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Everything posted by dalsingh101

  1. Okay, just because you are a little bit sexy and that, no need to rub it in our faces. lol You can see a genuine picture of me on the left btw!
  2. It's power that they are worshiping (whether they recognise it or not). That is one thing that whitey is always trying to project. On the other hand people like ours end up looking like either 1) sycophant lesser species who are incapable of uniting amongst themselves or 2) dirty hapless poverty stricken folk or 3) useful fools or more likely 4) a mixture of 1 & 2 & 3 The overall effect of the impression is one of diminished importance hence 'we gets no respect' when we go out there. If we are pretty indifferent to how we treat each other, outsiders take unspoken cues as to our worth.
  3. Okay but what do you make of the significance of Guru's at the close of their human stewardship creating a Khalsa which replaced these with a generic 'Singh'. What was the intention/purpose of this and what are the implications?
  4. London why don't you go to Jattworld.com? You'd probably be more at home there and find more like minded phudhus?
  5. I understand what you are saying but the ground level reality is that the use of surnames and caste identity lends itself to the very nonsense that holds Sikh society back. So idealistic speaking doesn't cut it. If humans (especially Panjabi Sikhs) seem so preoccupied with differentiating themselves along these lines and then ruining their own society with it, at what point do we turn around and say 'enough is enough'? Just explaining that discrimination is wrong is absolutely ineffectual, more stronger measures need implementing and enforcing. That much is obvious. The lesson seems to be that people don't do the right thing willingly, you have to cajole or slap them into it.
  6. I'm not. But independently evaluating the good and bad is important, especially as to be frank, in their own eye's western Europeans seem to consider themselves as almost incapable of doing any bad. So what are you trying to say? That they are mirror images of each other? Plus let's define what we mean by 'whites' here. When I refer to them I'm talking about the ideology stemming from mainly western European nations (and now America) that seems to view the rest of the world as a field that they can interfere in and 'plough' at will for their own advantage. Where the inhabitants of these regions are an afterthought. The difference between Islam and this white ideology is that imperial [wahhabi?]Islam strain is openly barbaric to nonbelivers whilst the whites ideologues seem to hide behind a facade of good will and intention and still cause the death of hordes of them. Anyway, back to main point, playing silly political games with headscarves/turbans etc. etc. in the way the OP highlights isn't necessary in my opinion. The motive is probably petty attempts to irritate the perceived enemies.
  7. How good is the internet for that Surya? What sort of factors effect the kar vali nailing situation anyway? Whether we like it or not (to me it seems) stuff like looks, finances, family reputation, personality and unique family eccentricities play the biggest part. Unless someone is going to broadcast personal details like these over cyber space for people to evaluate is it even possible to give a honest answer to the question of why you might be having difficulties in that department? I think people on the forum are probably mature and honest enough (with themselves), to know that they really can't answer the question straight out like some people may desire. What approach to take? If a significant part of the equation is along the lines of attributes mentioned above, then one strategy could be to evaluate yourself along these (or get someone trusted to do this) and then try and optimise your 'desirability' factor along them. That is a very material way of looking at it I know, but at least it gives you some points to take action along. But even this is a flawed because how objective can a person honestly get about things that strike so close to our most intimate self perceptions and insecurities?
  8. Well, if I couldn't 'pull' I'm not sure if the Internet is a good place to find a solution.
  9. Okay but where did the ideas of 'militant secularism' stem from? Who developed and supported this ideology? To me all you are highlighting is that these people have had a lot of success and can now count a lot of nonEuropeans as their converts.
  10. Why blame Islam for this? Why not blame the goray who make these superfluous rules up?
  11. How much more explicitly do you need it to be said? The sooner people stop identifying with caste based identities the better. The list of crap that comes with this is enormous.
  12. This one is probably a more representative image: I will post a picture of my belly when I am at that age HSD.
  13. Well, that's what's happened to Punjab under continual Jatt 'leadership' so go cry to your own people instead of blaming everyone else in the world like a child. Besides, what makes you so sure all of the freshies are peasants anyway? Maybe they are, I wouldn't know. It's probably the first question a fhudu like yourself asks someone when you meet them. Strange how on one hand we've had constant 'giving it the big un' with never ending idiotic songs boasting about how great it is to be a son of a farmer whilst on the other you have people (like yourself and Babbu Maan) lamenting, bemoaning and crying about it? Talk about confused. You're PR stuff is boring by the way. Go back home and help your people. I know lots of long standing diasporic based farmers have land and wealth back home. Do you actually help your beloved peeps by anything more than typing up apologist crap for everything they do on the net?
