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i heard surat shabad if u practise it lot, can cause headaches. Is this due to surat going higher and conflicting in the blockages? I heard 80% of the nerves are blocked but they open via bhagti. Whats ur views? what u gota say on this topic.

In Tibet they have tried for thousands of years to preserve the bodies in which some extraordinary things happened. They have preserved such bodies as an experimentation. Because such events do not happen again and again, and do not happen so easily. After thousands of years, once in a while such things happen. For instance, someone's third eye opened and along with it, it broke a hole in the bone where the third eye exists. Such an event takes place sometimes once in hundreds of thousands of years. The third eye opens in so many people but this hole does not happen to everybody. When this hole happens, the reason behind it is that in that case the third eye has opened with tremendous force. Such skulls or such a body is then preserved by them.

blockages are in everyone, it is throught bhagti as you stated that these blockages are opened and our energy flows freely through the chakras. As for the headaches, i don't think they are a cause of concern given that you have a Master whom can give you proper guidence through such events.


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 938

jYsy jl mih kmlu inrwlmu murgweI nY swxy ]

jaisae jal mehi kamal niraalam muragaaee nai saanae ||

The lotus flower floats untouched upon the surface of the water, and the duck swims through the stream;

suriq sbid Bv swgru qrIAY nwnk nwmu vKwxy ]

surath sabadh bhav saagar thareeai naanak naam vakhaanae ||

with one's consciousness focused on the Word of the Shabad, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. O Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

rhih iekWiq eyko min visAw Awsw mwih inrwso ]

rehehi eikaa(n)th eaeko man vasiaa aasaa maahi niraaso ||

One who lives alone, as a hermit, enshrining the One Lord in his mind, remaining unaffected by hope in the midst of hope,

Agmu Agocru dyiK idKwey nwnku qw kw dwso ]5]

agam agochar dhaekh dhikhaaeae naanak thaa kaa dhaaso ||5||

sees and inspires others to see the inaccessible, unfathomable Lord. Nanak is his slave. ||5||

suix suAwmI Ardwis hmwrI pUCau swcu bIcwro ]

sun suaamee aradhaas hamaaree pooshho saach beechaaro ||

"Listen, Lord, to our prayer. We seek your true opinion.

rosu n kIjY auqru dIjY ikau pweIAY gur duAwro ]

ros n keejai outhar dheejai kio paaeeai gur dhuaaro ||

Don't be angry with us - please tell us: How can we find the Guru's Door?""

iehu mnu clqau sc Gir bYsY nwnk nwmu ADwro ]

eihu man chalatho sach ghar baisai naanak naam adhhaaro ||

This fickle mind sits in its true home, O Nanak, through the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

Awpy myil imlwey krqw lwgY swic ipAwro ]6]

aapae mael milaaeae karathaa laagai saach piaaro ||6||

The Creator Himself unites us in Union, and inspires us to love the Truth. ||6||

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