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Everything posted by paapiman

  1. One so-called problem in DDT RM vs many problems in so-called SRM. Bhul chuk maaf
  2. If someone can summarize all the problems associated with the so-called SRM in details, that would be great. Bhul chuk maaf
  3. Gurmat rules cannot be changed. Gender equality is an unscientific principle. Satguru jee knows all types of sciences. If Maharaaj had advocated gender equality, Sikhism would have been based on falsehood, which is not possible. Bhul chuk maaf
  4. Can someone please explain the terms below? Mal Avaran Vikhayp Thanks Bhul chuk maaf Waheguru jee kaa Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
  5. Normal humans like me can only understand, but not see it. Only a Brahamgyani can see all beings (including animals, plants, etc) as one. Relationships have been explained in Sikhism. Mother-child, husband-wife, brother-sister, brother-brother, etc. One can follow his/her personal opinions. Examples - A child should look upon his/her mother as a Guru; a wife should look upon her husband as a demi-God, etc. Bhul chuk maaf God resides in all matter (living and non-living). Please don't neglect animals and plants. A Sikh husband should not expect his wife to bow to him, but she will do it, as it is ordered by Satguru jee. When a son bows to her mother, is he looking at her mother's ego as God? Bhul chuk maaf
  6. The above applies to all women, who want to be considered as a Sati, in the court of Lord. A lady does not have to be a Brahamgyani to follow it. Bhul chuk maaf So what about Baba Ghaniya jee, doing seva of mughal soldiers, by giving them water? From an ordinary man's perspective, he is helping those tyrants. He would not have called police, if robbers has come to his house. Difference - He was a Brahamgyani, not like you or me. We need to stay within our human limits. Bhul chuk maaf
  7. Well, Gurbani instructs all Gurmukhs to see all beings as equal. Back to the question, asked earlier. Why call the police - God resides in the robber/assaulter. Let them do whatever they want, in your house. Even if he goes against humanity, still God exists in him. Why not, do his seva? Gurmukh has several meanings. It could mean God or Satguru jee or Brahamgyani. Bhul chuk maaf There is no contradiction in Gurbani. The beauty of Gurbani is that it can talk to people of different spiritual levels, with the same verse. An ordinary woman should look upon her husband as a demi-God, but when she reaches Brahamgyan, she will start seeing God in all. An ordinary son will look upon his mother as a guru, but when he reaches Brahamgyan, he will start seeing God in all. The vision changes, but the person remains the same. For example - A person might struggle to do nitnaym in a day, but when the very same person reaches high spiritual levels, he can probably mediate for 10-12 hours in a day. A person with limited Gurbani knowledge, like me, cannot understand the depth of Gurbani. Bhul chuk maaf.
  8. There are many men, who do not dribble urine. I think, most men, below the age of 50, don't dribble. If a male has a medical condition of dribbling urine, he should avoid doing seva of Satguru jee. Bhul chuk maaf All Gursikh women should look upon their husbands (Gursikh ones) as demi-gods. That tuk applies to all women. Bhul chuk maaf Older women, who don't menstruate, should be allowed to do seva of Satguru jee. Bhul chuk maaf Can you please provide some evidence? Anyways, if someone has been proven guilty by law, it does not mean that one is rightfully guilty. Even Jarnail Singh jee Bhindrawale was made to look like a terrorist. Bhul chuk maaf
  9. Watch your words. Sri Yogi Bhajan jee is a highly respected Sikh figure. Bhul chuk maaf The uproar happened because the Gurudwara was not following DDT RM. If it was following the right maryada, there would have been no problems. Gursikh women know their limits. Bhul chuk maaf If one does not have proper knowledge of Gurbani, then even black and white issues, seem to be grey. Bhul chuk maaf Cults cannot be allowed to make a panthic decision. In some cases, majority can be wrong too. One cannot say, majority is always right. Bhul chuk maaf
  10. You keep mentioning cultural influences. Can you please list those cultural influences? Bhul chuk maaf
  11. Some AKJ and some missionaries are the real culprits behind the controversies surrounding, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib jee. These people have caused so much confusion in the panth. Bhul chuk maaf Again, the above applies to Brahamgyanis, not to normal humans. We have to respect Satguru jee, by maintaining maximum hygiene while doing seva. Bhul chuk maaf Even urination and excretion are biological functions created by God. Do you want people (men or women) to sit with diapers and do seva of Satguru jee? This is just common sense. Bhul chuk maaf Well, God also came in 10 Male forms and decided issues, concerning women. Bhul chuk maaf
