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Everything posted by paapiman

  1. Please listen to Gyani Thakur Singh jee, narrating a sakhi of a poor devotee, who had immense love for Sri Satguru jee (First Master). Please listen from 5:00 min: http://www.gurbaniupdesh.org/multimedia/04-Katha/13-Giani%20Thakur%20Singh%20Ji%20%28Patiala%20Wale%29/Katha%20Sri%20Guru%20Granth%20Sahib%20Ji/CD11%28Ang0886-1024%29/0928-Ang-0990-Pankti-15.mp3 Bhul chuk maaf
  2. @dalsingh101 - Bro, we made a mistake. Charitar# 6 talks about the bear, not this one. @amardeep@N30 S!NGH - Can anyone of you please move the posts regarding the bear to Charitar#6? Thanks a lot. Bhul chuk maaf
  3. There were three Ganikas in history. First, the one mentioned by Harman Paaji Second one lived during the time of Raja Janak jee Maharaaj Third one? - can anyone help? Bhul chuk maaf
  4. Does anyone know the Anthriv arths or Sankaytee arths of bear, other than the above? For examples: Ant represent humility Elephant represents ego Donkey represents a fool Bhul chuk maaf
  5. The above is a very good point. A similar move was made by the woman in the previous Charitar, when she mentioned about the Brahmin. The Jatt, probably blindly trusted her because of that. We need to recall that Brahmins were considered as Devtay (Demi-Gods) by the other castes, during olden times. Bhul chuk maaf
  6. If the Sihari is removed from ਗਤਿ, then it would become ਗਤ, which means "to annihilate/destroy". Is that what you mean by a Vyakaran vowel? Bhul chuk maaf
  7. If it comes from ਸੰਗ, then what would ਤਿ or ਤ mean? Any idea? Bhul chuk maaf
  8. Below are good resources: http://www.khojgurbani.com/worddetail https://searchgurbani.com/mahan_kosh Amir Bhandar Teeka Katha Bhul chuk maaf
  9. Excellent point Paaji. During the times of Maharaaj, Gurudwaras were known as Dharamsaals (place where Dharamik education is taught). Bhul chuk maaf
  10. Bro, Daas thinks (might be wrong) that the corpse turned into Karah Parshaad. Thanks for the sakhi above. Bhul chuk maaf
  11. Sainath jee - You can do the Paath in multiple days. It doesn't have to be done in a single day. It will be similar to a Sehaj Paath of SSGGSJ. Bhul chuk maaf
  12. Warning: Sexually explicit material below. Daas will kindly request sangat, below the age of 25 or people who are greatly affected by Lust, to stay away from this discussion. Please forgive me for being explicit. Request to Mods/Admins: - Please do not allow Guest posts in this topic - Please do not tolerate any insults of Gurbani - Please do delete any off-topic posts Bhul chuk maaf
  13. Bro, how can Jatts (as a community) claim OBC status? They are/were politically and socially powerful in Punjab and Haryana. Jatt Kings have ruled parts of Punjab/Haryana. What is going on? Also, does Dailts (SC) refer to only Churay and Chamar? Are there any more castes in this category? Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  14. @Harman deep singh - Bro, please go through the link below, if you haven't. Bhindranwale Babay expose Radha Soami Guru (so-called). Bhul chuk maaf
  15. Thanks for sharing the sakhi brother. Can you please confirm that the above personality you mentioned, is Srimaan 108 Sant Baba Nand Singh jee Kaleranwale/Nanaksarwale? Bhul chuk maaf
  16. Today is Pooranmashi (Full moon night). Dhan Guru Nanak........toon hee Nirankaar Bhul chuk maaf
  17. Does anyone know the Akhree Arth(s) of the word "ਹੁਕਮ"? Is this word (of Arabic) used in the Quran Sharif? Maybe going into its source language, might give us a good/new perspective on understanding this word. Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  18. Guest jee - Quam (ਕੋਮ) - is an Arabic word, which means a tribe. For example, Brar Jatts (as stated by Amardeep Paaji), Yusufzai Pathans, Barakzai Pathans, Chauhan Rajputs, etc. Bhul chuk maaf
  19. Akhree Arth (word meaning): Sangat - ਸੰਗਤਿ - ਸੰ (in a good way) + ਗਤਿ (liberation) - Liberation in a good way Other meanings: Company Union Interaction Knowledge Sex Does anyone know, what " ਸੁਹਬਤ " means? Bhul chuk maaf
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