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Everything posted by HeyDudesWassup

  1. Sounds fabricated...how can one drop his dastar multiple times?
  2. checkout the sweet trailer: http://www.whatisthesecret.tv/
  3. Is my sensitivity a bad thing? Someone said to us recently, "Abraham, I think my problem is that I'm too sensitive." And we say, oh, you can never be too sensitive. Your sensitivity is such an asset. Because when you're really sensitive to the way you feel, then you can choose easily, at earlier subtle stages, thoughts that feel better. In other words, it's very easy to deactivate a negative thought by activating a positive thought if you catch it at the early stages beore it gets too much momentum going. We said to this friend, "It's like saying, 'This is very hot. And my hand is much too sensitive.'" And we say, we don't think your sensitivity is your problem. We think your problem is you have your hand on the stove. Abraham-Hicks, Albany, N.Y. 10/1/02
  4. Why is it important to feel positive emotion When you feel that which you call positive emotion, such as joy or appreciation, or a feeling of love or well-being... those feelings that make your heart sing, those exhilarating feelings, those feelings, whether it ranges from contentment to passion, those feelings that you would call good feelings, those feelings that you would wish for all people that you love, (and if you are very wise you would wish them for all people that you don't even know and maybe not love) as you are in that place of feeling good -- you are in the place of allowing. You are in the place of allowing what? Allowing Source Energy. Allowing connection with who you are. Allowing wellness. Allowing clarity. Allowing abundance of all things desired. When you feel negative emotion, such as anger or fear or frustration or rage, even anxiety, those feelings of depression... when you feel that which you call negative emotion, what that always means is, for some reason, right now, you are not in the state of allowing. Allowing what? Allowing Source Energy, allowing clarity, allowing all that is good. You are, instead, in the state of resisting. You are in a vibrational state where, for whatever reason, you have found some reason to focus in a way that disallows the Pure, Positive Energy, the Source Energy, the Energy that creates worlds from flowing to you and through you in the way that you've intended it. You Live in a Sea of Well-Being From Abraham-Hicks Workshop Ashland, OR -- 5/16/00
  5. How can I be in the best relationship with my body? Every one of you who stands in your body, continues to enhance the experience of the physical body. This is an evolution of a species that is extraordinary. Your bodies are not to be feared. Your bodies are to be revered. Your bodies are to be applauded. Your bodies are to be maybe even amazed at. But they are never to be feared. Your bodies are not vulnerable. They're not fragile. They are resilient. They are flexible. You have the ability to come into alignment again and again and again, and if anyone in the Universe understands that, it's the cells of your body. Befriending your body is the only way we know of coming to understand that your body is resilient and that it knows what to do, and that it will be whatever you ask it to be. But you have to ask it to be that in a place of nonresistance. It's the most significant information that we have ever expressed relative to your physical body and food. You must love your body, and then lovingly give it the food. And when you love your body and lovingly give it the food, it matters not what food you give it. Asheville, NC . 10/29/00
  6. Aren't you just thrilled that there are billions of beings of intelligence within you? Cells that each know what's best for them? And as they find what's best for them, it is ultimately what's best for you--unless you're focused upon something unwanted and using that as your excuse to block the flow. They are asking, Non-Physical is answering. Are you in the way or are you letting it flow? That's what this "Letting go and letting God" is all about. It's about relaxing and no longer hindering the communication between the individual askers. Every particle gets to individually decide. And as every particle asks, it is answered--and the Whole continues to thrive. Sedona, AZ -- 8/5/00
  7. Exactly how does the body heal itself? You see, your bodies are made up of trillions of cells, each holding the vision of their perfection and of their perfect place in the perfect whole... You see, Sara, every time anyone, even a tiny little cell in your body, asks for something - it is always given. So, when a body is injured, in some way, the cells closest to the injury calculate exactly what they need to regain their balance - and they send out immediate requests. And, instantly, the Energy begins to flow, and all other aspects of the body being to respond, too. Special helping nutrients of all kinds begin making their way through the body, and the natural healing begins, immediately. And when the person, who lives in this body, is happy or eager, or appreciative - then the healing is allowed. But if that person is sad or angry, or fearful - the healing is hindered or resisted. Sara, Book 3 pgs. 112-113
