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Rss Site Trying To Lure Sikhs


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Sat Sri Akaal Everyone,

I was doing some research on Sikhi till i come across this site claimed to be run by someone called 'Singh' where it has a section on Sikhism but the rest is all Hinduism .And its cleverly trying to make Sikhism its part of the same 'Hindu culture' .You can see for yourself here how the game is being played by these RSS types who keep on promoting sikhi as part of Hinduism.


What do you think is it paranoia or something more sinister going on ?

Satnam Waheguru

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Sat Sri Akaal Everyone,

I was doing some research on Sikhi till i come across this site claimed to be run by someone called 'Singh' where it has a section on Sikhism but the rest is all Hinduism .And its cleverly trying to make Sikhism its part of the same 'Hindu culture' .You can see for yourself here how the game is being played by these RSS types who keep on promoting sikhi as part of Hinduism.


What do you think is it paranoia or something more sinister going on ?

Satnam Waheguru

Doesn't seem bad at all with the sikh articles they have there are some pretty nasty ones on muhammaden websites that seems respectable and honest in many parts. In fact they have won my respect.

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Above is a hindu dinosaur. Honestly most sikh youth don't use Internet and stuff. Only way to lure them to Hindu is by Gun, even the monas. Good luck, trying. :)

Edit Just wanted to comment maharaj is brilliant and comical. With the British and muslims, he gave us enemies that were so fanatical it's funny.

Even though, it's mean..

Edited by N30 S!NGH
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  • 4 weeks later...

Rss have been trying to lure sikhs since the rss was founded so not worry only illiterate and or the people who don't understand sikhi might get influenced, i have been reading the post by this jathedar sahib, is he/she for real. if he/she doesn't like the sikhi way or its followers why doesn't he/she get back to the phallus worship his/ her co-religionists are doing. we live in a very fortunate times where at a click of a button one can search for the truth.

bhul chuk maaf

Gur Fathe

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