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24 Forms Of A Formless God?

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Woh, thats' quite a lot of reading for one night, sorry again a bit too tired. Had a very long day. Need to read all this carefully to try and understand what you all are saying. (so I don't miss any points) - Umm as a quick read still seems like you all are trying to square the triangle by using various approaches, dream world, God in disguise, relative realities etc - but like I said I'll read it thoroughly to due justice to your answers.

On a side note, I had some conversations with some Sikh students, most didn't believe in the Dassam granth to be authentic, they said it was written and compiled many many years after the Gurus, and they mentioned a lot of proofs that it wasn't authentic, some of the ones I can recall from the top of my head are: some non Punjabi/gurumuhki words are used in the text as well as non conventional grammar stokes, - certain vowels are used that we not used that that time (I don't speak Punjabi/HuruMukhi so I'll take there word for it), umm English words like near (superlatives: neram, nearaan) are made up an used showing evidence that some of this at least was written under British rule -hence the use of English. some stuff about the written copy of the Dassam was written via an ink pen when ink pens were not invented until much later (then the supposed time this book was written,) proving that it was written much later. And so on ,,, oh and a lot of stuff about the Brahmins and the RSS.

Umm I understand they may be from a different sect therefore their beliefs are not shared by everyone here, however I came across some interesting points. some of their points are very academic, scientific (if indeed true - as I haven't checked them myself yet) and more rational then just saying " can't question this ".

Also as a side question from gist reading everything, you all mentioned that the 24 forms of God are mentioned so you wouldn't have to go to Hindus to get their versions of events. - so you don't worship them. I find two logical possibilities here -A) if you consider the 24 Avtars to be God (in disguise or whatever) then it is still God, why don't Sikhs worship God via these forms, the same as Hindus who claim that all these forms are just forms of the true one God "Brahmin" they worship Him via these forms. If these 24 Avtars are Not God but famous people (as some have suggested) or a lesser form of God (which confuses me - it means God can reduce himself) or something along those lines. The why does the Dassam only concentrate on Hindu Gods all of whom came to Indians. Why not mention Biblical or Koranic narratives in the view of the Gurus, both religions account for more then all humans on earth after all. your still left now to go to Muslims and Christians to learn about their faiths. Please don't say leela.

I have a lot more questions but again I don't want to ask before properly reading all your answers and checking up the verses you provided. Thanks !

Edited by truthseeker546
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