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Posts posted by guv

  1. ignoring u?? :? u were only there for like a day or something weren't u?

    dayam geeza... u kept the whole room awake with ur snoring!!!! i didn't punch u, but everyone in the room got up & farted on ur face one by one... that might've been what u felt!... & smelt!! :LOL:

  2. i've long thought that orwell's novel is a prophecy come true... but in a more subtle/hidden way... which in my view makes it more sinister.

    this is seen in it's most extreme form in the american neo-conservatives... using their straussian philosophy to control the population through fear of an illusory enemy. the scariest thing being their belief in their own concocted fanstasies, a la "double think".

    bl, how do u define communism?

  3. I would not cut my hair. I would do Ardass and ask Akal Purakh for help. If someone is to be saved. Akal will save the person. If Akaal wants someone to die, the person will. Nothing can save or kill.

    when u cross the road, do u look both ways before crossing... or do u do an ardas to akal purakh & cross without looking? if akal wants u to cross safely u will, if akal wants u to have an accident u will.

  4. very thoughtful insight into the film bl... thanks for that!! it'll give me something to mull over... i think i'm gonna have to watch the film again...

    tru say ce... we should get back on topic... anyone have any other thoughts about when they might be willing to cut their hair? the one situation that always seems to be suggested is having an operation that requires the surgeons to shave kesh/dhari off.

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