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Hi everyone, I just posted this post in another topic about time travel but I ended up writing about something a little different, I wrote about life, maybe it will help some of you, I am not even sure why I wrote it, but I would like to know if any of you found it helpful and why?

From: http://www.sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness...opic.php?t=4287


That story was a fake, we got a good laugh over at Wall St. when we heard that! :LOL: As for time travel, it is not possible, I don't have time to explain all the physics but just read any good physics book and you'll know why it is impossible. Any one who wishes they could go back in time to correct a mistake is better off trying to change their future, which IS possible. Remember, the future hasn't happend, if you do something positive now it may have a huge effect on your future and you may end up happy. Doing NOTHING is the WORST thing to do! You can't go back in time but you can bring time back to you! Think about it and you will know what I mean... Imagine that 1997 was a great year for you, you wish you could go back in time but can't, so instead you bring 1997 back to you, now... If you lost touch with someone or some friends you really cared about, pick up the phone and call them, find them, get them back in to your life, remember, in human terms, time is only a number, in most cases people can still change their lives even aster years have passed. A good friend of mine broke up with his wife 5 years ago, he really missed her. I was talking to him the other day, he told me that he wished that he could go back in time and be back together with her again. I told him that you can't go back in time to the "Good Times" but you CAN bring the "Good Times" time back to you, he got a little confused, then I explained that he should re-create 1997, the year he was happy with his ex-wife, now, in 2004! I told him to give her a call, see what she was doing, try and be friends again, start dating if you have the chance, just get back to her and try and re-create the "Good Times" you had and you will be happy again, he finally got more relaxed much happier, he actually got the idea I was trying to tell him. A few weeks later he called me up and said that he met his ex-wife again and that they had started seeing eachother again, even making plans to re-marry! That was great news and shows that with a lil bit of thought, more or less anything is possible. You might think why have I given such a long speech, it's because some of you out there reading this will know exactly what I mean, there are many of you who are unhappy at having wasted time, sometimes 2 or 3 years or longer and are wishing you can get those back but you can't, so instead you should just look at what positive things you gained from those "wasted" years, what did you learn, have you grown as a person etc. and then move forward. Don't live in the past because the past is history, don't worry about the future because the future has not happend and things don't always turn out as bad as you think, just live each day as it happens, make the most of it and then live the next day the same way. Life is too short to worry and get stressed about BS, forget it and just relax, take it easy and be happy. If you missed out on something when you were younger, like university, a degree, college or something else, forget about thinking about going back in time, instead, bring that time back and make it happen now, re-live it, go back to college now, get a degree now, get that great job that you wanted as a kid, now! Nothing is stoping you except for yourself. If you have a crap life, change it now! First, look at your current situation, then ask yourself what you really want, ask yourself if it is realistic, ask yourself if an alternative will make you happy, then MAKE A PLAN and ask yourself how can it be achieved, making a plan is easy but executing it (following it) is not so easy. Be determined and make sure you follow your plan until it has been finished, once it works and you are happy, keep working hard to make sure you don't screw up again, remember, prevention is always better than a cure. Then just be happy... You may ask when should you start your plan, well, when would NOW be a good time? If you have already wasted 2 years of your life, why wait longer being lazy and waste 3 years? Instead of wishing that you had done something earlier, do it now, so in another years time you are not wishing that you had done it earlier again! lol The best way to deal with something is to do it right away, do it now! Why do something tomorrow when you can do it today? Always deal with a problem right away, never run away because it just usually gets worse, deal with it and destroy it straight away, never let life get you down, always deal with life right away and make sure you do it properly so you don't get a nasty shock later on, just remember these few things and you will be happy, also, please always be rational, logical and scientific, no need to believe in superstitious garbage which will only make your life more confusing and worse. Always remember God and he will always help you out, also please remember that God always gives you chances to do something, so please take them whenever they arise, and finally, as Guru Nanak says, always be optomistic and happy!

Kind Regards,



Please give your opinions, constructive ones please, no silly posts. Thanks,

Kind Regards,


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I am saving that post.

Hi Brother, I am glad you liked that post, basically, I see many young people here on this site and others and it's a shame that many of them have problems which are quite easy to fix. There are very few people who give good advice on how to solve problems, just by telling someone to pray to God is not always the right answer, it's good to pray but it's also good to use that wonderful brain that God gave you, it's there to be used for thinking, to solve problems, something which many people cannot do or do not know how to do. I am tired of people make excuses about why they can't do this or that in life, the fact is that they can, just put your mind to it and happiness is always achievable! Thanks,


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Good post. Realistic, sensible and rational. ACTION is what we always tend not to do. Without doing anythinkg, how would you expect God to help you?

Dude! You hit the nail on the head, well done, it's a shame that this post which is very serious and about real life has only had a few responses, Khalistan or Azad Punjab will only ever be created by action, not mere empty words!

Kind Regards,


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Wow that was a nice post!! I felt that tingle while reading it! I think it depends on your frame-of-mind to change things around. So i guess if your postive you can have things under control!

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