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Everything posted by Singh123456777

  1. This is the only giani amritpal Singh ludhiana vale I found.
  2. Satkiran is somebody who never actually listened to baba hari Singh cause she can't understand punjabi. She just reads other peoples posts and thinks they are right. He said that bibi's can do seva of maharaj Ji just not when they are on their period.
  3. Satkiran just stop. Just because some things you cannot understand doesn't make them wrong. I recommend you to start learning punjabi and start doing bhagti instead of criticizing stuff that is not easy to understand. Things arent always black and white like how your making it out to be. I recommend everybody who participated on this thread to go and do simran for 10 mins at least. Sometimes enough is enough!
  4. Those bibi's followed DDT rehat maryada.
  5. He has tarnished the image of Sikhs. Now all the gorey thinks Sikhs think like this. It's not helping our image. I want to know why he was even running for the Tories! Doesn't he see what the conservatives are doing? For example the niqab debate. Harper is stirring this thing so he can get the racist vote from Quebec. I bet harper also thinks of the dastar as the same thing. Harper is dividing the country apart. The former conservative premier of Newfoundland Danny Williams even said don't vote Harper. If a conservative says don't vote for conservatives then you know the party is bad lol. I'm surprised this retard jagdish grewal doesn't see that.
  6. Satkiran every historical source is saying the charitarpkhyian is gurus bani. It's only from the early 20th century where people question it. If every historical source has one line of thinking then how can we think it's wrong? Just by using our own thinking? You are wrong on this issue.
  7. Bhagat kabir Ji was of low caste and some many people followed him back then so you point is invalid again.
  8. 2 hours ago, Guest said:You are missing one important point... the Gurus did not 'choose' a male human. The Gurus were genderless... they chose to take a male form. So then why didn't they choose to take a female form? Why did every single guru choose to be male? You point is invalid satkiran.
  9. Jathedar mal Singh and jathedar kulwant Singh are really chardi kala people. I don't want to see them getting kicked out.
  10. https://mobile.twitter.com/suzcowan/status/650760997096038401/video/1 just a small snippet from the rally.
  11. Holy Hell! That was an amwesome rally! I watched it on CBC and ctv and I cannot tell you how energizing that sprang was!
  12. The liberals are doing a huge rally in Brampton at the powerade centre. I recommend everybody to go. I will see if I'm not busy but otherwise I would be there.
  13. https://www.wetsuitwearhouse.com/wetsuits/category/mens-fullsuit-wetsuits.html http://bodyglove.com/products/mens-wetsuits/
  14. You would need something like this then https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burqini
  15. Please vote liberal. The liberals have the best policy on issues such as immigration, foreign policy, domestic issues etc.
  16. http://canada.isidewith.com/political-quiz?utm_source=outbrain&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=q_ca_2 They said I'm 93% NDP, 92% Green Party, 90% liberal, 78% communist and 13 percent conservative lol
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