  8. What is the potential of my body? What is the potential of your body? You make a very good point. You've been changing, constantly. From the day you were born, you were changing. Let's use the word "change/evolve/becoming" rather than "change/evolve/declining." Let's talk about change in terms of evolving/becoming. Is it possible for a physical being to maintain their wellness for as long as they have reason to focus through this apparatus? Yes. Because your cells are constantly regenerating. If you are Setting the Tone, if you are Setting the Tone and writing the Script, your cells will acquiesce to the Tone that you have set. Your Cells Are Observing Now, you're really going to like this. You know how we talked about how most people are offering their vibration almost exclusively in response to what they are observing? Your cells do that, too. So, if the cells of your body are observing decline, then the new cells that are generated take on those same characteristics. That's why when you cut your leg, or your hand, the scar remains, even though different cells are replacing those cells. They acquiesce to the memory. And yet, there are those who can heal. There are those that can focus their Energy and change the vibrational expectancy of those cells. Oct/Nov/Dec 1998 Abraham Hicks Newsletter
  9. The Value of Conscious Breathing Deep breathing is a big part of your Well-being, because with that deep breath, there is activation on a cellular level. In other words, it is the current that carries the vitality to the extremities of the cells. And so, the more you are breathing, the more you are thriving. Some say it is the way the Spirit moves. We would say it is the way life moves most efficiently through your physical body. And,fortunately, it is something that is not left to your conscious mind. You don't have to prompt yourself to breathe. It happens. But you can prompt yourself to breathe more. We encourage that you deliberately take some air in. And then before you let it out, take some more air in. And then before you let it out, take some more air in. And before you let it out...and you say, "I can't take any more in, because there's no place for it to go." And we say, yes there is, take some more in. Expand your capacity. Your lungs, like balloons, can be all shriveled up, or expanded fully. As you move on a regular basis, they expand somewhat, but they don't expand fully. As you deliberately breathe deeper, it becomes more natural for them to get fuller - and before you know it, it will be an involuntary thing. You will naturally breathe more deeply. When you are running or moving your body, you don't have to think about it, your body demands it. But when you are sitting, as in an environment like this Workshop, it's very helpful to deliberately breathe in more, breathe in more. And when you think that you cannpt breathe in any more - breathe in more. And then experience the deliciousness of a long, easy, out, out, out, out, out. And then breathe in more, breathe in more, breathe in more. And as you do this more deliberately, you will begin to do it more involuntarily - and your bodies will thrive. It's even more important than drinking water. It's right up there with life itself. When concentrating on your breathing, you are not concentrating on other things. And in that absence of resistance, you are also allowing an alignment of Energy. So you get a double whammy with it: You're aligning with Source Energy. You are literally feeding the cells of your body, allowing oxygen to reach the extremities of your cells. Everybody comes alive - and everything works better. Metabolism works better, elimination works better, clarity works better, blood flows better. Thriving comes from this. Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks Workshop, G-11/25/00 - San Antonio, TX
  10. Another perspective: THE TRANSITION: 2012-2013 P'taah speaks: This evening of your time we are to speak to you about the transition, the transformation not only of human consciousness but of the entire planet. It is variously called transition, transformation, enlightenment, super-consciousness and yes, even ascension - whatever that means. Now, many beloved ones are on this path termed spiritual expansion of knowing, of coming into knowing of truth. The search for that which is sometimes termed enlightenment can be quite a desperate struggle. For many, that which is the fervent yearning and desire for this transition is a desperate desire to escape this reality of the discordance, the violence, the humdrum, the pain, the anguish and the fear. Well, you know, the truth is that the desire to escape does not bring transformation. You may say that this transformation, this transition, from third density reality in your terms, to what you may term the fourth and fifth density, is the result not only of loving every facet of you absolutely, but also of looking at that which is your world. It is to look at this reality and to be able to observe what is occurring without the negative judgment. It is to be in loving allowance and compassion and to be in the joy of your day-to-days without the need for anything else. Does that make sense to you? To be, without the need for more. You see, as you are in that place of joy, of deliciousment, as you are in that place of blessing, gifts are put forth for you of your own creation. Indeed you automatically put yourself in a frequency termed open to expansion, open to transition and transformation. This is a grand dichotomy. Now, you may say that this reality called third density is a world of polarity. Good-bad, black-white, love-fear, and all of the other polarities. Sometimes you judge one part of the polarity to be negative. That indeed is a subjective judgment because, of course, the polarities exist in every level and without them you do not have what you perceive to be this reality. We are speaking in terms of physics here. So in terms of