without boundaries then why do Sikhs have a certain identity? Why even have a religon, why not belong to no religon but still be a man of God?
  18. I understand lalleswari's post but I'm just trying to say that we should keep it SIKH. Of course God is universal but do we as Sikhs say stuff like "Amen" , "Father Son and Holy Ghost". Bhul Chuk Maaf
  19. Shasterkovich, I'm sorry but you are a in my humble opinion and I'm quite surprised that the mods have been so lenient on you. Why do you think training is for either cosmetic reasons or for cattle market? Every heard of the Saint-Soldier concept?
  20. lalleshwari, I didn't realise your 3rd eye was powerful enough to have predicted my post before I posted it :roll: No reason to go around saying "Jay Shri Krishna!!! Hari ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmm!" . The Gurus are messengers of God, lets follow there teachings and say "Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!". After all why do you think Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji MahaRaj emphasised this?
  21. http://www.sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?Sour...D=G&pageno=1136 so muKu jlau ijqu khih Twkuru jonI ]3] so mukh jalo jith kehehi t(h)aakur jonee ||3|| Let that mouth be burnt, which says that our Lord and Master is subject to birth. ||3|| jnim n mrY n AwvY n jwie ] janam n marai n aavai n jaae || He is not born, and He does not die; He does not come and go in reincarnation. nwnk kw pRBu rihE smwie ]4]1] naanak kaa prabh rehiou samaae ||4||1|| The God of Nanak is pervading and permeating everywhere. ||4||1||
  22. Personally I prefer Macromedia products over Adobe for any web work.
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