  14. Also these classics: 'I used mouthwash and then I found out it had alcohol, do I need to do pesh.' 'I like a girl from the same pind, my parents say we can't marry even though we aren't related. Life's unfair.' 'Darshan Ragi has come to my town and brainwashed hordes of apnay to his views.' 'My local Gurdwara committee also runs a pub/club/discotheque in an adjoining 'Punjabi cultural centre' which also serves kebabs and fry ups.' 'My local Gurdwara committee has pub style brawls every election time.'
  15. Some of the apparent pressing 'problems' of the sangat as evidenced in gupt sections of certain forums: 'My parents want me to marry a Singhni with a beard, what shall I do?' 'My beard is preventing a Singh from marrying me, advice needed.' 'Been sleeping with Abdul for 3 years on the sly, he is my soul mate but I am from a religious family, can't we just all get along. I don't think I can live without him. I am losing the will to live just thinking about being without him. Help me!' 'None of the potential partners that I'm meeting want to get with me? Why?' <then farts and burps> 'My family, who've pushed this religious stuff on me all my life are now getting funny because I want to marry another similarly religious person from a 'lower'/different caste.' 'I'm in absolute shock in reading posts that don't accept that Sikhs should be allowed to have relationships with and marry whomsoever they want! I am disgusted and want admin to delete my forum account with immediate effect! I've never encountered such ignorance. I have been perfectly happy with Leroy for 4 years now. We plan to marry next year. I haven't told my family about it yet though.'
  16. Either you're a vlathi fool who doesn't know what thry talking about or jealously trying to put them off.
  17. asd try Sikhsangat. This forum isn't good for this type of advice. Besides asking strangers on the net about personal stuff like this is dodgy, you should ask close family and friends instead. In future I suggest we all refrain from the Oprah stuff on the forum and point them somewhere else like shaadi.com The guy seems to have become disgruntled.
  18. The drug argument is weak. If anything, it's close proximity of Paks and their closeness with Afghanistan that floods Panjab with smack. But the reasons for mass taking seems to suggest either mass demoralisation or mass stupidity on part of Sikh youth. Lets be real, Panjabis from Sikh backgrounds love to nasha. They don't need much encouragement in the matter especially booze. Tying this back to the OP, I think Sikh men are under pressure to drink in the culture myself. It sort of goes with macho Panjabi culture.
  19. I got the book, will post it's table of contents up soon (hopefully tonight). Won't be able to read it for a good while though as I have other more pressing matters to deal with and I've got to finish a bunch of books I've already started.
  20. I haven't got too much time on my hands and besides, I doubt this would work in any case. They only seem to think you are jealously lying to deprive them of the good life when you try to tell them anything contrary to their wishful dreams. I guess we have to let nature takes its course. Let the message filter back home of it's own accord. Once enough of them have been ripped off and had enough of living grim lives in dustbins, graveyards etc. and they return back home even more broke than before, the message (hopefully) should reach the required audience? Anyway check out the Daily Mail's immigrant hating stance on the matter: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2001193/Jailed-murder-immigrant-deported-2002.html
  21. I too used to pronounce that last one wrong for a while because I thought the printer had forgotten to to put the small nasal 'n' symbol thing in (what's it called?) Pronunciation is very important but given that we have a number of schools that have different opinions on this today, it's difficult to absolutely put your foot down and say 'this way is unequivocally the correct way!' That's why I think the faith thing is important. I mean if Bhagat Dhanna got where he got to worshiping a stone, I'm sure Waheguru will forgive us a few minor mispronunciations. That doesn't mean we purposefully get slack btw, just that sometimes we will have differing opinions on the matter and to be frank, sometimes I struggle to pronounce sounds I find difficult too! Besides, what if someone with a lisp was to get into bani and could never pronounce the 's' properly - ever, I'm sure Akal Purakh wouldn't hold it against him/her?
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