that which you judge to be negative -- good-bad, love-fear, light-dark, black-white -- whatever it is, it is for you to learn to see what the reality is of that which is judged to be negative. It is to be in the embracement, to be in the loving allowance. It is to allow the transcendence of the polarity. It is to see that love, compassion, embracement, and allowance create a synergistic affect where the result of transcending the polarities becomes more than the polarities themselves. Does this make sense? All right. So it is not to look at that which is judged to be negative as something to be pushed away, something to be overcome or overpowered. Rather, it is to look at the why of the negative judgment and how that which is perceived to be negative is created out of fear. And through that love and compassion and allowance you automatically create the more. Now this loving allowance, of course, must start with who you are, every facet of who you are -- that which has been unembraceable, that which has been unacceptable, that which does not match up to your highest idea of who you can possibly be, which is being gods and goddesses realized in this dimensional reality. And it is to acknowledge that those facets of you, hitherto judged very harshly, can be embraced and in the embracement, automatically creating transformation. So you may say that each of you has chosen to come forth in this timing, in this incarnation, to take part in this grand end-time cycle. You have chosen this for the adventure and for the self-realization. Now you know, in a way, this is no big deal. It is not something of great seriousness. Rather it is to learn the joy of being who you are in the laughter and the play of your day-to-days. It is the embracement in the moment where what you are creating is not bringing you joy that will make the change. It is when you are in this space that it occurs automatically without you having to do anything. It is you, in that place of love, of embracement, of allowance, that the following occurs. Automatically, that which is the frequency that you are, the vibratory frequency of your rate of being, of your energy, becomes faster. You may say that the transition to occur is a speeding up of your energetic frequency. Now there is also the idea that when you have attained this extraordinary state called super-consciousness, called enlightenment, that there is nowhere to go; that that is the end and you have attained perfection! It is not so. You are not to attain perfection in this transformation; you already are perfect. When the transition comes, you will not be more perfect. You will simply be in the realization of the perfection that you are in this now and in the realization of your own perfection. All right, so this is a coming time of change -- soon in your time and not in some far off mystical future. It is imminent, this transformation, and it is that which quickens within the breast of you that will make you so very excited. It will make you so fervent in your desire to know your truth. 2012, it is not long to go. And this transformation is occurring now. Every time you are in the excitement of the idea of this transformation, so you are assisting yourself in the ease and flow. It is not about struggle, it is not about trying to be spiritual, and it is not about trying to be good! You are spiritual and you are goodness. What is that, hmm? What is goodness? You are perfection now -- glorious, powerful, perfect creatures -- unto infinity. You are your perfection. This transition, if you will allow it to be, will be a soft and gentle ease, a flow. It is about love. And that which is your enlightenment is the natural result of loving who you are absolutely and unconditionally. There is nothing to do but to be in that place of love. When it is not thusly, stop and deal with what is occurring, with the feeling, to create the transformation, the transition. That is who you are. And we say, even if there were to be no end time and beginning time, still you are always in a place of transition. Transition is a natural state. That which is termed God/Goddess, All-That-Is is in a constant flow called transition, called transformation, called change, called expansion. That is your natural state of being. You are creatures of love, created of love for love in love eternally. Love is your perfection. There is nothing else. And so you may say that the transition is only about realizing your natural state. There are also, of course, many questions? What will occur after the transition? That is what you all want to know, and the more you know, the less you want to be here, hmm? We know. Well, you want to know how it is to be in that place of expanded consciousness, to be in that place of knowing the truth of you. What do you think it might be like to be in bliss, to be in bliss more and more each day? To be in love? To be in love with you and to be absolutely in love with everything and everybody in the recognition of the God-light of all things? How does it feel? Well, it will be that when you perceive things exterior to you, you perceive that which is the God-light, the Light Sourceness. In that state of being you are lighter. You are less dense in your physicality. You will have a physical body; it will simply be less dense. Your perceived reality, exterior to you, will be less dense. The power of you will be realized to manipulate matter at a consciousness which most of you do not have in this now. Of course you manipulate matter in this now else you would have no reality, but most of you do not know how you do it. You will, in