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Nadian Mp Sukh Dhaliwal Appeals Sikhs To Help Survivors Of 1984 Sikh Genocide


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NEW DELHI: Canadian MP Sukh Dhaliwal, who sponsored Sikh Genocide Petition before Canadian Parliament appealed to the Sikh community to come forward help the widows of November 1984. Distressed at the plight of widows of November 1984, MP Dhaliwal lamented that not only that justice has been denied but the widows of November 1984 have not been properly rehabilitated either.

Addressing the community, MP Dhaliwal emphasized that “while bringing perpetrators of Genocide to justice is very important but so is to financially help the widows of Sikh Genocide.”

Commenting on SFJ’s campaign to file a “1503 PETITION” before U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (UNHRC) to appoint an independent expert to investigate the Sikh Genocide Issue, MP Dhaliwal stated that as a member of Sikh community and leader of Canadian Sikhs, he will lead the 1503 petition before United Nations.

MP Dhaliwal stated that India is one of the biggest democracy in the World, and it should recognize the systematic and organized killing of Sikhs in November 1984 as “Genocide”. Recognition of “Sikh Genocide” by India will restore its decaying image with regard to human rights issues and will also bring Sikh community closer to India, stated Dhaliwal.

“Sikhs For Justice” (SFJ) an international human rights advocacy organization and All India Sikh Students Federation (AISSF) is spearheading a ‘Justice Campaign” for the victims of November 1984.

AISSF President Peermohammad stated that for the last twenty six years victims of 1984 have been denied justice and their families are struggling to survive. Successive governments have declared compensation packages but the plight of victims continue to grow every day and victims are facing challenges to marry their daughters and provide necessities of life. Now time has come when Sikh Community should lead the rehabilitation of the victims of November 1984 as Government failed miserably to rehabilitate. A family chain will be established internationally where Sikh families will be asked to sponsor a victim family of November 1984 Sikh Genocide added Peermohammad.

Babu Singh Dukhyia stated that the families of the victims of November 1984 will be contacted and they will be provided with financial support with the help from “Sikhs For Justice”. Babu Singh Dukhyia asked families of the victims of November 1984 that they come forward with their genuine needs and the same will be forwarded to “Sikhs For Justice” who in turn will appeal to international Sikh community to help families directly.

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