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Four Lavans are basically four states in life, you can recite them. We cannot discriminate between gurbani as in favor one gurbani composition than another, they are all same. gurbani in sri guru granth sahib is dhur ki bani ( sound current of divine) . What matter is your faith. however each gurbani has different effect

You can read more about deep meanings of anand karaj in this thread:


However in the gurughar, there is specific gurbani for specific purposes:

Powers and Effects of the Daily Gurbaniz

Orginally Created: http://www.snsm.org.my/library/articles/bani1.htm


JAPJI SAHIB: Control ones' 'ji', one's soul. When you ji, your being is endangered, when the radiance of your soul is weak, recite Jap Ji. Guru Nanak's blessing is that the thirty-eight pauris of Jap Ji will liberate humanity from the cycles of birth and death.

SHABAD HAZAARAY: This is the highest disciple's love letter, written by Guru Arjun to Guru Ram Das. Its boon is that it gives the benefits of a thousand shabads, and the soul shall directly merge with God. It makes the separated ones come home with grace. Those who recite this shabad shall never be separated from their Beloved.

JAAP SAHIB: The Naad of Jaap Sahib rouses the soul and the self of the Being. 'Sahib' means 'grace'. Recite it when your position is endangered, or when your authoritative personality is weak. This Bani brings grace and greatness. It will also give you the ability, that whatever people say, you will automatically be able to compute what they are actually saying. And, once you are able to to recite it correctly, it will give you the power, the Siddhi, that whatever you say, must happen. Man can direct God and God can direct man. Guru Gobind Singh recited Jaap sahib so that we would not become beggars at the doors of others.

TAV PRASAD SWAYIYAS: Spoken by Guru Gobind Singh. When you are not getting any satisfaction out of life, this is the Bani to recite.

ANAND SAHIB: Whosoever recites the forty pauris of Anand will have endless bliss, because the Guru is limitless. In this Bani, mind and body are explained in relation to cosmic divinity. Guru Amar Das gave us this Song of Bliss to qualify the mind and to understand the depth. Husband and wife should get together, recite it together, alternating sutra (lines).

REHIRAAS SAHIB: This Bani is recited after one has worked and is tired. It adds energy (raa-hu) to one's being, to ones's total concept. Also, recite it when your principle of worldly wealth is endangered. In Naad, reh means live, and raas means commodity. Rehiraas Sahib helps you: when you are physically weak, or weak in money, property and earthly goods.

KIRTAN SOHILA: This Bani is done before sleep at night. It is the most harmonious Naad ever uttered. It multiplies the aura to the sensitivity of protection that it eliminates any negativity for miles and miles. When you are endangered by any species of direct or indirect source; when you want to protect yourself with the surrounding of the entire magnetic field of the earth, recite Kirtan Sohila.

BAARAAH MAAHAA: The prayer of each month. Recited at the start of the month, it coves you for the month.

PAINTEE AKHREE: Gives all secret knowledge.


From Shabad Hazaaray of the Tenth Master:

Praanee param purakh pag laago: Takes away the tendency of laziness.

Kayval kaala-ee kartaar: Takes awaythe fear of death.

Si kim maanas roop kahaa-i: Brings the experience of Divinity.

Bin har naam na baachan paihai: Removes ego.

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