this place of love and loving, come to the realization that the thought embraced by the emotion termed love immediately creates coalesced energy into physical matter. Also you will have the ability to manipulate your own physical matter termed your body. So there will be much fun and games. You are learning this already. You are starting to feel this power of manipulation of matter, of physical matter. As you learn to heal your bodies, as you learn how it is that your emotion -- that energetic power-sourceness of you -- creates your beingness, your physicality, so, if you desire change, you will know how in the power of love. You will also have the knowing to use sound and color to assist you in this changement. You are learning it now. In this change you are recognizing your own power. Many of you become quite terrified at the thought of this boundless power that you are. However, we say to you to look at your life in this now and look back a few years and see how you have already come forth in that place of expansion. See how much you have learned. You see, it has been almost imperceptible in the time that has passed and you are now, in this moment, quite comfortable with that expansion. And so it shall be, the more and the more. But it is for you to be in the ease and flow so that it certainly is not what you would term a great shock. It is not as if you would wake up one day and there is a stranger with unlimited power looking at you from the mirror, hmm? No. It will be gentle and soft, exciting, adventurous, joyous, and wondrous beyond measure. In a way it is difficult for us to use just words to describe that which does not fit into the limited boxes of your conscious understanding. Of course, we say the words to you to keep your mind busy, but really it is that which is the emotion. It is the grandeur of love that touches you so that rather than an intellectual understanding, it becomes a knowing of the heart, a feeling about this change, this transition. Your minds, no matter what we say, can really and truly grasp mostly intellectual ideas, but it is in the feeling where the transformation takes place. It is in the love where we really communicate with you. As we say so very often about what is the incredible reality of this state of being, it is like explaining to a fetus within the uterus what life is like after birth. So it is not to speak about the reality after the transition, but to speak of the natural wondrousness of the reality now which will gently unfold into this place of transition. In a way you may say the transition that you call death is the same. Death is a natural state of beingness of this dimension of reality. It is as natural as birthing. It would be our desire to see the humanities come into more of a knowing about the truth of death so that the fear component in the contemplation of death is totally embraced. Death truly is like stepping out of a suit of clothing that no longer fits you. It is stepping forth into a grand and wondrous new adventure. It is to rejoin with that which is the greater part of your soul energy. And it is to rejoin also with the soul energy of those who are your beloved ones of other dimensions, both from this reality and of other realities because, of course, none of it is separate. It is simply that you are not, in this timing, so aware of those other beings. And that is exactly as it is to be. You come forth, after all, to have this great adventure uncontaminated. We mean no negative thing here by that which are your past and future lives and that which are your lifetimes of other dimensions of reality. You come here for a very pristine adventure. This adventure has great integrity in and of itself, hmm? You are here simply for the experience. You are really not here to learn anything. That you do learn is wondrous and it is all very exciting for you, but you're simply here. If you look at the greater picture, you are here to have an adventure, and it is an adventure of emotion. No matter how you judge it -- good stuff or bad stuff -- it is all energy. You are here to have an emotional adventure, and you are here in this lifetime to learn to embrace absolutely all of the emotions so that there is no negative judgment about any of it. You see? It is quite simple, indeed. The natural next step in your adventure; What is to occur is that very gently you are unfolding, unfolding -- learning more about who you are. You are learning more about love, learning more about allowance and embracement. Every time you choose love, you are changing your frequency. You are lifting that rate of spin faster and faster. Every time you choose love, you are changing the reality. Every time you choose love, you are choosing for all of your species. Every time you choose love, you are changing your physical reality. It is a gentle unfolding. This growth of consciousness, this expansion, is growing exponentially and the matter, the mass, the energetic mass of consciousness, is reaching a critical explosion. And there, in this most wondrous blink of an eye, the consciousness of your entire planet has changed. And nobody will be left behind. Nobody will be left behind! Why? Because this transition is about love, and love means no separation. It is about love. It is about your truth. It is the most exciting adventure for the humanities for 25,000 of your years. In a greater sense, it is even longer than that, and you have all chosen to partake in this adventure. But we remind you there is nothing to do. It is about being. About being who you really are and recognizing the truth of you. Stop struggling!
