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Hondh Chhillar Massacre Sgpc Chief Meets Chidambaram

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Hondh Chhillar Massacre

SGPC chief meets Chidambaram

Tribune News Service

Amritsar, March 2

A six-member delegation led by SGPC president Avtar Singh yesterday met the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram and submitted a memorandum against the genocide of Sikh residents in Hondh Chhillar village in Rewari, Haryana, in 1984. The delegation demanded action against the accused.

“It is the worst example of organised crime encouraged and supported by the state authorities against a particular minority community. In this unfortunate incident, more than 32 Sikhs were hacked and a gurdwara building was demolished on November 2, 1984. The site of the tragedy narrates a pathetic tale of torched houses, the burnt gurdwara,” he said.

“The worst part is that the matter has been kept under wraps during the last 26 years. The Shiromani committee has stressed upon the authorities at the Centre to intervene in the matter,” he added.

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