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Everything posted by samurai

  1. Breakie..5 scrambled eggs Luch...2 aloo pranteh with butter and dhey Also had afternoon cha with 2 samoseh, 1 spring role and 4jalebia (my sister brought them over, would have been rude not to eat them..joke..i just couldnt resist).lol Dinner..Veg lasagne.. Gonna have my dodh with honey now and chill... Im defo gonna feel this tomorrow when training...lol
  2. That cracked me up.lol.. But i suppose we should respect those on pure satvic diet too.. Bro, does it seem like you have a ball in our throat, like if you swallow it sort of goes slowly down that area..hows your headaces etc..it could be acid reflux bro.. Agree, suleh look at us as soft touches now and the grooming scene is getting out of hand.. Only now police are somewhat getting involved as white girls from middle class areas are being targeted..
  3. look forward to this.. ill also give my '2 cents' on the veg diet in general....lol
  4. @amardeep..A cheat meal/snack here and there is not so bad..lol Its normal that you get some side effects when you change your diet, headaches or nausea..its normal... I'd say stay away from coffee (unless your a coffee drinker) just ride it our for a couple of days.. also jacket potatoes are good too.. Is that in general or since you started this veg diet?
  5. @amardeep..well done bro..that's great news.. keep at it!!!! Defo balle balle moment..lol Whats your training routine like??
  6. Personally I do not think pat was being defensive at all. I feel pat was living in his 'reality' and talking accordingly,not to say i agree with his ideology. The thing with street parchar is that there is a skill to it and if that is not executed accurately, then you end up looking like someone trying to convert (being forceful). Sulleh (muslims) are renowned for this, but they take it to next level and start lying..lol
  7. session was good, i think i will leave out the cake and custard (it was a craving) but just hydrated myself a little and have settled for boiled milk and honey...in terms of training i'm not where i want to be...but a lot of improvements..im gonna do no training this weekend and start traingn four day next week.so will train mon/tues..rest weds..train thurs/fri... i have left the kettle bells but have invested in a 10kg body weight jacket, this will help in explosiveness..i hope..lol.. I defo feel this even for bani recitation. This early??..lol..cont be, its friday night..lol... joke..take care bro..!!
  8. breakie..cerial, fresh juice.cha(ritual)...luch-basil and tomato pasta and some fruit..dinner-..veg pizza and potato vedges, after training will treat myself to cake and custard..lol @Ragmaala..your second meal is pretty good..its just your pranteh in the morning make me chuckle a little..lol..but like you say you have cut down...so for now, progression not perfection.. good stuff how training coming on?? @dalsingh101.. got to say bro your curly fries look good but i'm not feeling those sausages man..they look spicyish. lol..as i mentioned before i just want to eat bland food as my tastebuds seem to be a bit sensitive.. if you have not already done so, you may want to try apple cider vinegar to help with your acidity.. About to train now.......
  9. i Should be asleep as got to be up early for work but this had me intrigued, as dalsingh says he was impressed by pat..i thought hold on, its normally the sikh man getting his 'balleh balleh' done I think jugraj singh met his match... i actually found jugraj singh patronizing..Its like, the questions he asked pat was a setup, in that a certain answer would be given for him to strike with, 'this is sikhism', that works on the average street man but not everyone..chalo....just my opinion..
  10. oh yeh..forgot to mention..got caught up in the training convo.... This sooo reminds me of being in a dhaba in panjab...the steel plate does it for me..lol
  11. That's motivating man...i'm seeing improvements in terms of training but i do think, "what if i was eating meat"..lol haha..yeh man.. plus its easier to sweat..
  12. bro chol is better then roti..thats good..also snack on almond/sunflower seed (good protein aswell)
  13. @Ragmaala.. i agree with dalsingh, your carb intake is pretty high especially seeing that your routine does not involve cardio of any sort..just a few suggestions.. as your not being consistent, instead of weight training every day..keep weights for mon/weds/fri..and tues and thurs do cardio/abs even something like skipping (5x3mins)...rest on weekends (or hit one or two mucles on a saturday)..its all bout quality not quantity..keep sessions short an sweet.. mon-chest/tris weds-back/biceps fri-legs and shoulder.. also another thing is if you want you can do chest with biceps and do back with tris..as this way you will be working the muscle twice in a week.. This is what i did when i trained last year with cousin.. bro, you really got to tackle those pranteh man..lol..as hard as it may seem. are you still on six meals a day? with training it really is a mental thing. like for me when i train i go hard, especially with diet etc, but when im not training i eat so much crap aswell..lol an put on weight...had it not been for this veg diet i would be in peak now trying other things, but im glad i went on this diet.. bro u can do it, its a mental thing where its tough for about 2 weeks or so after that you will get that 'enjoying' feeling..its all about consistency and when your mind says 'not today' make that a battle where you have to train and win..lol
  14. I'm gonna get a set probably, il see what my cousins got as i might jack his..lol i need to test out at cousins house to see exactly what i need,, but probably 8kg/10/ for upper body and something like 16/20 kg for lunges.. im also considering to get belt where you can hang a weight disk for chin ups (im not sure about this though)...
