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Sikh or Singh?

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

sikh boys wid haircuts go round wid their khanda flags sayn dat dey r all singhs bt dey r not.dey r js sikhs.even sikhs wid turbans n beards dat drink are not singhs.......dey r al sikhs.

Da reason to dis is cz SINGH wz givn by Guru Gobind Singh Ji wen dey took Amrit.So if u avnt taken amrit....ur nt a singh.

So STOP sayn dat u lot r singhs.

Only wen uv taken amrit u r a Singh!!!!!!

We r all sikhs but nt singhs.

remember dat!!!!!!!!

ders a massive diffrence.

dnt get mixd up.

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yeh......SINGH n Kaur r only givn to those who av taken amrit.

Until u avnt taken amrit.....u shud use ur surname.

Iv dun a lot of readin n dis is wot iv cum across.

doesnt matter if sikhs smoke, drink, n do drugs.......cz dey will always b sikh bt nt a SINGH.

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yeh......SINGH n Kaur r only givn to those who av taken amrit.

Until u avnt taken amrit.....u shud use ur surname.

Iv dun a lot of readin n dis is wot iv cum across.

doesnt matter if sikhs smoke, drink, n do drugs.......cz dey will always b sikh bt nt a SINGH.

ummm.. :? someone who is sikh is someone who follows the rehat - if u dont follow ur reyat its just like being born into a sikh family and not following it - jus like how shri guru nanak dev ji did with hinduism..... we dont see shri guru nanak dev ji as a hindu do we???

i always thought that someone who is amrit dhari becomes "singh khalsa" or "kaur khalsa" :? :? i dunno.. dodgy debate :P:P:oops:

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satsriakaal steel

ur rite........wen sum1 takes amrit dey becum singh khalsa or kaur khalsa.

dey becum KHALSA.

i fink dat evry sikh shud take amrit bt in der own time. dat way we all wil b KHALSA'S.

den we can put meanin to 'RAJ KAREGA KHALSA'


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Guest kaur1699

Is the name "Singh" and "kaur" just for ppl who take amrit

bac in the day wen Guru Gobind Singh Ji first gav us the names Singh and Kaur, u got it wen u took amrit did u not?? today are we not just takin the name because we are born into Sikh families?

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I havent taken amrit yet. My name ends with a 'Singh'. Should I drop this name and add my castes name to it ?? and go back to practicing caste system.

It is the Singh that unites all Sikhs. So I see nothing wrong with using Singh. Amrit is a personal mamla, when people are ready they can take it.. but no need to push everyone into taking amrit. In the past not many use to get accepted amrit because they lacked the qualifications. To be a amritdhari you have to first prove yourself worth it only then take amrit ! otherwise you will insult the name of amrit !

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Sikhi is much miuch more tha labels and we should quit having a cow about labels and other divisory shenanigans.

You have to live and let live - dont worry about what kind of Sikh somebody else is be the best u can be and be true to urself.

We all do stuff that isnt neccasarily done by the law of our Gurus everyday so none of us are really in any position to judge to much unless some one is doing summat very stupid.

Whether we like it or not Sikhi is inextricably intwined with Punjabi culture and probably forever will be.

Live n let live and teach ppl what u know and let judging be left to god for the most part :)

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