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Halal Jhatak deabte by Sarna and Calcutta

vijaydeep Singh

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Last night das has heard that there was a deabate on Halal Jhatka issue between Sarna Ji and Calcutta Ji.

Das wants more detail about that as he missed it.

It was perhaps held at india TV.

Das also wants to put that they wanted that it should be amrked on non veg food from hotels etc.if it is Halal or not.Someone told das that it showed that macdolands serves Halal in India(in UK it was not the same).Das wants to confirm that also.

Anyway another Manmati thing das has seens that unlike in past during baptism at Sisganj Sahib Delhi,Singh were told to not to eat Halal and jhatka can be taken but at present Singhs are told not to eat meat.

What went wrong?

due to Three Banis of Dasam Pitah in Baptism,missioanries who are pro meat have stopped encouragind or even carrying out baptism and all ritualistic veggis have taken over baptism ceromany.More input on that si also needed.

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"due to Three Banis of Dasam Pitah in Baptism,missioanries who are pro meat have stopped encouragind or even carrying out baptism and all ritualistic veggis have taken over baptism ceromany.More input on that si also needed."

Vijaydeep Singh - it is a sad state that today Sikhi has become a diet obessed subculture. Your point on the Missionaries and 'ritualisitic veggies' is so spot on! It is a shame the non-veg and veg diets need to be associated with these two extreme options in the first place...

...also, I would add that it is very common in the UK and Canada for Amrit Sanchars to all follow the maryada of either the Sant Samaj, Taksal, AKJ or some derivative thereof (Nishkam Sevak Jatha et al) and hence there is gross variation in the Maryada in terms of all insisting on Vegetarism and of course variations in kakkars etc. It is hence not uncommon for scenes in the UK and Canada where one 'amritdhari' will fight and argue with another frequently about what one eats...ah, spirituality at its best!

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Not really - there is simply a need to accept that the Sikh Rehit Maryada lays down some simple basics that all can follow and underpins just about any jatha, taksal or sampradha.

Their variations are simply items built over and above the Sikh Rehit Maryada and they are free to do so, whilst it will be no doubt good for the Buddha Dal or Hazoori Singhs to undertake global amrit sanchars, the truth is that this will simply result in a more 'brand' of amrit sanchar for today's 'educated' Sikhs to fuss over - and again, all because we get uptight over what we eat and how we eat it!!!

Also, the Hazoori Singhs issue the same rehit as per the Sikh Rehit Maryada, the only difference is that they also keep the Sri Dasam Granth Sahib in parkash alongside the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

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