  11. http://www.sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness...;highlight=2012
  12. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml...1/wbuddha21.xml
  13. These days when the police run out of clues guess who they go to......a select few psychics. Riddhis Siddhis ain't bad, however you can be trapped in them.
  14. From the God/ Goddess of my being I give forth thanks for the love that I am. For the love in my life and the love that surrounds me, thank you. Thank you for the miracle of life that I am and thank you for the miracle of life I see reflected all about me. Thank you for the gift of life that I am. Thank you for this perfect body, my health and well-being, thank you. Thank you for the abundance that I am and thank you for the abundance I see reflected all about me. Thank you for the riches and the richness of my life and thank you for the river of money which flows to me and through me, thank you. Thank you for the excitement and adventure of the millions of wondrous possibilities and wondrous probabilities, thank you. Thank you for the wonderment and thank you for the joy. Thank you for the beauty and harmony. Thank you for the peace and tranquility. Thank you for the laughter and thank you for the play. And thank you for the privilege of serving and sharing the gift that I am. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ~ Morning song by P'taah
  15. Ganging Up On Desire I knew there was a long tradition in many religions condemning desire, but I had no idea it was still so virulent. In response to a recent post, "The Mystery of Desire," a majority of respondents seem to believe that desire was their personal enemy. Even though the post made an argument for desire being the driving force in life, commenters were disturbed about having desires. They cited Buddha, among others, as their authority for condemning desire outright. Generations of seekers have exhausted themselves trying to force a state of "detachment" from food, sex, anger, fear, and every other aspect of life as it actually is. I fully agree with responder Scott Masterton when he says, "Without desire there can be no change, only stagnation." It's a fantasy to believe that desire can be eradicated. The greatest renunciates may have given up the world, but they still desired God or enlightenment or bliss. To every person who cites Buddha or some favorite guru , I would say, You can't become a saint by imitating one. You must follow your own nature. We have examples of great spiritual figures who attained complete detachment from their desires, but consider this analogy. Mozart could hear fully scored symphonies in his head. If you or I insisted that we would only learn music the same way, we would get nowhere. Our musical abilities--and our spiritual ones--begin where they begin, not in an imagined land of Christs, Buddhas, and gurus. Guides are guides, not surrogates for life here and now. Scott goes on to make a metaphysical point: "Desire is the universe's evolutionary tool. Suffering only accompanies desire when it is accompanied by attachment and that includes the attachment to "no desires". " This is a clear-eyed statement, reflecting what we all experience. The self unfolds over a life span through growing desires, moving from infancy to adulthood. Detachment occurs naturally as childish things no longer possess any charm and the desires of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood make new claims. Finally one arrives at the mature adult who can formulate a vision of life and aspire to spiritual understanding. We can talk about how detachment is a natural progression, and on metaphysical points we can argue all we like. But to pretend that one is reaching for a desireless state makes no practical sense and can only distort healthy processes of growth, leading to immense frustration. Love, Deepak Chopra
  16. "When you feel awful - angry, resentful, stressful, envious, depressed, worried, guilty, frustrated, etc - at the root of it is FEAR. But what happens to your body, on a molecular level, when you experience fear? Something quite destructive, actually. You see, the basis of fear is SEPARATION. That means that, at a molecular level, there is less communication between the cells of your body - you're separating yourself from your healing power. Whereas, when you're happy - feeling joyful, playful, eager, enthusiastic, excited, generous, etc., you are experiencing LOVE. And here's why love is so powerful: the basis of love is CONNECTION. At a molecular level, your cells "talk" to each other more freely. There's an open flow of energy and communication from one part of your body to another - from the life-giving energy in the universe directly into and through your body. LOVE sustains life, while FEAR destroys it." ~ Deepak Chopra