  12. The above clearly shows that Satguru jee wanted us to be broadminded and study other religious scriptures too. Heard in a katha, some people told a kathavachak jee, not to talk about Sri Raam Chandar jee and Sri Krishan jee in katha. What is going on? What is wrong with these people? Dhan Guru Nanak..........tu heen Nirankaar Bhul chuk maaf
  13. What do you mean? It is surprising that all the sects of Khalsa panth, like DDT, nirmalay, nanaksar, rara sahib, nihangs, udhasis, etc, have not come together and formed a SRM. SGPC has control of majority of Gurudwaras in Punjab and the so-called SRM has been enforced there. The closest document to a SRM is the DDT rehat maryada. I guess, we can keep following that, until the panth comes up with a maryada. Maharaja Ranjit Singh jee's time was probably the best time, when a SRM could have been formulated. Bhul chuk maaf
  14. In my humble opinion, all Brahamgyanis possess these visions. Their use is up to their discretion. It is similar to the fact that they possess ridhiyan sidhiyan. Anyways, I think I missed one darishtee - Sam darishtee. Maybe, it is after Bharam darishtee. Bhul chuk maaf
  15. I think, when a person attains one of the above darishtees, he/she is able to look inside the bodies of people. That is why, some Mahapurakhs are able to detect illness of a person, just by looking at the person. There is a girl, who possess x-ray vision too. http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/03/the-girl-with-x-ray-eyes-japanese-scientists-confirmed-2588332.html Bhul chuk maaf
  16. Even non-Sikhs can defend Sikhism. I am a wild dog, who eats from the house of Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev jee Maharaaj. Gurparsaad, I will try to defend Sikhism. In our history, we have had non-Sikh (Sehajdhari - Hindu/Muslim) Shaheeds too. Please start a new topic on Baba Banda Singh jee Bahadur. He did claim himself to be a guru and even had a minor altercation with Srimaan Shaheed Baba Deep Singh jee Maharaaj. Anyways, let's stay on-topic Bhul chuk maaf
  17. This above Gurbani tuk cannot be used to classify Patits (outcasts) as Sikhs. The above tuk applies to Brahamgyanis. Normal humans like me, can understand it a bit, but as long as one does not acquire Braham Darishtee, one will never fully comprehend it. Having said the above, there is no doubt that the jot of Satguru jee, is also present in Patits. Bhul chuk maaf
  18. Provide evidence that Srimaan Yogi Bhajan jee stole moves. Do you know how many people he inspired, to become Sikhs? Bhul chul maaf
  19. Can someone please elaborate more on the different types of Darishtees (might be missing one)? - Charam - Karam - Bharam - Dib - Braham When do x-ray/ultrasound vision come into play? Bhul chuk maaf
  20. Answer the below, instead of diverting to other topics Why call the police - God resides in the robber/assaulter. Let them do whatever, they want in your house. Even if he goes against humanity, still God exists in him. Why not, do his seva? . Bhul chuk maaf That is not the only reason bro. Baba Banda Singh jee Bahadur lost support of many warriors as he started claiming himself to be a guru. Anyways, we are going off-topic. We can discuss this, in a separate thread. Bhul chuk maaf
  21. Quote Call the police... how does that have anything to do with this??? That person is evolved same consciousness level as us, but is obviously more controlled by their ego, and stuck deep within Maya. Jail time, counselling etc would do them good. Unquote Why call the police - God resides in the robber/assaulter. Let them do whatever, they want. Bhul chuk maaf
  22. Circumcision is a must in Islam. I don't think, they will call a non-circumcised person as a Muslim. Similarly, kesh is the root of Sikhi. Bhul chuk maaf
  23. The state of a Gurmukh is very high too. The word Gurmukh has several meanings. It can also mean God. Bhul chuk maaf What will you do if mosquitoes, pests, rodents, etc, start coming to your house? Answer this first. Bhul chuk maaf What will you do, if someone comes to rob your house or comes to assault you? Bhul chuk maaf Bro, please use Gurbani to prove that alcoholics, smokers, meat eaters, drug users, hair cutters, adulterous people, perverts, prostitutes, etc, can be classified as Sikhs. Don't worry about numbers. Do you know, how low Sikh population was in Punjab after Baba Banda jee's shaheedi? Still, we survived and became rulers of the land. Reason - Kirpa of the tenth master. Increasing numbers by deception, is worse than bitter truth. For example, you call a mona, Sikh. Then that same mona studies Skh scriptures and figures out that he cannot be classified as a Sikh. How would he feel? Bhul chul maaf
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