  15. for me (could be wrong) Sangat is group of people Sat sang/sangat is congregation Sadh sangat is sangat of sadhus (one actually doing sadhana)
  16. Yeh, same old same old.. Monday... cereal and banana in morning..greggs cheese an onion pasties for lunch.. dinner had saag with two roti(not buttered) Tuesday.... cereal and fresh fruit juice i mixed in blender for morning... lunch greggs cheese an onion pasties.. dinner was roti with daal.. weds... cereal in morning with fresh juice again... pasta for lunch.. dinner had egg and chips with spagetti now you prob get it when i said i'm a boring/not so fussy eater..lol training is also going good but i've lost a lot of power..actually that's an exaggeration... about 25-30 percent (but that makes a big difference imo)..As i mentioned earlier im not a keen weight trainer but my cousin advised me to do kettlebell training to tone up and hopefully put a bit of power in me..this seem more me, so ill go argos or check online to buy some.. I actually feel like a khuchee (thats what us uk ppl call gujjratis) sometimes...lol..no offence to anyone just a joke..lol Okay, im putting this vid up but it contains a lot, and i mean alot of swearing and alittle explicit x rated action (just some guy doin an action nothing really jiggy)...so not for the faint hearted.. so watch at your own peril..haha(i bet you're curious now)lol... watch out for the comment in first 20 secs;)..lol..(on serious note if someone is really offended i will delete this part of my post;)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzzOUrhg2Dk
  17. Makes so much sense as a lot of sadhu/sants meditate under a tree...i get it now..lol
  18. @dalsingh.. Will look forward to reading your overall impact review. I was just going to ask, as its only a week left, is this veg diet something you are looking to carry on? Good luck either way!! By the looks of it, it seems like you will only benefit from meat in your training and you will not overload on carbs..
  19. @dalsingh101.. fair play to you mate you did a good deed, and good on you for not reacting to that c**t as hard as it may have been.. I think most people get shaken at some point if they see or hear about death, sometimes its straight away sometimes they react after. For me every time there's been a death in my family after the initial shock/acknowledgement i'm more observant of those around me, like how do they react etc.. My masser passed away when i was young and it was soo scary at the time as i went to the funeral and all that crying etc sh1t me up...After that i would always ask what happens after death and i would get the typical aswer, 'they have gone to god'. But when i looked into death from religious point of view it really is important how you conduct yourself if this lifetime and even if your not a jappy tappy just by doing good deeds goes a long long way. As we all have to answer to dharam raj. My cousins chacha passed away this morning an this guy was a alcoholic who used to beat his wife (third marriage), i was shocked he passed away as hes only like 45, but then i thought the kind of acts hes committed, i cont see him going to god (sachkahnd) or anywhere good.. it does make you think.... I think more then toughening up to death its about acceptance, like its really real. p.s..ive got a blender..need to stock up on fruit. I'm abit lazy then you, as i feel you take pride in cooking etc (good on you).. Il do what i did before ill either have a simple banana mixed with milk or Loads of fruit,2-3 apples,oranges, plums, ginger all randomly mixed then mix with water to thin it.. Also i shouldn't worry to much about tea, prob just wanted to fully detox but i suppose in this day and age you have to be practical and compromise with your worldly commitments..
  20. Im a big dog fan..
  21. Back on the desi cha guys..lol The withdrawals got too bad, yesterday morning was feeling fine but as the day got on, was feeling like sh1t. So had one cup last night and one about hour ago...'Normality' is kicking in again, i think i was going too militant with diet as the veg benefits were great and though i wanna see how it feels to be off tea.. Plus im starting new job tomorrow and cont be experimenting too much and feeling like crap at work..
  22. Yeh that's old news man. i think CCTVs are all well and good but i feel its more important to have pehradaars at gurdwaras. There was an incident in karamsar gurdwara in ilford (east london) where men have come in to steal sangats shoes/trainers.. this has happened on a couple of occasions even though they have cctv. I'm from east london and have heard of many stories where amritdhari singhs have been robbed and their kirpan taken away from them. Its so embarrassing, singhs and singhnia need to not loose their martial mentality. Bhagti comes first but you have to physically train and learn an art...saint/soldier.....
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