  17. My fav books: 1. Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/140190459...ks&v=glance 2. The Power of Now : A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/157731480...ks&v=glance 3. The Love Song of the Universe by Mary Sparrowdancer http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/157174210...ks&v=glance 4. A Heart of Stillness by David A. Cooper http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/189336103...ks&v=glance 5. Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/157731400...ks&v=glance Books that I will be reading soon: - The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent : Living the Art of Allowing by Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/140190695...4D&v=glance - The Essential Teachings of Ramana Maharshi: A Visual Journey by Matthew Greenblatt http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/187801918...WE&v=glance - The Diamond in Your Pocket by Gangaji http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/159179272...BJ&v=glance - A New Earth : Awakening to Your Life's Purpose http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/052594802...5Fencoding=UTF8 - What the Bleep Do We Know!?â„¢ : Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/075730334...TM&v=glance - Transformation of the Species (Conversations with P'taah, Part 2) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/097075950...4Q&v=glance
  18. You may be suffering because your own beliefs in those areas need to be worked through and Essence will supply you with any opportunity you wish to explore whatever ramifications of your beliefs you desire and aim for. But you are NOT, you NEVER were, and you NEVER will be marionette to Essence. Essence has its own sense of goals and desires which at those layers of existence may even be foreign to you but they still exist. It is not that Essence is a vast field of impersonal energy, devoid of any feeling. Though some we know of interpret that state of existence in exactly those terms. And then they think that if they emulate such assumptions they themselves feel more elevated while in reality they denigrate their own humanity and therefore will denigrate anyone else’s humanity. The more human you are, the more spiritual you also are, because when you are authentically human you will shed tears, you will love, you will rejoice in orgasms, you will enjoy digging into a garden, and not seeing that such activities are beneath you because you are on a spiritual path. When individuals enter that realm of negative spirituality, they forget their most basic empathic humanity, the ability to love others and as a reflection of that inability become unable to love themselves. And that indeed is the saddest thing of all. ~Kris
  19. Sri Ramana Maharshi Excerpts from his Spiritual Teachings • Question. How can I control the mind? • M. There is no mind to control if the Self is realized. The Self shines forth when the mind vanishes. In the realized man the mind may be active or inactive, the Self alone exists. For, the mind, body and world are not separate from the Self; and they cannot remain apart from the Self. Can they be other than the Self? When aware of the Self why should one worry about these shadows? How do they affect the Self? --------- • Question. If the mind is merely a shadow how then is one to know the Self? • M. The Self is the Heart, self-luminous. Illumination arises from the Heart and reaches the brain, which is the seat of the mind. The world is seen with the mind; so you see the world by the reflected light of the Self; The world is perceived by an act of the mind. When the mind is illumined it is aware of the world; when it is not so illumined, it is not aware of the world. If the mind is turned in, towards the Source of illumination, objective knowledge ceases, and the Self alone shines as the Heart. The moon shines by reflecting the light of the sun. When the sun has set, the moon is useful for displaying objects. When the sun has risen no one needs the moon, though its disc is visible in the sky. So it is with the mind and the Heart. The mind is made useful by its reflected light. It is used for seeing objects. When turned inwards, it merges into the Source of illumination which shines by Itself and the mind is then like the moon in the day-time. When it is dark, a lamp is necessary to give light. But when the sun has arisen, there is no need for the lamp; the objects are visible. And to see the sun no lamp is necessary, it is enough if you turn your eyes towards the -self-luminous sun. Similarly with the mind, to see the objects the light reflected from the mind is necessary. To see the Heart it is enough that the mind is turned towards it. Then the mind does not count and the Heart is self-effulgent. ------------- • Question. Is a set meditation necessary for strengthening the mind? • M. Not, if you keep the idea always before you, that it is not your work. At first, effort is needed to remind yourself of it, but later on it becomes natural and continuous. The work will go on of its own accord, and your peace will remain undisturbed. Meditation is your true nature. You call it meditation now, because there are other thoughts distracting you. When these thoughts are dispelled, you remain alone— that is, in the state of meditation free from thoughts; and that is your real nature, which you are now trying to gain by keeping away