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what is the buddha dal's relation to hazoor sahib these days


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hello everyone,

whenever you hear the average punjabi sikh talk about hazoor sahib they always label it as a "nihanga da gurdwara"... yes there is a shaunee close by, and yes mata sahib deva is a drive away, but what about the takhat?

what is the relation of sri abchal nagar and nihangs in todays day and age?

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nihangs do have alot of control over how the gurdrawa is run, thats y they do parkhash of sarbloh granth and dasam granth. they also serve bhang and mahaprashad there.

BUT, overall, its still run by sgpc, thats y the punj arnt nihangs. the marayda is kinda the same, but not 100% what ud get at the dal

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my bad, I believe you're right sgpc does excercise some control. I don't think that nihangs have any real control over hazoor sahib except for the practices that they instilled or preserved from their time in power...but that was years ago. Other groups such as nirmallay, and pandits have had control over the takhat at various times as well....

so the question is what control do the nihangs have right now?

what is the difference between a nihang and a "hazoori" singh??

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