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fateh jee

NandGarh has a point , but so duz Mela Singh. The nihangs are the standing army of the Sikhs, but especaiilly over the last 20-30 years they have earned the title of drugusing layabouts, as a whole, which is a shame as there are some very very good people amongst the nihang samprdaye.

However the SGPC is a rotten organisation which has moved far from its original aim from 1921. Over the last 10 years or so, its been under the control of power hungry sellout akalis.

So it look like a case of the pot calling the kettle black as far as organisations go. However personally i know nothing about Mela Singh, but from what I know about Nandgarh from people who have met him, is he is a top bloke, with a tough stance on fundamental issues.

lets hope they sort it out as only last year Baba Udey Singh was hugging Makar who they previously called malech.


nandgarh was their in hajjori of guru sahib to talk and give whats latest up with SGPC and 5 singh sahibans with sacha sauda .... but he didnt had any thing to talk about it .... whats SGPC doing since that bathinda meeting he had not even one thing to say .... so he changed the topic ... and whats about nindeya in hajjori of guru sahib ???? he is so called jathedar of guru ki kashi ...

and why nandgarh is so much against budhadal and he has shown it time and again .... the reason is that till date damdama sahib is not seen as 5 th takth within nihung singhs .... thats the main cause not only at this stage nandgarh has done from almost every stage he has spoken regarding anything ...

udey singh and makkar are more leaders then singhs ....


i think nandgarh was trying to make a point that the Nihang Samprdaye should be taking a lead in mattters such as these, whereas all they seem to be doing at the moment is drinking sukh-nidhaan. Its a fair point like I said. I for one wish that Nihangs Singhs would be more active on issues like these.

hope that duznt offend.

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