other thoughts. Such keeping away of other thoughts is now called meditation. But when the practice becomes firm, the real nature shows itself as true meditation. -------------------------------- • Question. Other thoughts arise more forcibly when one attempts meditation! • M. Yes, all kinds of thought arise in meditation. That is only right; for what lies hidden in you is brought out. Unless it rises up, how can it be destroyed ? Thoughts rise up spontaneously, as it were, but only to be extinguished in due course, thus strengthening the mind. ---------------------- • Question. How can the rebellious mind be made calm and tranquil ? • M. Either see its source so that it may disappear, or surrender yourself so that it may be struck down. Self-surrender is the same as Self-knowledge, and either of them necessarily implies self-control. The ego submits only when it recognizes the Higher Power. ----------------------------- • Question. How can I escape from samsara which seems to be the real cause for making the mind restless? Is not renunciation an effective means to realize tranquility of mind ? • M. Samsara is only in your mind. The world does not speak out saying, 'Here I am, the world'. If it did so, it would be ever there, making its presence felt by you even in your sleep. Since, however, it is not there in sleep, it is impermanent. Being impermanent, it lacks substance. Having no reality apart from the Self it is easily subdued by the Self. The Self alone is permanent. Renunciation is the non-identification of the Self with the not-Self. When the ignorance which identifies the Self with not-Self is removed, not-Self ceases to exist, and that is true renunciation. -------------------------------------
  20. Sri Ramana Maharshi Excerpts from his Spiritual Teachings • Question. How can I control the mind? • M. There is no mind to control if the Self is realized. The Self shines forth when the mind vanishes. In the realized man the mind may be active or inactive, the Self alone exists. For, the mind, body and world are not separate from the Self; and they cannot remain apart from the Self. Can they be other than the Self? When aware of the Self why should one worry about these shadows? How do they affect the Self? --------- • Question. If the mind is merely a shadow how then is one to know the Self? • M. The Self is the Heart, self-luminous. Illumination arises from the Heart and reaches the brain, which is the seat of the mind. The world is seen with the mind; so you see the world by the reflected light of the Self; The world is perceived by an act of the mind. When the mind is illumined it is aware of the world; when it is not so illumined, it is not aware of the world. If the mind is turned in, towards the Source of illumination, objective knowledge ceases, and the Self alone shines as the Heart. The moon shines by reflecting the light of the sun. When the sun has set, the moon is useful for displaying objects. When the sun has risen no one needs the moon, though its disc is visible in the sky. So it is with the mind and the Heart. The mind is made useful by its reflected light. It is used for seeing objects. When turned inwards, it merges into the Source of illumination which shines by Itself and the mind is then like the moon in the day-time. When it is dark, a lamp is necessary to give light. But when the sun has arisen, there is no need for the lamp; the objects are visible. And to see the sun no lamp is necessary, it is enough if you turn your eyes towards the -self-luminous sun. Similarly with the mind, to see the objects the light reflected from the mind is necessary. To see the Heart it is enough that the mind is turned towards it. Then the mind does not count and the Heart is self-effulgent. ------------- • Question. Is a set meditation necessary for strengthening the mind? • M. Not, if you keep the idea always before you, that it is not your work. At first, effort is needed to remind yourself of it, but later on it becomes natural and continuous. The work will go on of its own accord, and your peace will remain undisturbed. Meditation is your true nature. You call it meditation now, because there are other thoughts distracting you. When these thoughts are dispelled, you remain alone— that is, in the state of meditation free from thoughts; and that is your real nature, which you are now trying to gain by keeping away other thoughts. Such keeping away of other thoughts is now called meditation. But when the practice becomes firm, the real nature shows itself as true meditation.
  21. From the Vipassana meditation website: 7. Why do you say the early morning hours are good for meditation? Going to bed early and getting up early is a very good habit. It keeps you healthy. The early morning hours are also very good for meditation, for your daily practice, because that is the time when all others are sleeping ; so most of this craving - when people awaken, everybody craves, the whole atmosphere is full of craving, you can't meditate better. Everybody is sleeping, you meditate - best time.
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